Does Jason Chaffetz use a private server?

Hillary was wrong, yes.

Jason was wrong, yes, as was Trey, and they are both hypocrites, yes.

We can't have Hillary or Donnie as president. Trey and Jason should be returned to private life.

Vote Gary Johnson.

Jesus Christ guy. He has that GMail address so his CONSTITUENTS can reach him.

Tell me that you're not that dense.

No he's not but you are.

I'm the constituent of 3 politicians in DC, as is everyone else. I write to them and call them. I have their email addresses in my address book.

The two in the senate have addresses that end with:
The one in the house has an address that ends with:

Notice that's not

Those are the email addresses that constituents have to contact their representatives in DC.

The gmail accounts aren't for constituents or at least normal constituents. That email address is for those who "contribute" to their campaigns and other "business."

Ok, still, who gives a shit? Prove to me that he is using Gmail for classified material. Prove it, as was proven with that bitch.

That's all you have to do. I'll be anxiously awaiting your results.

That's the whole premise of this thread.

To find out if he did.

No one knows and won't know until it's investigated.

I never said he did. I simply destroyed the excuse you gave for him having that email address.

By the way, you don't have to be so rude. Do you kiss your children and spouse with that filthy mouth of yours? I so they need to get some disinfectant.
Hillary was wrong, yes.

Jason was wrong, yes, as was Trey, and they are both hypocrites, yes.

We can't have Hillary or Donnie as president. Trey and Jason should be returned to private life.

Vote Gary Johnson.

Jesus Christ guy. He has that GMail address so his CONSTITUENTS can reach him.

Tell me that you're not that dense.

No he's not but you are.

I'm the constituent of 3 politicians in DC, as is everyone else. I write to them and call them. I have their email addresses in my address book.

The two in the senate have addresses that end with:
The one in the house has an address that ends with:

Notice that's not

Those are the email addresses that constituents have to contact their representatives in DC.

The gmail accounts aren't for constituents or at least normal constituents. That email address is for those who "contribute" to their campaigns and other "business."

Ok, still, who gives a shit? Prove to me that he is using Gmail for classified material. Prove it, as was proven with that bitch.

That's all you have to do. I'll be anxiously awaiting your results.
He is going to have the chance beginning next week and on into fall to show that his email is secure.
Hillary was wrong, yes.

Jason was wrong, yes, as was Trey, and they are both hypocrites, yes.

We can't have Hillary or Donnie as president. Trey and Jason should be returned to private life.

Vote Gary Johnson.

Jesus Christ guy. He has that GMail address so his CONSTITUENTS can reach him.

Tell me that you're not that dense.
It's a private server, and how do you know he was not discussing classified information.

Jason, who has surprised many who know him, did a decent job this term as Chair.

However, instead of concentrating on Hillary, he picked a fight with Comney who beat Jason up.

Ok. Using YOUR logic, how the hell do you know he IS discussing classified Intel? How do you know that the other 534 members of Congress (who also have private Emails for their constituents) are not discussing classified Intel?

Stop being such an idiot.
Don't be such an idiot. We need an investigation of Chaffetz and Gowdy.
You become more of a fucking idiot with each passing day. Take your .25 cent allowance And call someone who gives a shit about your nonsense.
The investigations will begin next week.

The far right is simply too stupid to govern this country.
The far right always cry when they have to play by the rules as everyone else.

The dems are going to win the WH and probably the Senate because of the incredible buffoonery of Trump and the far right.
Since we're constantly being told by the RWnuts that the private sector can do anything better than the government can,

wouldn't that make private servers more secure?

Since we're constantly being told by the RWnuts that the private sector can do anything better than the government can,

wouldn't that make private servers more secure?


Only a government official (like yourself - that's right, I'm on to you) would EVER be STUPID enough to believe that government could EVER do ANYTHING better than the private sector.

Nice try CIA. But your shit ain't flying here.
Hillary was wrong, yes.

Jason was wrong, yes, as was Trey, and they are both hypocrites, yes.

We can't have Hillary or Donnie as president. Trey and Jason should be returned to private life.

Vote Gary Johnson.

Jesus Christ guy. He has that GMail address so his CONSTITUENTS can reach him.

Tell me that you're not that dense.

No he's not but you are.

I'm the constituent of 3 politicians in DC, as is everyone else. I write to them and call them. I have their email addresses in my address book.

The two in the senate have addresses that end with:
The one in the house has an address that ends with:

Notice that's not

Those are the email addresses that constituents have to contact their representatives in DC.

The gmail accounts aren't for constituents or at least normal constituents. That email address is for those who "contribute" to their campaigns and other "business."

Ok, still, who gives a shit? Prove to me that he is using Gmail for classified material. Prove it, as was proven with that bitch.

That's all you have to do. I'll be anxiously awaiting your results.

That's the whole premise of this thread.

To find out if he did.

No one knows and won't know until it's investigated.

I never said he did. I simply destroyed the excuse you gave for him having that email address.

