Doing The Right Thing: President Trump Retweets The Truth Of Antifa Violence In Berkeley

Anyone who has common sense and doesn't follow Democrat Fake News, knows that this recent violence was a manufactured clash between Nazi assholes and Communist assholes. They should have all been arrested. And it's mostly Soros' radical loons out there stirring up this so-called 'Race Crisis.'

Just follow the money. It will lead to Soros/Democrat-funded radical groups. It's just more manufactured bullshite. Some very powerful folks want civil unrest. The Police will just have to arrest both the Nazi assholes and the Communist assholes. Because Trump was Spot On. There's violent radicals on both sides.
Only the ones who violated the law should be arrested.
And that would be antifa.
In the end, Trump was right. The people stirring up this so-called 'Race Crisis', are violent extremists from both the Right and Left. But i'd have to say most of it is coming from Soros/Democrat-funded Communist/Progressive groups.

Trump actually handled it very well. He pointed out that there's very bad folks on both sides who are manufacturing this stuff. I feel he handled it with much more calm and reason than Obama handled the issue. That's how i feel anyway.
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Zionism is behind the endless race baiting on the TV. Every white is racist. Every black loves everyone else... even as he shoots a cop in the back and then punches out his "girlfriend."


The cause is "divide and conquer" and we'd better wake up as a country before we are fully conquered....
Zionism is behind the endless race baiting on the TV. Every white is racist. Every black loves everyone else... even as he shoots a cop in the back and then punches out his "girlfriend."


The cause is "divide and conquer" and we'd better wake up as a country before we are fully conquered....
the country is wide awake, the left is so lost, they haven't won much of anything in six years. MSM is dead. the Internet has taken over.
In the end, Trump was right. The people stirring up this so-called 'Race Crisis', are violent extremists from both the Right and Left. But i'd have to say most of it is coming from Soros/Democrat-funded Communist/Progressive groups.

Trump actually handled it very well. He pointed out that there's very bad folks on both sides who are manufacturing this stuff. I feel he handled it with much more calm and reason than Obama handled the issue. That's how i feel anyway.
Because Obama is helping to orchestrate the race war. He will always speak in a manner that will exacerbate the issue. He wants the confrontation, he is pushing for war and the overthrow of our government.
Shutting down Stormfront doesn't stop ANY of the things you listed

not entirely, but partially. Those issues are discussed elsewhere, but the thing I don't get is.... where is Stormfront LYING???

They aren't. Your side is....
Is that why they said they shut them down? Lies? Or is it unmitigated hate toward fellow Americans as their primary mission statement?
If this group is anti fascism, why are they preventing free speech?

Isn't that fascism?

Are they fighting perceived fascism with more fascism?

Why does that seem like a good thing?
the country is wide awake

When O, W, and many others are put in front of a firing squad, then we are AWAKE, because we are totally asleep as long as too many think this was a 757....

Excellent point. It wasn't a plane. If you just use some common sense and stop listening to Government propaganda, you will easily come to realize that we've been consistently lied to about 9/11. We've been treated like the dumb Sheep we've allowed ourselves to become. Americans are definitely not awake at this point.
In the end, Trump was right. The people stirring up this so-called 'Race Crisis', are violent extremists from both the Right and Left. But i'd have to say most of it is coming from Soros/Democrat-funded Communist/Progressive groups.

Trump actually handled it very well. He pointed out that there's very bad folks on both sides who are manufacturing this stuff. I feel he handled it with much more calm and reason than Obama handled the issue. That's how i feel anyway.
Because Obama is helping to orchestrate the race war. He will always speak in a manner that will exacerbate the issue. He wants the confrontation, he is pushing for war and the overthrow of our government.

and he is a TOTAL FRAUD of a "victim," since his black ancestors were rounding up other black Africans, selling them to Jewish owned slave ships, who then went to the South and sold them to... O's white Confederate ancestors...

WHY did O get preferential treatment in the US?

Because he was a victim? NO


MLK and O were polar opposites, which helps to explain this...

Martin Luther King Jr.'s Family has Endorsed Donald Trump! King Says African Americans Vote Trump
Excellent point. It wasn't a plane.

The next point is to get it right about WHO DID IT....

Hint = W and RumsFELD were exchanging emails as our troops entered Baghdad. Those emails were about Scripture... something like "the armies of the righteous marched in."

911 was 100% about the first chapter of the book of Joshua...

In the end, Trump was right. The people stirring up this so-called 'Race Crisis', are violent extremists from both the Right and Left. But i'd have to say most of it is coming from Soros/Democrat-funded Communist/Progressive groups.

Trump actually handled it very well. He pointed out that there's very bad folks on both sides who are manufacturing this stuff. I feel he handled it with much more calm and reason than Obama handled the issue. That's how i feel anyway.
Because Obama is helping to orchestrate the race war. He will always speak in a manner that will exacerbate the issue. He wants the confrontation, he is pushing for war and the overthrow of our government.

True. It's called 'Community Organizing.' That has always been Obama's only skill. He often took one side and escalated tensions. But that's what Community Organizers do. It's all in Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals' if anyone's interested in what's going on with the Democrats. I thought Trump struck the proper calm responsible tone. I know Democrats and their Fake Newsters ripped him daily over it, but he did strike the proper tone.
So back to berkeley. The haters got their just comeuppance and it was fun. To be antifa is great! Kinda like I was back in 68 again. Where was Mario? And tRump lovers are America haters plain and simple.
So back to berkeley. The haters got their just comeuppance and it was fun. To be antifa is great! Kinda like I was back in 68 again. Where was Mario? And tRump lovers are America haters plain and simple.
The haters are you Bolshevik Anti-American anarchists swinging clubs and urine at peaceful 1st Amendment patriots.
the country is wide awake

When O, W, and many others are put in front of a firing squad, then we are AWAKE, because we are totally asleep as long as too many think this was a 757....


That's a mighty big hole.
the country is wide awake

When O, W, and many others are put in front of a firing squad, then we are AWAKE, because we are totally asleep as long as too many think this was a 757....

Excellent point. It wasn't a plane. If you just use some common sense and stop listening to Government propaganda, you will easily come to realize that we've been consistently lied to about 9/11. We've been treated like the dumb Sheep we've allowed ourselves to become. Americans are definitely not awake at this point.


why wasn't it a plane?
why wasn't it a plane?

1. a commercial 757 full of people, luggage, and fuel cannot get close to 500 mph at ground level - it needs less atmospheric resistance to get that speed, which is why it climbs to 30k feet to do so
2. even an expert pilot could not navigate a giant plane like that with its nose 8 feet off the ground - it would've easily cartwheeled
3. if the nose was 8 feet off the ground, then the engines were IN THE GROUND

Pilots For 9/11 Truth

This is what you believe a guy who said "I don't need to learn how to take off or land, I just need to learn how to steer it" did with the plane... the impossible...


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