Does Jack Smith Have a Personal Vendetta Against President Trump?

Jack Smith is pretty incognito. There's one stock photo of him, that they use when he makes the news, which isn't very often.

Does he have a vendetta against DJT? I'm trying my best not to hope so.
Clearly you haven't learned quite enough:

what does that have to do with my post?
Haven't you guys realized she doesn't care if Trump broke the Law, Trump Humpers just want him back in power.
Well, Jack Smith had many failures as a prosecutor, with one notable exception.

And President Trump pardoned that exception, former Congressman Rick Renzi.

Smith’s unit did successfully prosecute Renzi, who was convicted in 2013 for extortion, bribery, insurance fraud, money laundering, and racketeering. The DOJ said the evidence at trial showed the congressman “promised in 2005 to use his legislative influence to profit from a federal land exchange that involved property” owned by real estate investor James Sandlin. Renzi was convicted on 17 counts and sentenced to 36 months in prison in 2013.​
Trump pardoned Renzi on his final full day in office, before President Joe Biden’s inauguration, with the former congressman saying he had been “wrongly convicted by a Department of Justice that engaged in witness tampering, illegal wiretapping, and gross prosecutorial misconduct.”

Clearly, not asking Grifty to choose his SP was out of line.
Well, Jack Smith had many failures as a prosecutor, with one notable exception.

And President Trump pardoned that exception, former Congressman Rick Renzi.

Smith’s unit did successfully prosecute Renzi, who was convicted in 2013 for extortion, bribery, insurance fraud, money laundering, and racketeering. The DOJ said the evidence at trial showed the congressman “promised in 2005 to use his legislative influence to profit from a federal land exchange that involved property” owned by real estate investor James Sandlin. Renzi was convicted on 17 counts and sentenced to 36 months in prison in 2013.​
Trump pardoned Renzi on his final full day in office, before President Joe Biden’s inauguration, with the former congressman saying he had been “wrongly convicted by a Department of Justice that engaged in witness tampering, illegal wiretapping, and gross prosecutorial misconduct.”

Almost everyone in the D.C. Swamp has a vendetta against Trump. He interrupted all of those offshore, under-the-table deals. He exposed the D.C. corruption. RINOs and Dems had a good thing going. They were all getting rich through bribes and lobbyists, and Trump threw a wrench in the works.
Almost everyone in the D.C. Swamp has a vendetta against Trump. He interrupted all of those offshore, under-the-table deals. He exposed the D.C. corruption. RINOs and Dems had a good thing going. They were all getting rich through bribes and lobbyists, and Trump threw a wrench in the works.
This is complete fiction.

Utter nonsense.

Masturbatory fantasy.

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