DOJ won't comply with house oversight subpoena on census question

DOJ won't comply with Oversight subpoena over census question

Good! To hell with the house democraps...just a fine example of the inmates running the asylum.
1) The Democrats are the majority in the House
2) Rhey are the duly elected representatives of the people
3) The House of Representatives legislate and investigate
4) It is the constitutional responsibility of the House of Representatives to conduct investigations with the power of subpoenas and the authority to charge those who refuse such subpoenas with contempt of congress.

Anyone who respects the constitution should appreciate that and respect it.
They don't have an unlimited power to investigate. They only have investigative powers where it relates to their Congressional Powers under Article 1.
Obfuscation, obstruction of justice are within those powers. Lying to congress is well within those powers.

Attorney General William Barr RIGHTFULLY rejected the demand of the Democratic-controlled House Judiciary Committee that, when he testifies about the Mueller report, he do so under extraordinary conditions. One of the conditions was that Barr be questioned by non-members of the Committee — namely, staff lawyers. The last time committee lawyers questioned a Cabinet official during open hearings was in the mid-1980s when Attorney General Meese testified about Iran-Contra. And Ed Meese wasn't testifying about a memo regarding findings made by someone else in a publicly-available document.

Committee Democrats have insisted that Barr agree to be questioned by non-members. Barr has refused. Thus, Barr won’t testify tomorrow.

Fat Jerry Nadler called Barr’s decision part of the administration’s “complete stonewalling of Congress, period.” That statement is a bald-faced lie.

It’s not “complete stonewalling” when Barr agrees to be questioned for hours by Senate Judiciary Committee members on Wednesday and by House Judiciary Committee members for hours the following day, as Barr was willing to do. It’s not stonewalling at all. Nor is it stonewalling to insist on procedures that have been used, without exception, for more than 30 years when Cabinet members testify publicly before Congress.

Democratic Senators were able to grill Barr without relying on staff lawyers to ask the questions. If Fat Jerry doesn’t have enough competent questioners among his committee members to grill Barr, that’s his fault. It’s not grounds for special procedures for which there is no precedent in the past 30 years.

Fat Jerry Nadler claimed that questioning by Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee revealed Barr’s “lack of candor in describing the work of the special counsel.” If so, Democrats on the Nadler’s committee should be able to do the same thing without the help of their mouthpieces, especially since (at least according to Nadler) the spade work has been done on the Senate side.

Democrats are trying to generate as much controversy on as many fronts as possible. A House Judiciary Committee hearing with Barr wouldn’t serve that purpose. Senate Democrats have already made as much hay as is possible on the phony issue of “discrepancies” between Mueller’s report and Barr’s memo.

Thus, the best play for House Democrats is to generate a new controversy — a dispute about Barr not agreeing to testify. This they have now done by insisting on extraordinary and unnecessary procedures. A new front has been opened.

Americans are largely sickened by the Democrats failure to work for the betterment of the American People.
DOJ won't comply with Oversight subpoena over census question

Good! To hell with the house democraps...just a fine example of the inmates running the asylum.
1) The Democrats are the majority in the House
2) Rhey are the duly elected representatives of the people
3) The House of Representatives legislate and investigate
4) It is the constitutional responsibility of the House of Representatives to conduct investigations with the power of subpoenas and the authority to charge those who refuse such subpoenas with contempt of congress.

Anyone who respects the constitution should appreciate that and respect it.
They don't have an unlimited power to investigate. They only have investigative powers where it relates to their Congressional Powers under Article 1.
Obfuscation, obstruction of justice are within those powers. Lying to congress is well within those powers.

Attorney General William Barr RIGHTFULLY rejected the demand of the Democratic-controlled House Judiciary Committee that, when he testifies about the Mueller report, he do so under extraordinary conditions. One of the conditions was that Barr be questioned by non-members of the Committee — namely, staff lawyers. The last time committee lawyers questioned a Cabinet official during open hearings was in the mid-1980s when Attorney General Meese testified about Iran-Contra. And Ed Meese wasn't testifying about a memo regarding findings made by someone else in a publicly-available document.

Committee Democrats have insisted that Barr agree to be questioned by non-members. Barr has refused. Thus, Barr won’t testify tomorrow.

Fat Jerry Nadler called Barr’s decision part of the administration’s “complete stonewalling of Congress, period.” That statement is a bald-faced lie.

