Does it seem like more dark immigrant politicians in DC = louder cries for a little more socialism?

Well, you're just too smart for me.

Build a wall! Shoot 'em 'n stuff!
You’re just a brown person… So naturally you believe American citizens owe the people of Mexico something…that’s the real difference. There’s nothing complicated about it.
You're not pissed, you're scared, pussy.
The scared pussies I know can’t admit that a browner America is a dirtier, disgusting less productive America… Why does that scare you so much? Why are you so terrified of the real data pussy?
You’re just a brown person… So naturally you believe American citizens owe the people of Mexico something…that’s the real difference. There’s nothing complicated about it.
Well, half brown. And thanks for proving what I said: My idea for minimizing illegal immigration is just too complicated for you.

You're paranoid and miserable. Too bad.
Well, half brown. And thanks for proving what I said: My idea for minimizing illegal immigration is just too complicated for you.

You're paranoid and miserable. Too bad.
Not too complicated at all…too fucking retarded that’s all.
Trust me Miguel, if my roots were in Mexico I’d see it your way as well.
Trust me Miguel, if my roots were in Mexico I’d see it your way as well.
Oh look, you called him "Miguel"! So clever! Little children on the playground are shaking their heads at how much of a pathetic, juvenile fucking loser you are. Are you going to tell him he has Cooties next, you infantile idiot?
Why would anyone trust you, loser? You're not a man, not an American, and just about as fucking weak and stupid as they come. You are the last person anyone would trust.
Beat it Gustavo….Let the adult Americans engage in public discourse…just watch and learn kid.
Take note though; NONE of your globalist buddies have dared to refute the premise of the thread…why do you think that might be?
There's nothing to tackle. The premise of the thread is: "Hi. I'm a broke loser AND an ignorant racist".
Here I’ll spell it out for all the scared pussies….
”Is a darker America a more taxpayer / government dependent America?”
Try that you nutless wonders. GOOD LUCK!
When America was American, before the 40 million parasites invaded, did real Americans denounce the workings of capitalism?

Your thoughts citygator ?
When America was American, before the 40 million parasites invaded, did real Americans denounce the workings of capitalism?

Your thoughts citygator ?
Inequality started going badly under Reagan. I’m not making this partisan as it’s permeated all administrations since but it isn’t some immigration issue. Any thoughts that actually might be related to the topic?

Inequality started going badly under Reagan. I’m not making this partisan as it’s permeated all administrations since but it isn’t some immigration issue. Any thoughts that actually might be related to the topic?

View attachment 656638
Isn’t it pretty obvious what happened. Tax cuts in 1981 cut the top marginal rate by 20% and loopholes continued to develope so that top earners could get away with paying nothing. The chart you posted corresponds exactly with that tax policy. Right?
Inequality started going badly under Reagan. I’m not making this partisan as it’s permeated all administrations since but it isn’t some immigration issue. Any thoughts that actually might be related to the topic?

View attachment 656638
Hmmm…weird, didn’t Reagan sign the amnesty bill and open the flood gates to the thirdworld parasites?

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