CDZ Does Trump really not know how to defend his ideas instead of attacking the people who oppose them?

It has to be clear to any thoughtful person that Trump is a fraud. Trump is an economic moron, thus his bankruptcies and lying about his wealth, hiding his taxes etc etc etc. The democrats need to learn that, they need to call the man out for what he is, an inherited rich boy who is has bully qualities, but is dumb as a post. A cowardly draft dodger who doesn't have a clue about the constitution or law - unless he hiding from it or boasting that he'll sue. What a buffoon America has elected.

Trump Likes Putin. Investors, Not So Much.

Even Trump's comments are dumb dumb dumb.

Ranking the Obama Economy
Thanks for the public announcement from the Socialista Obstructionist party....
Whenever someone opposes Donald Trump's proposals, rather than respond by demonstrating the substantive merit of his proposals, Trump attacks the opposer. It was one thing to do that in the theater of campaigning, but as President the man's "best" responses are still that same childish retort. Why has our society devolved into one of exchanges of attacks rather than exchanges of substance?
Well, to answer the question posed in the thread title, no.

Look at his history - he started off with money and has always bullied his way to get things done, just mauling people, and people have always capitulated to him, either out of fear or greed. He's clearly never developed (or HAD to develop) communication skills that involve nuance, cooperation, give and take.

It's why he says the ridiculous things he says - he's accustomed to people just biting their lip. Well, that's not going to happen in this case.
You actually think Ovomit never made an angry phone call to anyone? You actually believe his teleprompter was the real Barack Obama?

I remember how LBJ used to swear like a sailor and got so drunk he would piss on the flowers in the rose garden. Harry Truman couldn’t stop saying the word shit. Nixon was a nasty guy too. JFK used to swap Marylin Monroe and other starlets with his brother. The only difference I see here seems to be Trump's inability to hide the truth when hiding it isn’t a matter of national security. Trump says what's on his mind. Obama rarely did.
To always attack is to never have to defend. This can be a useful tactic, but it is an unworkable strategy.
"Best defense is a good offense", but agreed that attacking in every circumstance isn't always smart.

Sometimes it's better to lose a battle than lose a war.
There can only be four reasons Trump defends murderous Russia:

1. Business ties keeps him defending Russia no matter what they do.

2. He' being blackmailed.

3. He doesn't understand what he's saying.

4. He agrees with murder, poison and jailing political opponents.

It's either one of those or a combination. There are no other options.
It's just his personality disorder. Everything is personal with him, including perceived slights. If you disagree, you have slighted him. He defends himself that way because it is instinctive, part of his character. No one should be surprised. I highly doubt if he is in cahoots with them or under any kind of obligation. People keep needling him about his comments, many moons ago, that he admires Putin. The more you needle him, the more the defensiveness comes out.

As for the OP's question, he isn't a debater or a politician and that wasn't his training. He's been the one in charge, answerable to no one else. He doesn't have that ability to come up with a reply on the spur of the moment. And at his age, I doubt if he's going to learn.
Yet again, you cannot see the difference between calling someone a loser and someone who spent their entire presidency getting even with anyone who doesn't agree with him.

Well, maybe you can. You think that Obama had every right to conduct a war on Fox News. You think Obama had the right to prevent conservative groups from raising cash for their candidates by withholding their 501k status. You think Obama had every right to use the IRS to attack his critics. To throw people in jail because they insulted Islam. To send billions of our taxpayers cash to Iran. To send billions to the UN. You think Obama had a right to attack police and make it next to impossible for them to do their jobs. You think it's just great that Obama was attacking businesses with the Justice Department and bring lawsuits and calling in the goons on any folks that weren't kissing his ass. You feel it was okay for Obama to try to undermine and subvert a foreign election. You feel its not a problem when he continues to undermine the Israeli government. You have no problem with Obama waiting till his last month in office to stab Israel in the back.

