Doesn't it make spence

Just collect the data. You have to, before you know what's in it.
It's not enough I have to hide my porn site visits from the wife but now Michelle and Valerie Jarrett have that info.... :eek:
It's not enough I have to hide my porn site visits from the wife but now Michelle and Valerie Jarrett have that info.... :eek:

You need to get what I have...

A wife that visits the porn sites WITH me.
What good is the database if you dont know what to do with it?

All of that information and yet they STILL were unable to anticipate that a man, who they were warned about, was travelling overseas, interested in radical islamic websites, and purchasing materials ultimately used to kill and maim many in Boston.

All that information and yet they were unable to anticipate that a man ON THE GOVERNMENT payroll was communicating with radical islamists overseas and ultimately killing and maiming many at Fort Hood.

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