Does Obama even know the definition of compromise? Hint: it's not vetoing everything!


Silver Member
Jul 8, 2009

seriously...democrats stop being assholes.
Papa Obama is hurting the US with his petty political goals

Perhaps if he would stop worrying about the next election for himself
the real adults could get some work done for the American people
He is using the new definition of compromise...

com·pro·mise/ˈkɒmprəˌmaɪz[kom-pruh-mahyz] , verb, -mised, -mis·ing.noun

1. a settlement of differences by agreeing to a singular concession; an agreement reached by one argument removing their conflicting or opposing claims, principles, etc. and accepting the other without reservations or demands.
2. to offer an opposing view the opportunity to conform to a single opinion by a process of eliminating theirs.

with Papa Obama's new lows in the polls
it may be time to bring out the children again to save us

The one is with us

[ame=]‪Obama Kids Music Video : Cute or Creepy ?‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Self-appointed emperors do not know or care about the meaning of compromise. They just need the rhetoric to try and fool what is left of their base and the uninformed at large.
Self-appointed emperors do not know or care about the meaning of compromise. They just need the rhetoric to try and fool what is left of their base and the uninformed at large.

Did I miss something beautiful? I thought Obama was elected. :lol:

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