Yeah, Trump is a terrible person for calling someone a loser or an jerk. Well words mean something but that's all it is, just words. Quite a change from all of the vindictive actions of our last president.
The OP was talking about Trump, and so was I. There is no need to bring Obama into it, in any way.
Living in a total vaccum isn't reality.

You have to be able to defend your positions according to the facts or admit you were wrong. Obama's actions were swept under the rug for 8 years and now we're supposed to forget about them? Instead we must listen to a corrupt media's exaggerations?

Being a Democrat is so easy because you never have to face the truth or face the consequences of your acts.
When you're ready to discuss the OP, I'll think about it.
Whenever someone opposes Donald Trump's proposals, rather than respond by demonstrating the substantive merit of his proposals, Trump attacks the opposer. It was one thing to do that in the theater of campaigning, but as President the man's "best" responses are still that same childish retort.

Why has our society devolved into one of exchanges of attacks rather than exchanges of substance?

you make the mistake that he has any defense...he doesnt. So lashing out is the only recourse.
Everyone is childish, especially those in power. He's just doesn't hide his. All the others played the PC game, and all the dummies believed they were good guys.....
Whenever Trump tries to defend himself he ends up telling provable blatant lies. So, no, he does not know how to defend himself.
There can only be four reasons Trump defends murderous Russia:

1. Business ties keeps him defending Russia no matter what they do.

2. He' being blackmailed.

3. He doesn't understand what he's saying.

4. He agrees with murder, poison and jailing political opponents.

It's either one of those or a combination. There are no other options.
It's just his personality disorder. Everything is personal with him, including perceived slights. If you disagree, you have slighted him. He defends himself that way because it is instinctive, part of his character. No one should be surprised. I highly doubt if he is in cahoots with them or under any kind of obligation. People keep needling him about his comments, many moons ago, that he admires Putin. The more you needle him, the more the defensiveness comes out.

As for the OP's question, he isn't a debater or a politician and that wasn't his training. He's been the one in charge, answerable to no one else. He doesn't have that ability to come up with a reply on the spur of the moment. And at his age, I doubt if he's going to learn.
Yet again, you cannot see the difference between calling someone a loser and someone who spent their entire presidency getting even with anyone who doesn't agree with him.

Well, maybe you can. You think that Obama had every right to conduct a war on Fox News. You think Obama had the right to prevent conservative groups from raising cash for their candidates by withholding their 501k status. You think Obama had every right to use the IRS to attack his critics. To throw people in jail because they insulted Islam. To send billions of our taxpayers cash to Iran. To send billions to the UN. You think Obama had a right to attack police and make it next to impossible for them to do their jobs. You think it's just great that Obama was attacking businesses with the Justice Department and bring lawsuits and calling in the goons on any folks that weren't kissing his ass. You feel it was okay for Obama to try to undermine and subvert a foreign election. You feel its not a problem when he continues to undermine the Israeli government. You have no problem with Obama waiting till his last month in office to stab Israel in the back.

Yeah, Trump is a terrible person for calling someone a loser or an jerk. Well words mean something but that's all it is, just words. Quite a change from all of the vindictive actions of our last president.
The OP was talking about Trump, and so was I. There is no need to bring Obama into it, in any way.
Living in a total vaccum isn't reality.

You have to be able to defend your positions according to the facts or admit you were wrong. Obama's actions were swept under the rug for 8 years and now we're supposed to forget about them? Instead we must listen to a corrupt media's exaggerations?

Being a Democrat is so easy because you never have to face the truth or face the consequences of your acts.
When you're ready to discuss the OP, I'll think about it.
Sorry lady. You don't dictate the rules here.

Make a statement and defend it with the facts. We don't have to follow your train of thought and never deviate from your narrow perspective.

Okay, now call me a racist so you can run away.
Whenever Trump tries to defend himself he ends up telling provable blatant lies. So, no, he does not know how to defend himself.
Provable only if you control the known facts. Not provable if all the facts are known.
It's just his personality disorder. Everything is personal with him, including perceived slights. If you disagree, you have slighted him. He defends himself that way because it is instinctive, part of his character. No one should be surprised. I highly doubt if he is in cahoots with them or under any kind of obligation. People keep needling him about his comments, many moons ago, that he admires Putin. The more you needle him, the more the defensiveness comes out.

