Dog got me last night..

I suggest you read some material by Cesar Milan and/or the Monks of New Skete. you could learn something; your dog could learn something; and your dog would not have to tolerate any abuse from you.

He doesn't.

Which is why there was a trail of my own blood all over the apartment last night.

Really, I suggest you read that material. You will be amazed with the results.

I haven't gotten physical with him in 8 years. And I am admitting it was my own damned fault. I know about Ceaser and dogs.

I've owned dogs all my life. This is a most unusual breed. Very difficult. He was a rescue. It was me or the needle.
He doesn't.

Which is why there was a trail of my own blood all over the apartment last night.

Really, I suggest you read that material. You will be amazed with the results.

I haven't gotten physical with him in 8 years. And I am admitting it was my own damned fault. I know about Ceaser and dogs.

I've owned dogs all my life. This is a most unusual breed. Very difficult. He was a rescue. It was me or the needle.
K. Cool. I'm glad you are trying to keep a grip on it.
"Layed into him"? In what way? Violence?

I got a mean streak. It's usually under control. Haven't been in a real life fight for quite some time (got stabbed in the last one)..but it rears it's ugly head from time to time.

You should not have pets.

The last dog I had was a cocker spaniel. His last few years of life he got lymphonia. I spent over 10,000 dollars for his medical care..and nursed him around the clock. He died at the age of 13.

So maybe you are right.

People who care to much shouldn't own pets.
Really, I suggest you read that material. You will be amazed with the results.

I haven't gotten physical with him in 8 years. And I am admitting it was my own damned fault. I know about Ceaser and dogs.

I've owned dogs all my life. This is a most unusual breed. Very difficult. He was a rescue. It was me or the needle.
K. Cool. I'm glad you are trying to keep a grip on it.


My hand is smarting like the dickens..and I just needed to vent a bit.
I got a mean streak. It's usually under control. Haven't been in a real life fight for quite some time (got stabbed in the last one)..but it rears it's ugly head from time to time.

You should not have pets.

The last dog I had was a cocker spaniel. His last few years of life he got lymphonia. I spent over 10,000 dollars for his medical care..and nursed him around the clock. He died at the age of 13.

So maybe you are right.

People who care to much shouldn't own pets.

Spending money is not the same as treating the pet decently. You admit you have anger management issues - and have described how you abused your dog. The fact that the dog fought back does not justify animal abuse.

I am frankly shocked to see you brag about this incident. It's sick.
I haven't gotten physical with him in 8 years. And I am admitting it was my own damned fault. I know about Ceaser and dogs.

I've owned dogs all my life. This is a most unusual breed. Very difficult. He was a rescue. It was me or the needle.
K. Cool. I'm glad you are trying to keep a grip on it.


My hand is smarting like the dickens..and I just needed to vent a bit.
K. Now onto your hand. I hope that you washed it forever ( meaning, longer than you think is necessary) immediately after it happened. Also, it sounds like stitches might be needed.

You might want to think about going to urgent care for a good irrigation, some sutures, and a course of antibiotics (if that's what they decide, of course).
K. Cool. I'm glad you are trying to keep a grip on it.


My hand is smarting like the dickens..and I just needed to vent a bit.
K. Now onto your hand. I hope that you washed it forever ( meaning, longer than you think is necessary) immediately after it happened. Also, it sounds like stitches might be needed.

You might want to think about going to urgent care for a good irrigation, some sutures, and a course of antibiotics (if that's what they decide, of course).

Think it will be okay..but I think he hit a muscle. My fingers are pretty stiff.

My hand is smarting like the dickens..and I just needed to vent a bit.
K. Now onto your hand. I hope that you washed it forever ( meaning, longer than you think is necessary) immediately after it happened. Also, it sounds like stitches might be needed.

You might want to think about going to urgent care for a good irrigation, some sutures, and a course of antibiotics (if that's what they decide, of course).

Think it will be okay..but I think he hit a muscle. My fingers are pretty stiff.
Sounds like an urgent care candidate to me. Infection is a serious risk as well.
You should not have pets.

The last dog I had was a cocker spaniel. His last few years of life he got lymphonia. I spent over 10,000 dollars for his medical care..and nursed him around the clock. He died at the age of 13.

So maybe you are right.

People who care to much shouldn't own pets.

