Does this man look black to you?

Example A: "This guy got a big promotion at work today."
Example B: "This black guy got a big promotion at work today."

*** I'm sure that Bobby belongs to example B.
I am sure you would deny blacks the credit. Meaning you are a racist.
Example A: "This guy got a big promotion at work today."
Example B: "This black guy got a big promotion at work today."

*** I'm sure that Bobby belongs to example B.
Why are you sure? You never asked me.
The proof is in 'Example B' which clearly reflects your very own words in the OP.
You are clearly a bigot.
Would that let you ”off the hook”?
You don't like blacks getting credit? I think it is excellent.
Credit”? What does that have to do with the fact that you are a racist?
I am not a racist.
Again ......... your opening OP proves that you are a racist.
I am sure you would deny blacks the credit.
Credit” again? What does credit have to do with anything?
Meaning you are a racist.
Give me an example of it. I've exposed examples of your racism so it's only fair that I request you do the same. :disbelief:
Since you have no rational explanation for why anyone's race is relevant here, I can only assume you injected race because you're racist.
That is not necessarily so, he could be just curious; there is nothing wrong with that. Based on just his appearance I would still say he is Caucasian or Caucasoid if you prefer; that would mean not just European. His ancestry could be Central Asian. Middle Eastern and North Africa, or even India.
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The proof is in 'Example B' which clearly reflects your very own words in the OP.

Would that let you ”off the hook”?

Credit”? What does that have to do with the fact that you are a racist?

Again ......... your opening OP proves that you are a racist.

Credit” again? What does credit have to do with anything?

Give me an example of it. I've exposed examples of your racism so it's only fair that I request you do the same. :disbelief:
Nothing I said so kindly about this man who was the officer in charge of me in the Army has hit you as good. But you with a one track mind can't see his good, all you do is try to attack me. And not a bit successful I say to you.
That is not necessarily so, he could be just curious; there is nothing wrong with that. Based on just his appearance I would still say he is Caucasian or Caucasoid if you prefer; that would mean not just European. His ancestry could be Central Asian. Middle Eastern and North Africa, or even India.
You are correct.
The proof is in 'Example B' which clearly reflects your very own words in the OP.

Would that let you ”off the hook”?

Credit”? What does that have to do with the fact that you are a racist?

Again ......... your opening OP proves that you are a racist.

Credit” again? What does credit have to do with anything?

Give me an example of it. I've exposed examples of your racism so it's only fair that I request you do the same. :disbelief:
Let's try this on you. You are a cretin. I believe 2 of you focus on race. To me it was a package of him as a human.
Oh yes, very necessarily so. The basis of this thread is "race".
No, that is simply what you managed to glean from this discussion. You totally focused only on race so clearly the racist here is you.
Does Nikki Haley look Caucasian to you she is from India. And as far as skin tone goes it has as much to do with the sun as ancestry.
Nothing I said so kindly about this man who was the officer in charge of me in the Army has hit you as good.
“Nothing”? I pointed out that you are racist due to this thread of yours. Have I criticized anything else?
But you with a one track mind can't see his good
It’s your show. I don’t know him.
all you do is try to attack me.
Do you consider pointing out your racism an “attack”? When (if) you finally realize that you are racist what will you call that? "An attack"?
And not a bit successful I say to you.
What does that mean?
No, that is simply what you managed to glean from this discussion. You totally focused only on race so clearly the racist here is you.
“Gleaning”? Look up the word. “Race” is the subject of your thread, it’s in your OP for Christ’s sake.
Let's try this on you. You are a cretin. I believe 2 of you focus on race. To me it was a package of him as a human.
It was you who introduced race into the subject ….. not me.

*** Let’s try this on you. You are a racist although you don’t want to be. But you’re still a racist because you haven’t done any soul-searching. Maybe you will someday but so far ...... naw. ⛔
That is not necessarily so, he could be just curious; there is nothing wrong with that. Based on just his appearance I would still say he is Caucasian or Caucasoid if you prefer; that would mean not just European. His ancestry could be Central Asian. Middle Eastern and North Africa, or even India.

The OP's known him for 60 years and worked with him back then and never knew the guy's race??


Is that really the best you can do?
.... he could be just curious; there is nothing wrong with that.
Fine, but it's a racist thread pretending to be something else. In fact, he's started this thread with the intention of saying that he isn't racist but proving that he is by its own definition.
The OP's known him for 60 years and worked with him back then and never knew the guy's race??
Ya' gotta' wonder, huh. :)
Naw, I don't think so. He's fooling himself. Maybe some black guy recently called him a racist so he started this thread trying to prove to himself that he isn't. FAIL‼️
Is that really the best you can do?
He's going about it the wrong way. "I knew this black person and thought he was a nice guy so that proves I'm not a racist anymore." 📢
Fine, but it's a racist thread pretending to be something else. In fact, he's started this thread with the intention of saying that he isn't racist but proving that he is by its own definition.

Ya' gotta' wonder, huh. :)

Naw, I don't think so. He's fooling himself. Maybe some black guy recently called him a racist so he started this thread trying to prove to himself that he isn't. FAIL‼️

He's going about it the wrong way. "I knew this black person and thought he was a nice guy so that proves I'm not a racist anymore." 📢
I was at the time a loyal Democrat.
Fine, but it's a racist thread pretending to be something else. In fact, he's started this thread with the intention of saying that he isn't racist but proving that he is by its own definition.

Ya' gotta' wonder, huh. :)

Naw, I don't think so. He's fooling himself. Maybe some black guy recently called him a racist so he started this thread trying to prove to himself that he isn't. FAIL‼️

He's going about it the wrong way. "I knew this black person and thought he was a nice guy so that proves I'm not a racist anymore." 📢
I was at the time a loyal Democrat.
Is that a prerequisite to membership in the Democratic party, you racist?

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