Does the political definition of a "Teabagger" have to do with the sexual definition?

FYI: The economy started tanking late '06, heavily by mid '07.

I remember it clearly.

People were hurting.

FOX was ignoring.
Does the political definition of a "Tea Bagger" have to do with the sexual definition?

Here are some definitions from Google.

Tea Party protests - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

10 Lessons for Tea Baggers | Crooks and Liars

the New American Tea Bag Party: Tax Protest for Busy People

Andy Borowitz: Teabaggers Finally Google 'Teabag'

When I use the phrase "Tea Bagger," I do not mean an insult with the sexual definition, I am referring to the political definition. My words are and have been political banter, not a personal, disgusting sexual insult.

I doubt the intent matters much anymore. I think they've mostly become immune to perceived insults, and some even gain more strength and determination.

I have been having private communication with a USMB member who is very upset with the phrase "Tea Bagger," and takes it from the sexual definition as a grave insult. I can see his point. This is why this thread to hopefully remove the sexual insult, and make it clear that my statements about Tea Baggers is purely political disagreement. Based on the links provided the term "Tea Bagger" is in mainstream term used by the media. To my knowledge no other name has been provided by this political group to describe themselves.

Then why are they bothering having any communication with you? If you consider that term to be a political definition, you're in over your head.

It is an epithet applied by one group to its political enemies, and if it did not have a correlative sexual meaning, it would have not have sufficient bite (ahem) as an insult to that group.
No one is insulted - after all, the Tea Partiers did coin the term themselves.

Thank you. It is really just that simple, Tea Partiers/Baggers should fire their advertising agency!

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Then why are they bothering having any communication with you? If you consider that term to be a political definition, you're in over your head.

It is an epithet applied by one group to its political enemies, and if it did not have a correlative sexual meaning, it would have not have sufficient bite (ahem) as an insult to that group.

Cow Manure.
Then why are they bothering having any communication with you? If you consider that term to be a political definition, you're in over your head.

It is an epithet applied by one group to its political enemies, and if it did not have a correlative sexual meaning, it would have not have sufficient bite (ahem) as an insult to that group.

"Political enemies"?

Oh for fuck's sake. You make it sound like the term "teabagger" is a form of McCarthyism and/or facisitic oppression as opposed to poking fun at people's political beliefs. Other people have equated it to racial epithets and bigoted slurs. Get a frigging grip already.

As I said earlier, it's hard to take you guys seriously after your guffaws over 15 years of patented Limbaugh "satire", from "Feminazis" to making fun of people with Parkinson's to Palin backing off of her "no retards" campaign after Limbaugh used the word publically; no matter how benign or malignant the words coming out of that guys mouth, the right has generally defended it as "political humor" or "satire".

I'd be inclined to agree. It wasn't all in good taste, but humor rarely is and humor is a damn far cry from political persecution and you know it.

Once again, your sides inability to tolerate any sort of mockery only means that you guys have the problem. Not us. Perhaps you all should come up with something of substance as opposed to going into a hypersensitivity reaction over the fact that, in political discourse, you are going to be poked and ridiculed by those that disagree with you. Or maybe the right is so used to mocking that they don't know what it's like when the shoe is on the other foot. Either way, it's your problem.

For the record, I don't consider teabaggers to be my "enemy", just useful pawns for the corporate interests they are inadvertently helping. Dick Armey doesn't work for free, but you people sure as hell do.

Silly teabaggers.
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Actually, the more the Obamabots call them names, the more people realize that these guys aren't capable of countering the movement... I mean really, what's the argument? High taxes and $1.5 Trillion annual deficts make sense? That the government involvement in anything will make it cheaper? That turning 1/6 of the U.S. eonomy upside down to benefit 1.3% of the population ads up? That bailouts make sense? That government programs are more efficient than free-markets?

