Does this offend you as an American?

Not referring to that. It's not American to force children in public schools to swear that the United States is "under God".
It's unconstitutional and it goes against our melting pot ideal which allows for religious diversity.

Nobody is forcing anything.
Still avoiding my questions about the Pledge, I see.

I think I did answer you. If you cant read thats not my faut either.

I do not have explain anything to you. As has been mentioned above ... if you don't like it and object to it so strongly ... you are more than free to leave the country whenever your little ass wants to. ok? And by the way ... does it bother you that I have used my California zip code as my name??? Tough!

If my answer is not good enough for you .... Ask President Ike!
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I'm through trying to talk to those of you that give your full support the illegal aliens or whoever did this to our flag. You know who you are.

As far as the rest of us we do not need to even reply to you .... keep up the good job you are doing ... for making events like this to happen. You have made it very clear to the rest of us that this does not "offend" you. So be it. Just thank God, your lucky stars or whatever you want that you are still in a country that allows you to do it. If you are not in the United States ... then carry on. I'm not wasting one more minute on you.
I'm through trying to talk to those of you that give your full support the illegal aliens or whoever did this to our flag. You know who you are.

As far as the rest of us we do not need to even reply to you .... keep up the good job you are doing ... for making events like this to happen. You have made it very clear to the rest of us that this does not "offend" you. So be it. Just thank God, your lucky stars or whatever you want that you are still in a country that allows you to do it. If you are not in the United States ... then carry on. I'm not wasting one more minute on you.
I think I did answer you. If you cant read thats not my faut either.

If my answer is not good enough for you .... Ask President Ike!

He's dead. And it looks your brain is too.

What's your zip code have to do with anything???

I think you did answer my question in that you have simply no logical answer why you are opposed the seperation of church and state. You're just a fascist at heart. Maybe you should find another country to live in? ?? How about North Korea?
He's dead. And it looks your brain is too.

What's your zip code have to do with anything???

I think you did answer my question in that you have simply no logical answer why you are opposed the seperation of church and state. You're just a fascist at heart. Maybe you should find another country to live in? ?? How about North Korea?

i am wholeheartedly in support of the separation of church and state because i believe government can and will corrupt good church doctrine....i don't want the gvt to have a connection with religion AT ALL which probably differs with some Christians out there on the right....mainly because in prophesy, it states all the gvts of the world will become corrupt, deceiving, and evil! :D

sooooooo, to me, religions should WANT this separation....(if they were smart and heed to prophesy!):eek:

Heck, the bible says to keep them separate.

That's not to say we have to pretend we don't have faith, or hide our faith, or deny the values of our faith, or consciously avoid making faith-based decisions if we serve in government or any other capacity.
i am wholeheartedly in support of the separation of church and state because i believe government can and will corrupt good church doctrine....i don't want the gvt to have a connection with religion AT ALL which probably differs with some Christians out there on the right....mainly because in prophesy, it states all the gvts of the world will become corrupt, deceiving, and evil! :D

sooooooo, to me, religions should WANT this separation....(if they were smart and heed to prophesy!):eek:


Like you, many religious people are strongly in favor of seperation of church and state. That's what some other religious types do not understand. They think that if you worship a God, so should everyone else in the country and if you don't agree with them you are going against god.

I posted an interesting story a few weeks ago about a very religious Puritan who fought to remove the bible from courtrooms way back when the country was just being formed.

Thanks for speaking up and showing that this is not just an issue that atheists have.
Heck, the bible says to keep them separate.

That's not to say we have to pretend we don't have faith, or hide our faith, or deny the values of our faith, or consciously avoid making faith-based decisions if we serve in government or any other capacity.

Do you think that children in public schools should be made to say the Pledge of Allegiance in it's original and traditional form? Or with the "under God" which was added in the 50's during the McCarthy era?
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They aren't made to say it at all

Echo Zulu says in an earlier post:

"There you have it then. I have no problem with the flag of Mexico being flown in the proper manner. I teach a lot of kids from there, and they respect both the American and Mexican flag. In our school we STILL say the pledge of allegiance every day before class starts. (It's an Indianapolis Public School-I'm on my lunch break right now sitting in my classroom that is 90 degrees INSIDE...anyhoo......)

My father and brother are both Vets, so the flag even has more meaning to me, as I'm sure it does others.

(did this go too off topic? sorry!=don't mess with the American Flag!)"

When I was in school a teacher tried to force me to say it every morning for a year. That was a while ago though. I know many public school districts no longer say the Pledge but apparently some still do
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He's dead. And it looks your brain is too.

What's your zip code have to do with anything???

I think you did answer my question in that you have simply no logical answer why you are opposed the seperation of church and state. You're just a fascist at heart. Maybe you should find another country to live in? ?? How about North Korea?

