Does The Board Admin Have a Plan For In Case of Catastrophic Failure?


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
The "what it" subject of "what would happen if the board were to just one day disappear" has come up, so just wanted to put that out there for the board admins that actually own the board to answer... :eusa_eh:
Everything is backed up so no worries. Let me elaborate:

Let's say a hacker gained HT Access and totally wiped out all the posts, user database and whatever chaos they could create.

The site may go down for a few hours but once we commandeer control once again we can put the site back up to the same state it was 5-6 hours prior. Now lets say for whatever reason that back-up was corrupt we could then reset back to the way things were 24 hours prior.

Worst case scenario the site gets restored to it's state 24 hours prior, best case it gets reset to it's state 5-6 hours prior
Everything is backed up so no worries. Let me elaborate:

Let's say a hacker gained HT Access and totally wiped out all the posts, user database and whatever chaos they could create.

The site may go down for a few hours but once we commandeer control once again we can put the site back up to the same state it was 5-6 hours prior. Now lets say for whatever reason that back-up was corrupt we could then reset back to the way things were 24 hours prior.

Worst case scenario the site gets restored to it's state 24 hours prior, best case it gets reset to it's state 5-6 hours prior
yeah, but what about My DB backdoor...that was backed up along with everything else...


Okay...It wasn't a DB backdoor......MySQL is pretty secure...
We were just having a discussion about this in the Coffee Shop--what would happen if USMB suddenly disappeared off the face of the Earth? How would we find each other to herd us to a new board which of course would be quite inferior to this one, but at least we could stay in touch?

If you and/or whatever powers that be do decide to close up shop, CK, would you give us warning?
We were just having a discussion about this in the Coffee Shop--what would happen if USMB suddenly disappeared off the face of the Earth? How would we find each other to herd us to a new board which of course would be quite inferior to this one, but at least we could stay in touch?

We were just having a discussion about this in the Coffee Shop--what would happen if USMB suddenly disappeared off the face of the Earth? How would we find each other to herd us to a new board which of course would be quite inferior to this one, but at least we could stay in touch?

If you and/or whatever powers that be do decide to close up shop, CK, would you give us warning?

I'm sure they have a current list of the emails of all the registered members backed up. They'd just send us an email saying, "We're tired of your sorry selves. We are shutting down. Find someone else to referee your weak arguments."

We were just having a discussion about this in the Coffee Shop--what would happen if USMB suddenly disappeared off the face of the Earth? How would we find each other to herd us to a new board which of course would be quite inferior to this one, but at least we could stay in touch?

If you and/or whatever powers that be do decide to close up shop, CK, would you give us warning?

Cockroaches and USMB will live forever
We were just having a discussion about this in the Coffee Shop--what would happen if USMB suddenly disappeared off the face of the Earth? How would we find each other to herd us to a new board which of course would be quite inferior to this one, but at least we could stay in touch?

If you and/or whatever powers that be do decide to close up shop, CK, would you give us warning?

I'm sure they have a current list of the emails of all the registered members backed up. They'd just send us an email saying, "We're tired of your sorry selves. We are shutting down. Find someone else to referee your weak arguments."


Naw, I won't believe this, though I can imagine they sometimes feel like that. :)

I just want to know that we'll have a heads up before it would happen if it ever does. I learned long ago that nothing on Earth is forever or not subject to change. There is likely to be a day that we can't even find "I Love Lucy" anywhere on television.
We were just having a discussion about this in the Coffee Shop--what would happen if USMB suddenly disappeared off the face of the Earth? How would we find each other to herd us to a new board which of course would be quite inferior to this one, but at least we could stay in touch?

If you and/or whatever powers that be do decide to close up shop, CK, would you give us warning?
[MENTION=6847]Foxfyre[/MENTION] We love this site.......we're not going anywhere unless the internet destroys itself :lol:

This is actually the first site FF acquired so it has that added specialness to it, not to mention because of you all it is by far the best Political Forum on the internet :) It really is, we be numero uno. People want to buy us out all the time...."not interested, but thank you" :)

Now I do realize some people would love to see me go :lol: Well.........too bad!! You'll have to deal with me for a lonnnnggg time!! :lol: :lol:
nothing is more expensive than 'board' wars.....i still miss excite....but hacking shut it down completely but boards have evolved since then
We were just having a discussion about this in the Coffee Shop--what would happen if USMB suddenly disappeared off the face of the Earth? How would we find each other to herd us to a new board which of course would be quite inferior to this one, but at least we could stay in touch?