As for the OP's question, he isn't a debater or a politician and that wasn't his training. He's been the one in charge, answerable to no one else. He doesn't have that ability to come up with a reply on the spur of the moment. And at his age, I doubt if he's going to learn.
Yet again, you cannot see the difference between calling someone a loser and someone who spent their entire presidency getting even with anyone who doesn't agree with him.

Well, maybe you can. You think that Obama had every right to conduct a war on Fox News. You think Obama had the right to prevent conservative groups from raising cash for their candidates by withholding their 501k status. You think Obama had every right to use the IRS to attack his critics. To throw people in jail because they insulted Islam. To send billions of our taxpayers cash to Iran. To send billions to the UN. You think Obama had a right to attack police and make it next to impossible for them to do their jobs. You think it's just great that Obama was attacking businesses with the Justice Department and bring lawsuits and calling in the goons on any folks that weren't kissing his ass. You feel it was okay for Obama to try to undermine and subvert a foreign election. You feel its not a problem when he continues to undermine the Israeli government. You have no problem with Obama waiting till his last month in office to stab Israel in the back.

Yeah, Trump is a terrible person for calling someone a loser or an jerk. Well words mean something but that's all it is, just words. Quite a change from all of the vindictive actions of our last president.
The OP was talking about Trump, and so was I. There is no need to bring Obama into it, in any way.
Living in a total vaccum isn't reality.

You have to be able to defend your positions according to the facts or admit you were wrong. Obama's actions were swept under the rug for 8 years and now we're supposed to forget about them? Instead we must listen to a corrupt media's exaggerations?

Being a Democrat is so easy because you never have to face the truth or face the consequences of your acts.
When you're ready to discuss the OP, I'll think about it.
Sorry lady. You don't dictate the rules here.

Make a statement and defend it with the facts. We don't have to follow your train of thought and never deviate from your narrow perspective.

Okay, now call me a racist so you can run away.
Just reminding you of the "rules," should you choose to follow them. Deflecting to your all-time favorite Democratic villain, Obama, is not addressing the OP's question. Perhaps you CAN'T defend Trump. Is that your problem?
Why, for example, couldn't Trump explain why he felt the immigration ban should be kept in place instead of personally insulting the judge, calling him a "so called judge." Telling the country to "blame the judge" if "anything bad happens." Trump's got attorneys from the DOJ defending the E.O., so why does he need to get involved in the legal wrangling at all? His statements that bad people are swarming into the country is ridiculous, since no one is getting in without the visa that was already issued by the State Department. He's making it sound as if everyone and his uncle is now flying to the US from the Middle East with no vetting whatsoever.
He could go a long way to settling things down by explaining, clearly, why he feels he is within his Presidential authority with this ban, instead of name calling and slamming the courts. It's kind of out of the bailiwick of most of us, and is kind of confusing with all these different court orders flying around.
Yet again, you cannot see the difference between calling someone a loser and someone who spent their entire presidency getting even with anyone who doesn't agree with him.

Well, maybe you can. You think that Obama had every right to conduct a war on Fox News. You think Obama had the right to prevent conservative groups from raising cash for their candidates by withholding their 501k status. You think Obama had every right to use the IRS to attack his critics. To throw people in jail because they insulted Islam. To send billions of our taxpayers cash to Iran. To send billions to the UN. You think Obama had a right to attack police and make it next to impossible for them to do their jobs. You think it's just great that Obama was attacking businesses with the Justice Department and bring lawsuits and calling in the goons on any folks that weren't kissing his ass. You feel it was okay for Obama to try to undermine and subvert a foreign election. You feel its not a problem when he continues to undermine the Israeli government. You have no problem with Obama waiting till his last month in office to stab Israel in the back.

