Does this man look black to you?

Nope, you are, ya flamin' racist.

This is YOUR thread: Does this man look black to you?

Why does that matter unless you're a racist?
You are too dumb to post here.
What is amusing is you calling a Democrat racist.
I never said that. You racists are all pretty much the same. You spout off racist remarks and start racist threads like this one but as soon as someone calls you out you try to act all innocent and start back-peddling. That's the reason you KKK people wear hoods, "It wasn't me! It was someone else!" Dumb-witted cowards every one of you. :safetocomeoutff:
I never said that. You racists are all pretty much the same. You spout off racist remarks and start racist threads like this one but as soon as someone calls you out you try to act all innocent and start back-peddling. That's the reason you KKK people wear hoods, "It wasn't me! It was someone else!" Dumb-witted cowards every one of you. :safetocomeoutff:
All that shit over me honoring my former commander when we served in the Army in Germany. Now you stupid Democrats managed to act even more stupid.
* “Holy mackerel, Amos! Why do people think this here thread is racist?“ :afro:

* I sho’ don’t know what dey’s talkin’ ‘bout, Andy! Let’s take a look-see at the title of this thread to see if we can figure it out!” :blsmile:

« Does this man look black to you? »

* “Lordy-Lord, it do look like it have sumpin’ to do with race, don’t it! This here OP is sho’ ‘nuff a racist alright! Ain’t no two ways ‘bout it! He's goin' straight in the briar patch!” :blsmile:
But you said a Democrat was called a racist and you say you're not a Democrat. So which Democrat was called a racist?
I post this in his memory. He was great to me and I never forgot him. I worked for him from October 1962 until the fall of 1963.
I can see the descent in thinking skills and a hardening of stupid in you bob.
The stupid here decided to attack me over my honoring a former commander I served.

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