By the way, you don't have to be so rude. Do you kiss your children and spouse with that filthy mouth of yours? I so they need to get some disinfectant.

Sonny, you gonna be around here long - you had better get used to being called a fucking idiot. You already shown yourself.
Hillary was wrong, yes.

Jason was wrong, yes, as was Trey, and they are both hypocrites, yes.

We can't have Hillary or Donnie as president. Trey and Jason should be returned to private life.

Vote Gary Johnson.

Jesus Christ guy. He has that GMail address so his CONSTITUENTS can reach him.

Tell me that you're not that dense.

No he's not but you are.

I'm the constituent of 3 politicians in DC, as is everyone else. I write to them and call them. I have their email addresses in my address book.

The two in the senate have addresses that end with:
The one in the house has an address that ends with:

Notice that's not

Those are the email addresses that constituents have to contact their representatives in DC.

The gmail accounts aren't for constituents or at least normal constituents. That email address is for those who "contribute" to their campaigns and other "business."

Ok, still, who gives a shit? Prove to me that he is using Gmail for classified material. Prove it, as was proven with that bitch.

That's all you have to do. I'll be anxiously awaiting your results.

That's the whole premise of this thread.

To find out if he did.

No one knows and won't know until it's investigated.

I never said he did. I simply destroyed the excuse you gave for him having that email address.

By the way, you don't have to be so rude. Do you kiss your children and spouse with that filthy mouth of yours? I so they need to get some disinfectant.

Sonny, you gonna be around here long - you had better get used to being called a fucking idiot. You already shown yourself.
Noob, you are a fucking idiot. If you are gonna stick around long . . . see how the works.

The OP stands firm.
Hillary was wrong, yes.

Jason was wrong, yes, as was Trey, and they are both hypocrites, yes.

We can't have Hillary or Donnie as president. Trey and Jason should be returned to private life.

Vote Gary Johnson.

Jesus Christ guy. He has that GMail address so his CONSTITUENTS can reach him.

Tell me that you're not that dense.

No he's not but you are.

I'm the constituent of 3 politicians in DC, as is everyone else. I write to them and call them. I have their email addresses in my address book.

The two in the senate have addresses that end with:
The one in the house has an address that ends with:

Notice that's not

Those are the email addresses that constituents have to contact their representatives in DC.

The gmail accounts aren't for constituents or at least normal constituents. That email address is for those who "contribute" to their campaigns and other "business."

Ok, still, who gives a shit? Prove to me that he is using Gmail for classified material. Prove it, as was proven with that bitch.

That's all you have to do. I'll be anxiously awaiting your results.

That's the whole premise of this thread.

To find out if he did.

No one knows and won't know until it's investigated.

I never said he did. I simply destroyed the excuse you gave for him having that email address.

By the way, you don't have to be so rude. Do you kiss your children and spouse with that filthy mouth of yours? I so they need to get some disinfectant.

Sonny, you gonna be around here long - you had better get used to being called a fucking idiot. You already shown yourself.

First of all, I'm not male so using the word sonny is wrong.

I won't use such vulgar language as you, I'm properly educated so I have a proper & mature vocabulary & don't need to lower myself to your childish & lower level. You might want to do the same, so people won't get the impression that your own accusation of idiocy is just projection on your part.

Also, if you look at the date of when I signed up on this board you will see that I've been a member here for a couple years. I, unlike you & others, actually have a life & don't spend all my time on this message board. Which is why you don't see many posts from me & I haven't posted many thousands of times, unlike you & others.

I'll be around but as usual will scroll right by yours & most other conservatives posts. I only replied to yours because I saw it reposted in someone else's post & couldn't help but tell the truth to your lies about politician email address for constituents.

You can reply to this all you want, be just as ignorant & vulgar as you want. I won't read or reply to it.

You just aren't worth my time.
Hillary was wrong, yes.

Jason was wrong, yes, as was Trey, and they are both hypocrites, yes.

We can't have Hillary or Donnie as president. Trey and Jason should be returned to private life.

Vote Gary Johnson.

Jesus Christ guy. He has that GMail address so his CONSTITUENTS can reach him.

Tell me that you're not that dense.
It's a private server, and how do you know he was not discussing classified information.

Jason, who has surprised many who know him, did a decent job this term as Chair.

However, instead of concentrating on Hillary, he picked a fight with Comney who beat Jason up.

Ok. Using YOUR logic, how the hell do you know he IS discussing classified Intel? How do you know that the other 534 members of Congress (who also have private Emails for their constituents) are not discussing classified Intel?

Stop being such an idiot.
Don't be such an idiot. We need an investigation of Chaffetz and Gowdy.

You become more of a fucking idiot with each passing day. Take your .25 cent allowance And call someone who gives a shit about your nonsense.

Jake is worried Republican turnout will swamp the Dem Vote Fraud efforts
First of all, I'm not male so using the word sonny is wrong.

I won't use such vulgar language as you, I'm properly educated so I have a proper & mature vocabulary & don't need to lower myself to your childish & lower level. You might want to do the same, so people won't get the impression that your own accusation of idiocy is just projection on your part.