So... let's just call them "teabaggers" Kinda like a five year-old yelling "you're stupid".
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Actually, the more the Obamabots call them names,

"Obamabot", now you see; that's a good example of a name tossed around by the right that the left and people like me, that supported Obama, that doesn't send us into conniption fits. Nor do we say "Waaahhhh! I refuse to converse with you when you use such a term! Waaahhhhh!"


the more people realize that these guys aren't capable of countering the movement... I mean really, what's the argument? High taxes and $1.5 Trillion annual deficts make sense? That the government involvement in anything will make it cheaper? That turning 1/6 of the U.S. eonomy upside down to benefit 1.3% of the population ads up? That bailouts make sense? That government programs are more efficient than free-markets?

Countering what exactly? The teabaggers pride themselves on being completely decentralized. No one knows exactly what they stand for. The second someone tries to assume leadership, they are smacked down. Other than that, the complaints are the same vague complaints that people have been talking about for years (without the pitchforks).

There is no specific platform from the teabaggers to debate.

So... let's just call them "teabaggers" Kinda like a five year-old yelling "you're stupid".

Yeah, it's immature. Most political discourse in this country is.
I have been having private communication with a USMB member who is very upset with the phrase "Tea Bagger," and takes it from the sexual definition as a grave insult. I can see his point. This is why this thread to hopefully remove the sexual insult, and make it clear that my statements about Tea Baggers is purely political disagreement. Based on the links provided the term "Tea Bagger" is in mainstream term used by the media. To my knowledge no other name has been provided by this political group to describe themselves.

Why not try "Partier" rather than "Bagger", then?

It just seems that if a word is taken as an insult, and you're not trying to insult someone, you should just use one that is less offensive.

Because, invariably, when you use the word 'teabagger' someone is going to turn it around on you and accuse you of being insulting rather than addressing your point.

(I think I just sounded like Miss Manners) :lol:
I have been having private communication with a USMB member who is very upset with the phrase "Tea Bagger," and takes it from the sexual definition as a grave insult. I can see his point. This is why this thread to hopefully remove the sexual insult, and make it clear that my statements about Tea Baggers is purely political disagreement. Based on the links provided the term "Tea Bagger" is in mainstream term used by the media. To my knowledge no other name has been provided by this political group to describe themselves.

Why not try "Partier" rather than "Bagger", then?

It just seems that if a word is taken as an insult, and you're not trying to insult someone, you should just use one that is less offensive.

Because, invariably, when you use the word 'teabagger' someone is going to turn it around on you and accuse you of being insulting rather than addressing your point.

(I think I just sounded like Miss Manners) :lol:

:eusa_shhh: Common sense solutions often don't go over well with some.
Actually, the more the Obamabots call them names, the more people realize that these guys aren't capable of countering the movement... I mean really, what's the argument? High taxes and $1.5 Trillion annual deficts make sense? That the government involvement in anything will make it cheaper? That turning 1/6 of the U.S. eonomy upside down to benefit 1.3% of the population ads up? That bailouts make sense? That government programs are more efficient than free-markets?

So... let's just call them "teabaggers" Kinda like a five year-old yelling "you're stupid".

To begin with, if the shoe fits...... I am coming to the conclusion that "Tea Baggers/Partiers are stirring up this sexual insult bit as a way to promote sympathy for themselves.

Facts are Tea Baggers threatened the life of CNN's Anderson Cooper, and Tea Baggers themselves were the first to wear the Tea Bag hats. The term is now main stream media. If Tea Baggers keep the conversation on the words "Tea Bagger," they don't have to talk about the issues. Tea Baggers are merely racist sore losers who boarder on terrorism. I guess I am one of those who has heard enough about the subject of Tea Bagging, but will not let them prevail in these threads.

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Actually, the more the Obamabots call them names, the more people realize that these guys aren't capable of countering the movement... I mean really, what's the argument? High taxes and $1.5 Trillion annual deficts make sense? That the government involvement in anything will make it cheaper? That turning 1/6 of the U.S. eonomy upside down to benefit 1.3% of the population ads up? That bailouts make sense? That government programs are more efficient than free-markets?

So... let's just call them "teabaggers" Kinda like a five year-old yelling "you're stupid".

