Does Trump Cause the Chaos that Follows Him?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

In a word, No. While he sometimes figuratively pours gasoline on the flames, he does not ignite them. The Left is engaged in a now almost-decade-long hissy fit because this one man exposed their World View as a fraud. And refused to apologize for it.

This is the most disgraceful political period (for the nation) in the past hundred years, at least. The political Left and the consolidated Media, and Academe, and "Hollywood" conspire to prevent him from doing what every "red-blooded American" wants done. Govern the Executive Branch according to the Constitution. Implement an "America First" agenda. Quash the Woke Revolution.

It is said that "white" men run this country, but if only "white" men got to vote, no Democrat would ever win a national election.

In a word, No. While he sometimes figuratively pours gasoline on the flames, he does not ignite them. The Left is engaged in a now almost-decade-long hissy fit because this one man exposed their World View as a fraud. And refused to apologize for it.

This is the most disgraceful political period (for the nation) in the past hundred years, at least. The political Left and the consolidated Media, and Academe, and "Hollywood" conspire to prevent him from doing what every "red-blooded American" wants done. Govern the Executive Branch according to the Constitution. Implement an "America First" agenda. Quash the Woke Revolution.

It is said that "white" men run this country, but if only "white" men got to vote, no Democrat would ever win a national election.
trump has a big mouth which makes everything happening to him worse....if anybody ever needed a spokes person its trump.....

In a word, No. While he sometimes figuratively pours gasoline on the flames, he does not ignite them. The Left is engaged in a now almost-decade-long hissy fit because this one man exposed their World View as a fraud. And refused to apologize for it.

This is the most disgraceful political period (for the nation) in the past hundred years, at least. The political Left and the consolidated Media, and Academe, and "Hollywood" conspire to prevent him from doing what every "red-blooded American" wants done. Govern the Executive Branch according to the Constitution. Implement an "America First" agenda. Quash the Woke Revolution.

It is said that "white" men run this country, but if only "white" men got to vote, no Democrat would ever win a national election.
Lot of truth to that.

In a word, No. While he sometimes figuratively pours gasoline on the flames, he does not ignite them. The Left is engaged in a now almost-decade-long hissy fit because this one man exposed their World View as a fraud. And refused to apologize for it.

This is the most disgraceful political period (for the nation) in the past hundred years, at least. The political Left and the consolidated Media, and Academe, and "Hollywood" conspire to prevent him from doing what every "red-blooded American" wants done. Govern the Executive Branch according to the Constitution. Implement an "America First" agenda. Quash the Woke Revolution.
It is said that "white" men run this country, but if only "white" men got to vote, no Democrat would ever win a national election.
The Democrats embarked on the DESTROY TRUMP AT ALL COSTS campaign the day after he trounced Hillary in the 2016 election. Immediately, they launched Operation Russian Collusion, followed by 2 fake impeachments and a blizzard of fake law suits that has fundamentally damaged the integrity of our government. They MUST be removed from power.
I believe it is less the case of Trump being the cause and more the case of the Democrats taking advantage of Trump's naivety. Just the typical and shameful practice of placing political partisanship over country.
Chaos? Biden and Dem's out of control southern border, that's chaos. 8 million illegals and counting. Biden and Dem attacks on our energy sector, that's chaos. Biden and Dem's out of control deficit spending driving up inflation that's chaos. Biden and Dem's soft on crime policies resulting in out of control crime, that's chaos.
What has EVERYONE so up in arms about Trump is that he has his own agenda and is not easily bribed or blackmailed. In fact it's almost impossible to. He is past the age for yet another sex scandal and is personally wealthy enough that $500k is not enough to get a meeting with him.

He simply doesn't care. Where he might fudge the scorecard playing golf and forget a few strokes or add a couple to his opponents....he flat out doesn't have the vice that people can exploit so easily.

Which is why THEY ALL complain about him and invent wrongdoings. Because he flat out won't "play ball" with them.

$20k can buy you a vote with just about any congressman in DC. But not with Trump and he definitely will broadcast what you did if he gets wind of it. (Joe...and he really wasn't kidding)
I believe it is less the case of Trump being the cause and more the case of the Democrats taking advantage of Trump's naivety. Just the typical and shameful practice of placing political partisanship over country.

It is time for Republicans to accept responsibility

Overwhelmingly, Trumps problems are caused by his unwillingness to accept advice, his poor decisions and his inability to keep his big mouth shut.
I believe it is less the case of Trump being the cause and more the case of the Democrats taking advantage of Trump's naivety. Just the typical and shameful practice of placing political partisanship over country.
now that is the worst excuse of all. political naivity? shouldn't he have hired better advisors than the "senior councils to the president" like kushner or ivanka? bannon seems fairly politically astute? or "america's mayor" was available.
The Tea Party, Al Tright, and now MAGA have engaged since 2009 to pull down the guard rails of the Republic because a black man elected president.

In a word, No. While he sometimes figuratively pours gasoline on the flames, he does not ignite them. The Left is engaged in a now almost-decade-long hissy fit because this one man exposed their World View as a fraud. And refused to apologize for it.

This is the most disgraceful political period (for the nation) in the past hundred years, at least. The political Left and the consolidated Media, and Academe, and "Hollywood" conspire to prevent him from doing what every "red-blooded American" wants done. Govern the Executive Branch according to the Constitution. Implement an "America First" agenda. Quash the Woke Revolution.

It is said that "white" men run this country, but if only "white" men got to vote, no Democrat would ever win a national election.
Yes and no.

He trolls, and people - especially Democrats/DeepSwampers - react very strongly.

Some do it merely for clicks/eyeballs/wealth/power, and some are more sinister.

In a word, No. While he sometimes figuratively pours gasoline on the flames, he does not ignite them. The Left is engaged in a now almost-decade-long hissy fit because this one man exposed their World View as a fraud. And refused to apologize for it.

This is the most disgraceful political period (for the nation) in the past hundred years, at least. The political Left and the consolidated Media, and Academe, and "Hollywood" conspire to prevent him from doing what every "red-blooded American" wants done. Govern the Executive Branch according to the Constitution. Implement an "America First" agenda. Quash the Woke Revolution.

It is said that "white" men run this country, but if only "white" men got to vote, no Democrat would ever win a national election.
Of course, Trump causes it and does it on purpose.

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