Yeah, Trump is a terrible person for calling someone a loser or an jerk. Well words mean something but that's all it is, just words. Quite a change from all of the vindictive actions of our last president.
The OP was talking about Trump, and so was I. There is no need to bring Obama into it, in any way.
Living in a total vaccum isn't reality.

You have to be able to defend your positions according to the facts or admit you were wrong. Obama's actions were swept under the rug for 8 years and now we're supposed to forget about them? Instead we must listen to a corrupt media's exaggerations?

Being a Democrat is so easy because you never have to face the truth or face the consequences of your acts.
When you're ready to discuss the OP, I'll think about it.
Sorry lady. You don't dictate the rules here.

Make a statement and defend it with the facts. We don't have to follow your train of thought and never deviate from your narrow perspective.

Okay, now call me a racist so you can run away.
Just reminding you of the "rules," should you choose to follow them. Deflecting to your all-time favorite Democratic villain, Obama, is not addressing the OP's question. Perhaps you CAN'T defend Trump. Is that your problem?
Why, for example, couldn't Trump explain why he felt the immigration ban should be kept in place instead of personally insulting the judge, calling him a "so called judge." Telling the country to "blame the judge" if "anything bad happens." Trump's got attorneys from the DOJ defending the E.O., so why does he need to get involved in the legal wrangling at all? His statements that bad people are swarming into the country is ridiculous, since no one is getting in without the visa that was already issued by the State Department. He's making it sound as if everyone and his uncle is now flying to the US from the Middle East with no vetting whatsoever.
He could go a long way to settling things down by explaining, clearly, why he feels he is within his Presidential authority with this ban, instead of name calling and slamming the courts. It's kind of out of the bailiwick of most of us, and is kind of confusing with all these different court orders flying around.
I know it's all confusing to you, but an open mind would go a long way toward ending that confusion.
Whenever Trump tries to defend himself he ends up telling provable blatant lies. So, no, he does not know how to defend himself.
Provable only if you control the known facts. Not provable if all the facts are known.
That might work if Trump produced facts to defend his lies, but he doesn't, he just repeats the lies and makes up more. Hence, it is up to the liar to dispute the facts confirming he is lying by providing facts to support and refute the lie. He doesn't.

Your leader is a serial and pathological liar. The whole world knows it. Only the die hard cult of trumpism still believes he is not the biggest liar in Presidential history. It is even termed by many as a mental illness.
Why has our society devolved into one of exchanges of attacks rather than exchanges of substance?

That is a very good question indeed. Partly it is a result of the widespread frustration so many have about their domestic economy, the coarsening of popular culture and the paralysis and corruption of government.

The factors are exacerbated by a TV news establishment that has abandoned its commitment to informing the public in favor of entertaining them and a right-wing radio network of networks which model shouting rather than analysis.

Our citizens have become like those of ancient Rome, distracted by emotional spectacles in the arena from the tragedy of national decline on the world stage.
After reading the first 21 posts I am convinced (again) of one thing. That is that we are a deeply divided and highly partisan country. Trump is no different, sure he lashes out at people instead of defending his position. Who among us doesn't? Why would we expect our leader to do any different? Heck, what other recent "leader" hasn't done the same thing, if a little more eloquently? Cases in point:
  • The science is settled. Implying that if you disagree you are a "science denier" and therefore dumb, ignorant, or otherwise unfit to discuss this further.
  • Rightwingnutjobs
  • Leftards
I mean really, is anyone surprised? You really shouldn't be. When was the last time you had a civil disagreement, on a political topic/issue, with someone and no insults, or personalisation occurred?
Whenever someone opposes Donald Trump's proposals, rather than respond by demonstrating the substantive merit of his proposals, Trump attacks the opposer. It was one thing to do that in the theater of campaigning, but as President the man's "best" responses are still that same childish retort.

Why has our society devolved into one of exchanges of attacks rather than exchanges of substance?