To begin with, if the shoe fits...... I am coming to the conclusion that "Tea Baggers/Partiers are stirring up this sexual insult bit as a way to promote sympathy for themselves.

Facts are Tea Baggers threatened the life of CNN's Anderson Cooper, and Tea Baggers themselves were the first to wear the Tea Bag hats. The term is now main stream media. If Tea Baggers keep the conversation on the words "Tea Bagger," they don't have to talk about the issues. Tea Baggers are merely racist sore losers who boarder on terrorism. I guess I am one of those who has heard enough about the subject of Tea Bagging, but will not let them prevail in these threads.

And here I thought you may have been legitimately concerned about insulting someone unintentionally

My bad.....
Actually, the more the Obamabots call them names, the more people realize that these guys aren't capable of countering the movement... I mean really, what's the argument? High taxes and $1.5 Trillion annual deficts make sense? That the government involvement in anything will make it cheaper? That turning 1/6 of the U.S. eonomy upside down to benefit 1.3% of the population ads up? That bailouts make sense? That government programs are more efficient than free-markets?

So... let's just call them "teabaggers" Kinda like a five year-old yelling "you're stupid".

To begin with, if the shoe fits...... I am coming to the conclusion that "Tea Baggers/Partiers are stirring up this sexual insult bit as a way to promote sympathy for themselves.

Facts are Tea Baggers threatened the life of CNN's Anderson Cooper, and Tea Baggers themselves were the first to wear the Tea Bag hats. The term is now main stream media. If Tea Baggers keep the conversation on the words "Tea Bagger," they don't have to talk about the issues. Tea Baggers are merely racist sore losers who boarder on terrorism. I guess I am one of those who has heard enough about the subject of Tea Bagging, but will not let them prevail in these threads.

And here I thought you may have been legitimately concerned about insulting someone unintentionally

My bad.....

What would be insulting would be for me to hire an actor, dress him up in a Tea Bag hat like this, and pass it off as a Tea Bagger. This is a photograph taken in public of a Tea Bagger who obviously went out of his way to look like this. Google image for Tea Bagger hats, there has a multitude of these images.

My point should be obvious this individual Tea Bagger is sporting the latest colors of a group of racial sore losers. This has nothing to do with the negative sexual definition of Tea Baggers. Stop blowing smoke. Show us some leadership, and consistency on the issues. Tea Bagers are not as cute as they look, there is already evidence of their being potential terrorists after the threat they made to CNN's Anderson Cooper.
Based on the links provided the term "Tea Bagger" is in mainstream term used by the media. To my knowledge no other name has been provided by this political group to describe themselves.
You're retarded, aren't you?

I was not raised on a farm, but I know cow manure when I read it.


Now here is something new, Tea Baggers talking Tea Bags about Obama. What are you Tea Baggers tripping on! Come on! If Tea Baggers can't laugh at this you are missing half the fun! Let your sense of humor go, don't take this so seriously. Sometime if possible, I would like you to see what people who know me, are saying about Tea Bagger comments on me! You've hit the nail on the head a few times! Yep, the politics are serious, but all this hoopla is just part of USMB experience!
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It must take manure to recognize manure.
Based on the links provided the term "Tea Bagger" is in mainstream term used by the media. To my knowledge no other name has been provided by this political group to describe themselves.
You're retarded, aren't you?

He's a textbook "Fucking retard"

Bear in mind the OP is a self described "Independent" who is looking for a new political home because he had a falling out with the Republican Party
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Now here is something new, Tea Baggers talking Tea Bags about Obama. What are you Tea Baggers tripping on! Come on! If Tea Baggers can't laugh at this you are missing half the fun! Let your sense of humor go, don't take this so seriously. Sometime if possible, I would like you to see what people who know me, are saying about Tea Bagger comments on me! You've hit the nail on the head a few times! Yep, the politics are serious, but all this hoopla is just part of USMB experience!

Don't quit your day job, kid... 'cause you're not gonna make it as a stand-up comedian.

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