Dog crying at grave


Zionist, proud to be
Oct 25, 2009
[ame=]Dog Cries At Grave: 'Wiley Crying Over Grandma' | Sad Dog Crying Over Dead Owner's Grave - YouTube[/ame]
Good lord, get the poor thing some xanax.

One wonders if he would dig her up, given the chance..and if he did...would he chew on her?
I would no more encourage my dog to roll around on a grave than I would jump off the empire state building.

Their state of mind reflects their owner. It's the owner's responsibility to keep a dog happy, and you don't do that by letting it roll around on a grave.
The dog needs to grieve in his own way, otherwise it may lead to unwelcome behavior.
You betcha.

I love it when humans make animals into neurotic messes.
It is not crying, it is sick.
It has Dyspnea, which is a generic term for erratic breathing due to a likely respiratory infection.
Dogs do not "cry" like humans... for crying out loud. (pun intended)
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It is not crying, it is sick.
It has Dyspnea, which is a generic term for erratic breathing due to a likely respiratory infection.
Dogs do not "cry" like humans... for crying out loud. (pun intended)

Ah, I wondered if it was something like that. Almost sounded like some mild reverse sneezing to me.

Because when my dogs are sad they whine or howl. They don't cry like a human does.
You betcha.

I love it when humans make animals into neurotic messes.

Okay, I have to say this. Like you, who feeds a 115-pound dog only two cups of food a day and then is astonished that he is getting jars of peanut butter and jelly off the kitchen counters and openin them and eating the contents, as well as the occasional loaf of bread. He is ravenous, obviously, being fed less than half what he should each day. : (

And I don't care if that makes you mad. I think you posted the information hoping that someone would take issue with it. Well, here I am.
I'm not astonished that he eats peanut butter and jelly, he's always loved those things.

I'm astonished that he can remove lids. That's a skill that most dogs don't have.

Here's my poor, underfed dog:


He was at the vet 2 weeks ago for a check up...she made a little speech when I left congratulating me on his condition, and telling me that most people with saints maintain them in crap condition.
All right, koshergrl, I concede. I won't say "I'm sorry" for challenging you about it, though, because I will never hesistate to speak up on behalf of animals, even if it makes people dislike me, and even if I turn out to be wrong.

But obviously you love your dog and take great care of him. I was wrong, and I'm glad I was wrong. Thanks for explaining.
The best way to help animals is to help people, not criticize them. You'll always set people's backs up if you just start questioning them and telling them they're doing it wrong.
Dogs are very skilled at removing lids.
If they are big enough they are good at opening refrigerator doors too. :)
The best way to help animals is to help people, not criticize them. You'll always set people's backs up if you just start questioning them and telling them they're doing it wrong.

Oh, great, we're coming to an understanding on this thread while the fight is escalating on the other thread.

I give up. This is my last post on the matter. Say whatever you want about me, on my deathbed one thing I will never be sorry for is coming to the defense of animals.

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