That's just his style. He cuts through the crap. He sticks the knife straight in front, not in the back.....

That's not "cutting through the crap." It's piling it higher and deeper. It doesn't advance the viability of his proposal, at lest not among people who are open to ideas and who consider them on merit, not on emotion or on solely what little merit appears on the surface.
Whenever Trump tries to defend himself he ends up telling provable blatant lies. So, no, he does not know how to defend himself.
Provable only if you control the known facts. Not provable if all the facts are known.
That might work if Trump produced facts to defend his lies, but he doesn't, he just repeats the lies and makes up more. Hence, it is up to the liar to dispute the facts confirming he is lying by providing facts to support and refute the lie. He doesn't.

Your leader is a serial and pathological liar. The whole world knows it. Only the die hard cult of trumpism still believes he is not the biggest liar in Presidential history. It is even termed by many as a mental illness.
From an Ovomit supporter that has a tremendous amount of irony, don't you think?
There can only be four reasons Trump defends murderous Russia:

1. Business ties keeps him defending Russia no matter what they do.

2. He' being blackmailed.

3. He doesn't understand what he's saying.

4. He agrees with murder, poison and jailing political opponents.

It's either one of those or a combination. There are no other options.

Yes, his some of remarks are made in defense of Russia or some notion of what Russia is, but the thing is that he doesn't actually put forth an actual case for what's positive about Russia and what's negative about it and why those negatives should be discounted to the point that in total, Russia should hold an elevated status (from what it currently is) in the U.S.' development and execution of policy.
Whenever someone opposes Donald Trump's proposals, rather than respond by demonstrating the substantive merit of his proposals, Trump attacks the opposer. It was one thing to do that in the theater of campaigning, but as President the man's "best" responses are still that same childish retort.

Why has our society devolved into one of exchanges of attacks rather than exchanges of substance?

That's just his style. He cuts through the crap. He sticks the knife straight in front, not in the back.....

That's not "cutting through the crap." It's piling it higher and deeper. It doesn't advance the viability of his proposal, at lest not among people who are open to ideas and who consider them on merit, not on emotion or on solely what little merit appears on the surface.
I think you may be missing the point in Trump's actions. Most people do not consider proposals based on anything more than a cursory glance at the facts. So, why should Trump publicly defend them in such a way? What would be the point? He can spew his platitudes and insults to appease his supporters, then privately do what is needed to get things done (ie. explaining the merit of his proposal to the people who represent us).
Depends on what you want for our country. Time will tell....
No it won't. When 88% of manufacturing jobs were automated and Trump promises to "bring them back", he is flat out lying. He's a con artist. You can't believe anything he says and he's turned his lying into a strength with his ignorant base by getting them to believe everything anyone says in disagreement is "fake news".

I don't know that I think the man is lying in an active sense. I don't know that he's lying because I don't know what facts he is actually aware of. I'd like to think that he's as aware as many well informed citizens are of the automation trend in manufacturing, but I just don't know if he is. One thing that's clear is that the automation trend is pervasive enough that given his claim to "bring back" manufacturing jobs, the burden is on him to explain in detail how his proposals will accomplish that, and it's clear he's not done so.

The sad thing, however, is that his devotees have not demanded of him that he actually do so. What's sad about that is that having put him in office based in large (but not sole) part on the attractiveness of the "bring back the jobs" claim, his supporters, the people who most want those jobs to return, should be demanding details from him. It is truly pitiable that they haven't the presence of mind to do so.
Trump is the most emotionally immature adult I have ever had occasion to listen to. I have not seen such childishness since I was in elementary school. Every negative poll is fake. Ever protester is paid. Every opponent is a loser, and/or weak. Women who are not trophy wife material are ugly and nasty. He is a pathological liar, and has no problem lying about petty things, like fraudulent voters and inauguration attendance. His narcissistic tendencies are overwhelming. His personal vendettas are nothing short of vicious. I am sure that Trump has no friends, only toadies.

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