Also, if you look at the date of when I signed up on this board you will see that I've been a member here for a couple years. I, unlike you & others, actually have a life & don't spend all my time on this message board. Which is why you don't see many posts from me & I haven't posted many thousands of times, unlike you & others.

I'll be around but as usual will scroll right by yours & most other conservatives posts. I only replied to yours because I saw it reposted in someone else's post & couldn't help but tell the truth to your lies about politician email address for constituents.

You can reply to this all you want, be just as ignorant & vulgar as you want. I won't read or reply to it.

You just aren't worth my time.
This is not a safe-space site little snowflake.
Jesus Christ guy. He has that GMail address so his CONSTITUENTS can reach him.

Tell me that you're not that dense.

No he's not but you are.

I'm the constituent of 3 politicians in DC, as is everyone else. I write to them and call them. I have their email addresses in my address book.

The two in the senate have addresses that end with:
The one in the house has an address that ends with:

Notice that's not

Those are the email addresses that constituents have to contact their representatives in DC.

The gmail accounts aren't for constituents or at least normal constituents. That email address is for those who "contribute" to their campaigns and other "business."

Ok, still, who gives a shit? Prove to me that he is using Gmail for classified material. Prove it, as was proven with that bitch.

That's all you have to do. I'll be anxiously awaiting your results.

That's the whole premise of this thread.

To find out if he did.

No one knows and won't know until it's investigated.

I never said he did. I simply destroyed the excuse you gave for him having that email address.

By the way, you don't have to be so rude. Do you kiss your children and spouse with that filthy mouth of yours? I so they need to get some disinfectant.

Sonny, you gonna be around here long - you had better get used to being called a fucking idiot. You already shown yourself.
Noob, you are a fucking idiot. If you are gonna stick around long . . . see how the works.

The OP stands firm.

Jake, this is why I coined the phrase "jake the fake." You and the rest of the democrat operatives are trying your best to save the damning indictment, of words, handed down by Comey. I don't blame you. You are invested in Mrs. Tuzla for some unknown reason but never the less she is your canidate and you will sink or swim with her.

But what Comey pointed out is that it isn't that she owned a server like you are implying. Many people have private servers. It isn't that her server, even though very vulnerable, was hacked or not.

The whole issue is what she did with the unauthorized server she had. She lied about it, to that there is absolutely no doubt. She made SAP secrets vulnerable to foreign interests. The FBI didn't investigate her because she is the only one with a server. They didn't investigate her because the Republicans asked them too. Comey told you why, an intelligence agency sent them a refferal. The intelligence community knew she was up to no good, intentionally or not.

She tried to hide information, from foreign nationals? NO. She tried to hide information from YOU jake. She wanted not part of FOIA requests so she illegally deleted her emails.

Comey is a hero for standing up against the Clinton crime machine in the only way he could. Now you folks are calling him a liar, typical.
Jesus Christ guy. He has that GMail address so his CONSTITUENTS can reach him.

Tell me that you're not that dense.
It's a private server, and how do you know he was not discussing classified information.

Jason, who has surprised many who know him, did a decent job this term as Chair.

However, instead of concentrating on Hillary, he picked a fight with Comney who beat Jason up.

Ok. Using YOUR logic, how the hell do you know he IS discussing classified Intel? How do you know that the other 534 members of Congress (who also have private Emails for their constituents) are not discussing classified Intel?

Stop being such an idiot.
Don't be such an idiot. We need an investigation of Chaffetz and Gowdy.

You become more of a fucking idiot with each passing day. Take your .25 cent allowance And call someone who gives a shit about your nonsense.

Jake is worried Republican turnout will swamp the Dem Vote Fraud efforts
Randall and Frank can see the Clinton sweep coming. I warned the pricks to think with their big heads instead, but they both have hard ons for Donnie.

To the OP: tomorrow the FBI begins looking at Chaffetz and Gowdy and some others, I understand.
It's a private server, and how do you know he was not discussing classified information.

Jason, who has surprised many who know him, did a decent job this term as Chair.

However, instead of concentrating on Hillary, he picked a fight with Comney who beat Jason up.

Ok. Using YOUR logic, how the hell do you know he IS discussing classified Intel? How do you know that the other 534 members of Congress (who also have private Emails for their constituents) are not discussing classified Intel?

Stop being such an idiot.
Don't be such an idiot. We need an investigation of Chaffetz and Gowdy.

You become more of a fucking idiot with each passing day. Take your .25 cent allowance And call someone who gives a shit about your nonsense.

Jake is worried Republican turnout will swamp the Dem Vote Fraud efforts
Randall and Frank can see the Clinton sweep coming. I warned the pricks to think with their big heads instead, but they both have hard ons for Donnie.

To the OP: tomorrow the FBI begins looking at Chaffetz and Gowdy and some others, I understand.
It's disgusting, really disgusting, that the Beast gives you a hard on.

It's bestial in fact.
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