Spending money is not the same as treating the pet decently. You admit you have anger management issues - and have described how you abused your dog. The fact that the dog fought back does not justify animal abuse.

I am frankly shocked to see you brag about this incident. It's sick.

The dog tore the couch apart. I was pretty pissed. I picked him up by the scruff of the neck and shoved his nose in it. I didn't hit him. That..was probably to abrupt and he turned and mangled my hand. He then ran into the bedroom. I chased him into it...and he was cowering..then I turned around and saw my blood all over the place. That's what calmed me down. I realized that I probably went to far and he was right..that time.

Prior to this dog..I have never been remotely physical with an animal. I abhor violence against any animals. But when I first got him..he was constantly biting me and other dogs. So one time I struck back..and he hasn't bitten me since and has been completely social..until last night.
The last dog I had was a cocker spaniel. His last few years of life he got lymphonia. I spent over 10,000 dollars for his medical care..and nursed him around the clock. He died at the age of 13.

So maybe you are right.

People who care to much shouldn't own pets.

Spending money is not the same as treating the pet decently. You admit you have anger management issues - and have described how you abused your dog. The fact that the dog fought back does not justify animal abuse.

I am frankly shocked to see you brag about this incident. It's sick.

The dog tore the couch apart. I was pretty pissed. I picked him up by the scruff of the neck and shoved his nose in it. I didn't hit him. That..was probably to abrupt and he turned and mangled my hand. He then ran into the bedroom. I chased him into it...and he was cowering..then I turned around and saw my blood all over the place. That's what calmed me down. I realized that I probably went to far and he was right..that time.

Prior to this dog..I have never been remotely physical with an animal. I abhor violence against any animals. But when I first got him..he was constantly biting me and other dogs. So one time I struck back..and he hasn't bitten me since and has been completely social..until last night.
You may want to crate train him, too.

I used to be against that - thought it was mean, yada, yada. It took me less than a week to crate train my dog now (got him as an adult animal), and he is much more serene - no separation anxiety at all. He even goes into it on his own.
My friend flew in from Seattle and I went to meet him last night. He's got a sweet job at Microsoft. Damn..he lost a ton of weight..

We had a lot of fun..and when I came home the dog left a nice little reminder all over the living room floor about how much he misses me when I leave. He tore up the sofa again. I was pissed and layed into him pretty good. Of course he didn't take it lying down and tore into my hand. Crap..hurts like a mother today. One of the cuts was so deep white shit was coming out. Probably could use some stitching. is cleaned is pacified..but my hand still smarts.


ooops, I thought you meant the Bounty Hunter......
The dog is fucked up, get it put down before it eats your home and or you.
Spending money is not the same as treating the pet decently. You admit you have anger management issues - and have described how you abused your dog. The fact that the dog fought back does not justify animal abuse.

I am frankly shocked to see you brag about this incident. It's sick.

The dog tore the couch apart. I was pretty pissed. I picked him up by the scruff of the neck and shoved his nose in it. I didn't hit him. That..was probably to abrupt and he turned and mangled my hand. He then ran into the bedroom. I chased him into it...and he was cowering..then I turned around and saw my blood all over the place. That's what calmed me down. I realized that I probably went to far and he was right..that time.

Prior to this dog..I have never been remotely physical with an animal. I abhor violence against any animals. But when I first got him..he was constantly biting me and other dogs. So one time I struck back..and he hasn't bitten me since and has been completely social..until last night.
You may want to crate train him, too.

I used to be against that - thought it was mean, yada, yada. It took me less than a week to crate train my dog now (got him as an adult animal), and he is much more serene - no separation anxiety at all. He even goes into it on his own.

Tried that.

He mangled the crate and tore up his paws. Cost me a pretty penny to get them sowed up.
My friend flew in from Seattle and I went to meet him last night. He's got a sweet job at Microsoft. Damn..he lost a ton of weight..

We had a lot of fun..and when I came home the dog left a nice little reminder all over the living room floor about how much he misses me when I leave. He tore up the sofa again. I was pissed and layed into him pretty good. Of course he didn't take it lying down and tore into my hand. Crap..hurts like a mother today. One of the cuts was so deep white shit was coming out. Probably could use some stitching. is cleaned is pacified..but my hand still smarts.


ooops, I thought you meant the Bounty Hunter......


Bet he's on the trail though..

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