DOJ Admits Federal Government Ran Informants Inside the Oath Keepers on Jan. 6 & they could be called to testify under 6th Amendment

In the aftermath of the events on January 6, Biggs's brothers William and Daniel wrote a letter to the editor of The Arizona Republic demanding their brother's removal from office. They wrote that Biggs is "at least partially to blame" for the Capitol storming. They also condemned his refusal to wear a mask in the secure location. According to William and Daniel Biggs, this "was a passive-aggressive tantrum and the ultimate disrespect for all present".[48]

Biggs was one of 12 House Republicans to vote against H.R 1085 to award three Congressional Gold Medals to the United States Capitol Police who protected the Capitol on January 6.[49][50][51] In June 2021, he and 20 other House Republicans voted against a similar resolution.[52]

The House committee investigating the January 6 attack subpoenaed Biggs on May 12, 2022.[53] During the committee hearing on June 21, 2022, Speaker of the Arizona House Russell Bowers testified that Biggs called him on the morning of January 6 asking him to sign a letter calling for decertification of the Arizona electors.[54] On June 23, 2022, witnesses confirmed that Biggs had asked for a presidential pardon for his activities related to the certification of the vote.[55][56]
So Biggs' brothers are snowflakes. Glad he didn't vote for those cowards to receive awards for killing an unarmed woman. You're a big sucker if you believe anything coming out of that fake political shit-show which is the Jan 6th Pelosi-selected committee.
So Biggs' brothers are snowflakes. Glad he didn't vote for those cowards to receive awards for killing an unarmed woman. You're a big sucker if you believe anything coming out of that fake political shit-show which is the Jan 6th Pelosi-selected committee.
Right. Bigg's brothers are the snowflakes and not Biggs

Right. Bigg's brothers are the snowflakes and not Biggs

Well, IF we are to believe what you wrote, and I take anything you write with a huge grain of salt, his own brothers claimed he was somehow responsible for Jan 6th which is really ludicrous on the face of it, then, the little snowflakes shit on their own brother for not wearing a mask!! I would disown them. They are obviously knuckle-dragging lefties.
The Jan 6th committee is nothing but a fake and probably unconstitutional kangaroo court. As with seemingly everything the Democrats in D.C. their assertions are based on lies laundered through the mainstream media which they control.

Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, runs an illegitimate operation. She bullies. She changes the traditions of the House. She changes the rules. And, often, she ignores the rules.

She has turned the Capitol into a fortress to keep the American people out. She has turned the Capitol Police into the TSA, wanding and frisking members as they enter the House Chambers to vote or debate.

Most egregiously, she created an illegitimate committee in an attempt to intimidate members of Congress, attack President Donald Trump and his supporters, and to distract Americans from the disastrous performance of herself, Chuck Schumer (Senate Majority Leader), and President Joe Biden.
An opinion piece from

An opinion piece from

Yep, more information for the ignorant. Ignorant folks need 'fact checkers' to tell them what to think. Step out, read things you disagree with. Don't be ignorant.
So all you have is the Peewee Herman "I know you are but what am I" defense?
Should I even waste my time looking in the "other" thread to see if you posted that video, Lesh? Nah...I think we both know that's never going to posted by you! You lied about having it. Got called on it. Now you're squirming like a worm on a hook!
He acted in concert with his brother publicly several times. His brother's comments are also proof that he had been very conservative until very recently and his actions showed that he was doing things to HURT the BLM movement...ewhich was why they tossed his ass to the curb.

As far as proud boys...they are very close with the Oath Keepers who in many instances are ACTIVE and former LEOs.

You are not making sense. Now you are implying that hte Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and Law Enforcement are all operating in concert, while the topic is the 1/6 riot, where the LE has admitted to infiltrating the oath keepers there, to at least watch them as they are/were considered a threat.

Alternative, and more likely scenario. Young man grows up in a conservative home, changes when he reaches adult hood, gets radicalized by exposure to lefties and their propaganda, starts trying to get involved with lefty groups, without connections, stupid shit that more popular kids get a pass for, gets him ostracized, he goes to 1/6 protest to infiltrate and agitate to make the evul conservatives look bad.

Google is your friend, poster Correll.
Using google wisely and prudently can prevent you from being viewed disparagingly by some. Well, actually, by many.
Trust me.


I like that you pretend to forget that we were talking about the conventional wisdom of hte left.

My point stands. This guy exists, but people like you, like to pretend he does not.

Well, actually poster Leo, Sedition Hunters ( Sedition Hunters ) ..... doesn't identify them as "protesters".

Rather they ID them as 'Perps'.

Here, take a look:

PS.....if you recognize any of those alleged insurrectionists....well, call your local authorities, or get in touch with Sedition Hunters. You can find their contact info here: Sedition Hunters

Think of your efforts in doing so as 'good citizenship'/

And now you are trying to move the discussion to one of semantics.

How normal and standard of you.
It was planned and orchestrated "from above."

So, why did the feds sit on the intel then?

And why are you not outraged that they did? I would think you would be screaming to want to know, who knew what when and why they let the plans move forward.

Yet, you seem, oddly unconcerned about that. Almost as though you don't really believe it.
You are not making sense. Now you are implying that hte Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and Law Enforcement are all operating in concert, while the topic is the 1/6 riot, where the LE has admitted to infiltrating the oath keepers there, to at least watch them as they are/were considered a threat.
The DID operate in get Trump elected and on Jan 6.
So, why did the feds sit on the intel then?
You'd have to ask them.
And why are you not outraged that they did? I would think you would be screaming to want to know, who knew what when and why they let the plans move forward.
I am and the Jan 6 Committee should be able to find out. I suspect it was because of Trump supporters getting in the way of action that should have been taken
Tell me more about your conspiracy theory. How did the Law Enforcement work with the Proud Boys to get Trump elected in 2016?
Who mentioned 2016?

Are you seriously denying that the Proud Boys and oath Keepers worked together at LEAST on Jan 6?

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