If you and/or whatever powers that be do decide to close up shop, CK, would you give us warning?
[MENTION=6847]Foxfyre[/MENTION] We love this site.......we're not going anywhere unless the internet destroys itself :lol:

This is actually the first site FF acquired so it has that added specialness to it, not to mention because of you all it is by far the best Political Forum on the internet :) It really is, we be numero uno. People want to buy us out all the time...."not interested, but thank you" :)

Now I do realize some people would love to see me go :lol: Well.........too bad!! You'll have to deal with me for a lonnnnggg time!! :lol: :lol:

Thanks. I might have appeared to be sucking up, but I really did mean it. I really did. :)

(I really do want world peace too.)
We were just having a discussion about this in the Coffee Shop--what would happen if USMB suddenly disappeared off the face of the Earth? How would we find each other to herd us to a new board which of course would be quite inferior to this one, but at least we could stay in touch?

If you and/or whatever powers that be do decide to close up shop, CK, would you give us warning?
[MENTION=6847]Foxfyre[/MENTION] We love this site.......we're not going anywhere unless the internet destroys itself :lol:

This is actually the first site FF acquired so it has that added specialness to it, not to mention because of you all it is by far the best Political Forum on the internet :) It really is, we be numero uno. People want to buy us out all the time...."not interested, but thank you" :)

Now I do realize some people would love to see me go :lol: Well.........too bad!! You'll have to deal with me for a lonnnnggg time!! :lol: :lol:
And to think, I had the chance years ago to buy this board from the original owner for $500 and passed it up.

Now I'm just one of the long list of people who have offered to buy the place only to be told "not interested, but thank you." They do at least get that "thank you" in there... :lol:

Well good, seems as though we have nothing to worry about as far as the board just disappearing one day... cool.
The "what it" subject of "what would happen if the board were to just one day disappear" has come up, so just wanted to put that out there for the board admins that actually own the board to answer... :eusa_eh:

Most assum ethat that can't happen, yet I know of a discussions ite for a game mod (Media XL for Diablo 2) that had its host crash with no backups loosing the years of posts. Sometimes sites have mirror version which act as backups, but sometimes they don't. A regular backup of everything should be simple enough. Save only text and it can be 'zipped' and comrpessed quite well so as not to take up an equal amount of space as the site when running. If the worst happens, restore to last point saved like. Can save the entire webpage with Firefox for offline viewing so presumedly saving an entire site uses existing capabilities.
We have an excellent plan in place.

In case of emergency your keyboard can function as a flotation device.

Oxygen masks are located in your computer's cd drive.

Exit's are clearly marked in red with "alt-ctrl-esc".

And there are enough cheeto crumbs stuck in your keyboard to feed you for a week :)
Dudes and Dudettes, I like you all (well, most of you), but this is the INTERWEEBS. If USMB goes the way of Mark Twain, then we will allways have epic threads to hold in our hearts as memories.

I can see the squawking in 10 years from now:

"No, bitch, when USMB died, I had 13,700 rep"

"Fuck no, you bitch, you didn't have a rep over 9,000. You lie like a rug"

(Oh my, that sounds a little like USMB right now....)
We were just having a discussion about this in the Coffee Shop--what would happen if USMB suddenly disappeared off the face of the Earth? How would we find each other to herd us to a new board which of course would be quite inferior to this one, but at least we could stay in touch?

If you and/or whatever powers that be do decide to close up shop, CK, would you give us warning?
[MENTION=6847]Foxfyre[/MENTION] We love this site.......we're not going anywhere unless the internet destroys itself :lol:

This is actually the first site FF acquired so it has that added specialness to it, not to mention because of you all it is by far the best Political Forum on the internet :) It really is, we be numero uno. People want to buy us out all the time...."not interested, but thank you" :)

Now I do realize some people would love to see me go :lol: Well.........too bad!! You'll have to deal with me for a lonnnnggg time!! :lol: :lol:

That is a cross I can bear.

And I'm a jew.

Everything is backed up so no worries. Let me elaborate:

Let's say a hacker gained HT Access and totally wiped out all the posts, user database and whatever chaos they could create.

The site may go down for a few hours but once we commandeer control once again we can put the site back up to the same state it was 5-6 hours prior. Now lets say for whatever reason that back-up was corrupt we could then reset back to the way things were 24 hours prior.

Worst case scenario the site gets restored to it's state 24 hours prior, best case it gets reset to it's state 5-6 hours prior

Damn, but what about all the rep we got within those 5/6 hours......

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