DOJ Admits Federal Government Ran Informants Inside the Oath Keepers on Jan. 6 & they could be called to testify under 6th Amendment

"Then he talks the Police into leaving so they don't get hurt. The protesters wait until they leave and THEN they start trying to break down the doors in earnest.
You see this as a defense?
And that, dear readers, is a perfect a pairing of posts as we will see on this venue.

A yin to the yang.
no hyperbole.

It was a 'mostly peaceful' protest. Just like BLM. Only no one killed any cop, burned down property and generally shut down a city. No molotov cocktails, no bricks thrown, etc. Those are the real FACTS. Not Democrat talking-point 'facts.'
It was a 'mostly peaceful' protest. Just like BLM. Only no one killed any cop, burned down property and generally shut down a city. No molotov cocktails, no bricks thrown, etc. Those are the real FACTS. Not Democrat talking-point 'facts.'
Right...that mob just smashed their way into the Capitol while injuring over 140 cops while shouting HANG MIKE PENCE and searching for Nancy Pelosi to put a bullet in her brain
Right...that mob just smashed their way into the Capitol while injuring over 140 cops while shouting HANG MIKE PENCE and searching for Nancy Pelosi to put a bullet in her brain
They knocked over a few barricades, tussled with a few cops, didn't shoot anyone, kill anyone or burn the place to the ground, like BLM did. Meanwhile these disingenuous Democrats run around and have hissy fits about a peaceful protest. It's all political theater.
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That is a lie fukhead. There is video of the gallery group IN THE GALLERY when the shot is fored and them discussing it. And your preternse that Byrd should have stopped defending the barricade when there were still members in the chambers (which you at various times have admitted) is absurd.

He had a duty to defend that barricade until ALL members were not only out of the Chambers but somewhere safe.

That is just a flagrant lie. There was no flagpole

None of this occurred at the entrance to the Chambers which was BEHIND the barricade

Stop fucking lying
Show me that video, Lesh! It contradicts what they themselves said.
Right...that mob just smashed their way into the Capitol while injuring over 140 cops while shouting HANG MIKE PENCE and searching for Nancy Pelosi to put a bullet in her brain
Ah, I hate to point out the obvious, Sparky but in order to put a bullet in someone's first has to have a GUN!
The protesters didn't have those because they weren't there to shoot anyone...they were there to stop what they viewed to be an illegitimate election!

Ah, I hate to point out the obvious, Sparky but in order to put a bullet in someone's first has to have a GUN!
The protesters didn't have those because they weren't there to shoot anyone...they were there to stop what they viewed to be an illegitimate election!
Tell it to the rioter that said that
Lying moron, it's video from the same event as the other one I showed you only from someone else's phone. You can hear the gunshot in this one too.

And the ones from the other barricade where they didn't shoot was because unlike Ashes Targetpractice, none of them breached their barricade. They had their guns drawn snd trained on them which they most certainlywould have used had any of them been stupid enough to try. :eusa_doh:

Regardless of your lies, I proved there were still members of Congress inside the House Chamber when Benedict Babbitt was shot. I proved the mob started beating on the doors before those 3 officers left. I proved that the door to the chamber is only about 5-10 feet from where Ashes was shot. And I proved there was no barricade behind that door.

Had Ashes nog been stopped by Byrd, the rest of that mob would have followed her. At that point, police would have had to gun down many of them to protect lawmakers still inside the House chamber. Michael Byrd saved lives that day by keeping Trump's violent mob at bay by killing just the one idiot who was stupid enough to ignore police warnings and stay back.
I never claimed there weren't members of Congress inside the House Chamber when Babbitt was shot. I've shown quite clearly that there were 20 members inside the Chamber at that point and from their own testimony we also know that they were in the process of being escorted out of the Chamber! At which point Byrd has no excuse for executing anyone let alone an unarmed female.
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Worse still, why didn't Pelosi take appropriate securities posture? IF they had this information, it should have never happened. This was a set up. A false flag event to drive their political agenda.
And what "political agenda" is that?
To make Trumptards look like traitorous, anti-American idiots?
Too late.
They do a fine job of that themselves.
They knocked over a few barricades, tussled with a few cops, didn't shoot anyone, kill anyone or burn the place to the ground, like BLM did. Meanwhile these disingenuous Democrats run around and have hissy fits about a peaceful protest. It's all political theater.
Peaceful protest your ass


They knocked over a few barricades, tussled with a few cops, didn't shoot anyone, kill anyone or burn the place to the ground, like BLM did. Meanwhile these disingenuous Democrats run around and have hissy fits about a peaceful protest. It's all political theater.
Tell it to the rioter that said that
Was there a single fire arm taken from a single protester inside of the Capital building? How do you go some place planning to put a bullet in someone and not bring a gun? Duh?
I never claimed there weren't members of Congress inside the House Chamber when Babbitt was shot. I've shown quite clearly that there were 20 members inside the Chamber at that point and from their own testimony we also know that they were in the process of being escorted out of the Chamber!
A. At various times you did

B. You also claimed that because there were only 20 members of Congrerss in the Chambers that Byrd had no reason to shoot to protect them. If there was ONE member of Congress either in the Chambers or still in the process of escaping he had a duty to protect that Congressman.
You are stupid
You talk in circles
You are dishonest

And newsflash...EVERYONE CAN SEE IT
Really? The claim made by people like you, all the time, is that it was a planned insurrection, with leadership from above. .

How would they know that and not think it would be bad?

Are you changing your story on the 1/6 riot?
It was planned and orchestrated "from above."
Now the Jan. 6th Committe has PROOF that Mark Meadows was in phone contact with the enemy insurgents WHILE they were storming the Capitol.

But everybody but the idiots already knew that when it was discovered that Trump conveniently "lost" most of the call logs from the day of the coup attempt.

"The gap in Trump's records is "25 times as big as the gap in the Nixon tapes that figured so largely [in] Watergate," wrote Rep. Don Beyer, D-Va. "Trump made several calls that we already know about during this gap, as he watched the attack on the Capitol unfold without lifting a finger to stop it for several crucial hours."

A. At various times you did

B. You also claimed that because there were only 20 members of Congrerss in the Chambers that Byrd had no reason to shoot to protect them. If there was ONE member of Congress either in the Chambers or still in the process of escaping he had a duty to protect that Congressman.
You are stupid
You talk in circles
You are dishonest

And newsflash...EVERYONE CAN SEE IT
When did I claim that? I've simply used the testimony of the members of Congress that were there to show that all but 20 of the Congress people were already evacuated from the House Chamber and those last 20 were in the process of being escorted out when for some reason Officer Byrd decided that Ashli Babbitt needed to die. He decided that she needed to die to protect a room that was about to be empty.
It was planned and orchestrated "from above."
Now the Jan. 6th Committe has PROOF that Mark Meadows was in phone contact with the enemy insurgents WHILE they were storming the Capitol.

But everybody but the idiots already knew that when it was discovered that Trump conveniently "lost" most of the call logs from the day of the coup attempt.

"The gap in Trump's records is "25 times as big as the gap in the Nixon tapes that figured so largely [in] Watergate," wrote Rep. Don Beyer, D-Va. "Trump made several calls that we already know about during this gap, as he watched the attack on the Capitol unfold without lifting a finger to stop it for several crucial hours."

Do you write fiction? You should because you're damn good at it!!

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