I am completely happy where I live, thank you. But be sure you say hi to Ravi when the two of you meet up in Mexico.

As far as "What's your zip code have to do with anything???"

You are the one that keeps referring to me as cali zipcode. Not me. So I thought maybe it was bothering you. :cuckoo:

So explain to me, cali zipcode, how you can justifiy Eisenhower's revision of The Pledge of Allegiance and forcing children in public schools to recite it. Explain how that complies with seperation of church and state.

Problem solved. The "get rid of Ravi" worked ... so I know it will on you too. :eusa_pray: God and Gunny are good! Amen. :eusa_angel:
I am completely happy where I live, thank you. But be sure you say hi to Ravi when the two of you meet up in Mexico.

As far as "What's your zip code have to do with anything???"

You are the one that keeps referring to me as cali zipcode. Not me. So I thought maybe it was bothering you. :cuckoo:

Problem solved. The "get rid of Ravi" worked ... so I know it will on you too. :eusa_pray: God and Gunny are good! Amen. :eusa_angel:

Don't be so shenshitive. I only call you cali zipcode because I'm number dyslexic and can't remember all the numbers in your name.

Here, have a tissue.

I don't think you got rid of Ravi at all. She's busy taming other trolls in other threads. You won't get rid of me either.:eusa_naughty:

Gunny likes me.:eusa_dance:

But nice try to go off topic.
Do you think that children in public schools should be made to say the Pledge of Allegiance in it's original and traditional form? Or with the "under God" which was added in the 50's during the McCarthy era?
Yeah Joe McCarthy put it in. :cuckoo:

No one ever "made" me recite The Pledge. No one ever made you either. If you want to stand there like Obama with your hands by your side with a blank stare for those 45 seconds or so then by all means feel free. :eusa_angel:
Yeah Joe McCarthy put it in. :cuckoo:

No one ever "made" me recite The Pledge. No one ever made you either. If you want to stand there like Obama with your hands by your side with a blank stare for those 45 seconds or so then by all means feel free. :eusa_angel:

As a child I was forced to till I was brave enough to say no.

I was still made to exit the room every morning because I was told by my teacher that if I was not going to say the Pledge i wouold have get up out of my seat, walk in front of all the other kids and go stand in the hall while they all said it bedause I did not deserve to be in the room while everyone else recited it.

In a week or so I was joined in the hall by two other kids one of whom was a diplomat's kid who could not understand why he had to pledge allegiance to the US if he was the citizen of anotherr country. LOL! Talk about idiocy!

A friend of mine in a different state was removed from the honor roll when she stopped saying the Pledge.

Saying kids aren't forced to say the Pledge is the same as claiming that organized prayer during classroom hours is fine because the other kids can just not say the words if they don't want to.
Yeah Joe McCarthy put it in. :cuckoo:

No one ever "made" me recite The Pledge. No one ever made you either. If you want to stand there like Obama with your hands by your side with a blank stare for those 45 seconds or so then by all means feel free. :eusa_angel:

Bush's Former Oil Company
Linked To bin Laden Family

Bush's Former Oil Company Linked To bin Laden Family

When President George W. Bush froze assets connected to Osama bin Laden, he didn't tell the American people that the terrorist mastermind's late brother was an investor in the president's former oil business in Texas. He also hasn't leveled with the American public about his financial connections to a host of shady Saudi characters involved in drug cartels, gun smuggling, and terrorist networks.
Bush's Former Oil Company
Linked To bin Laden Family

Bush's Former Oil Company Linked To bin Laden Family

When President George W. Bush froze assets connected to Osama bin Laden, he didn't tell the American people that the terrorist mastermind's late brother was an investor in the president's former oil business in Texas. He also hasn't leveled with the American public about his financial connections to a host of shady Saudi characters involved in drug cartels, gun smuggling, and terrorist networks.
Wow we're talking about The Pledge and you bring up The Bush. :badgrin:
As a child I was forced to till I was brave enough to say no.

I was still made to exit the room every morning because I was told by my teacher that if I was not going to say the Pledge i wouold have get up out of my seat, walk in front of all the other kids and go stand in the hall while they all said it bedause I did not deserve to be in the room while everyone else recited it.

In a week or so I was joined in the hall by two other kids one of whom was a diplomat's kid who could not understand why he had to pledge allegiance to the US if he was the citizen of anotherr country. LOL! Talk about idiocy!

A friend of mine in a different state was removed from the honor roll when she stopped saying the Pledge.

Saying kids aren't forced to say the Pledge is the same as claiming that organized prayer during classroom hours is fine because the other kids can just not say the words if they don't want to.
No wonder they all wanted to slap you upside the head. In the same post you claim one thing then disprove yourself. :lol:

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