Does Maxine have the video,

Auld Phart

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 3, 2013
perhaps stills from the event?

Donald Trump-Russia dossier: Sex act claims are 'absolutely true', claims Democrat congresswoman

"A senior Democratic politician has claimed that the salacious sex acts alleged in the unverified “Russian blackmail dossier” against President Donald Trump are “absolutely true”.

Congresswoman Maxine Waters is the first US politician to say on the record that the document, which alleges the Russian state has compromising sexual and financial information on the President, is genuine."

Read the article she admits she is lying but stating she has no actual evidence to back her claim.
Liberals have a hard time telling the difference between how they want things to be and reality.
Maxine waters knows she can say whatever lies she pleases to say and she'll still aways get reelected
She belongs at a table, playing cards and gossiping. Every time she opens her mouth it is a train wreck.

Well, and paying her daughter $70,000 for working on her campaign.

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