It’s not “complete stonewalling” when Barr agrees to be questioned for hours by Senate Judiciary Committee members on Wednesday and by House Judiciary Committee members for hours the following day, as Barr was willing to do. It’s not stonewalling at all. Nor is it stonewalling to insist on procedures that have been used, without exception, for more than 30 years when Cabinet members testify publicly before Congress.

Democratic Senators were able to grill Barr without relying on staff lawyers to ask the questions. If Fat Jerry doesn’t have enough competent questioners among his committee members to grill Barr, that’s his fault. It’s not grounds for special procedures for which there is no precedent in the past 30 years.

Fat Jerry Nadler claimed that questioning by Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee revealed Barr’s “lack of candor in describing the work of the special counsel.” If so, Democrats on the Nadler’s committee should be able to do the same thing without the help of their mouthpieces, especially since (at least according to Nadler) the spade work has been done on the Senate side.

Democrats are trying to generate as much controversy on as many fronts as possible. A House Judiciary Committee hearing with Barr wouldn’t serve that purpose. Senate Democrats have already made as much hay as is possible on the phony issue of “discrepancies” between Mueller’s report and Barr’s memo.

Thus, the best play for House Democrats is to generate a new controversy — a dispute about Barr not agreeing to testify. This they have now done by insisting on extraordinary and unnecessary procedures. A new front has been opened.

Americans are largely sickened by the Democrats failure to work for the betterment of the American People.
Written by a partisan blog with no real working understanding of fovernence here in the United States.
Figures since the DOJ is now officially part of the trump mafia with Barr during burying crimes....
What an outrage that Trump is running the DOJ the way he wants it to be run. It's never been done before!
Figures since the DOJ is now officially part of the trump mafia with Barr during burying crimes....
What an outrage that Trump is running the DOJ the way he wants it to be run. It's never been done before!

I don't think Trump is running the DOJ, I think Barr is running the DOJ the way it should be run. Barr is a keeper. I hope Trump finds more competent experienced people to fix the Federal government after 8 years of partisan democrat hacks.
DOJ won't comply with Oversight subpoena over census question

Good! To hell with the house democraps...just a fine example of the inmates running the asylum.
1) The Democrats are the majority in the House
2) Rhey are the duly elected representatives of the people
3) The House of Representatives legislate and investigate
4) It is the constitutional responsibility of the House of Representatives to conduct investigations with the power of subpoenas and the authority to charge those who refuse such subpoenas with contempt of congress.

Anyone who respects the constitution should appreciate that and respect it.
They don't have an unlimited power to investigate. They only have investigative powers where it relates to their Congressional Powers under Article 1.
Obfuscation, obstruction of justice are within those powers. Lying to congress is well within those powers.

Attorney General William Barr RIGHTFULLY rejected the demand of the Democratic-controlled House Judiciary Committee that, when he testifies about the Mueller report, he do so under extraordinary conditions. One of the conditions was that Barr be questioned by non-members of the Committee — namely, staff lawyers. The last time committee lawyers questioned a Cabinet official during open hearings was in the mid-1980s when Attorney General Meese testified about Iran-Contra. And Ed Meese wasn't testifying about a memo regarding findings made by someone else in a publicly-available document.

Committee Democrats have insisted that Barr agree to be questioned by non-members. Barr has refused. Thus, Barr won’t testify tomorrow.

Fat Jerry Nadler called Barr’s decision part of the administration’s “complete stonewalling of Congress, period.” That statement is a bald-faced lie.

It’s not “complete stonewalling” when Barr agrees to be questioned for hours by Senate Judiciary Committee members on Wednesday and by House Judiciary Committee members for hours the following day, as Barr was willing to do. It’s not stonewalling at all. Nor is it stonewalling to insist on procedures that have been used, without exception, for more than 30 years when Cabinet members testify publicly before Congress.

Democratic Senators were able to grill Barr without relying on staff lawyers to ask the questions. If Fat Jerry doesn’t have enough competent questioners among his committee members to grill Barr, that’s his fault. It’s not grounds for special procedures for which there is no precedent in the past 30 years.

Fat Jerry Nadler claimed that questioning by Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee revealed Barr’s “lack of candor in describing the work of the special counsel.” If so, Democrats on the Nadler’s committee should be able to do the same thing without the help of their mouthpieces, especially since (at least according to Nadler) the spade work has been done on the Senate side.

Democrats are trying to generate as much controversy on as many fronts as possible. A House Judiciary Committee hearing with Barr wouldn’t serve that purpose. Senate Democrats have already made as much hay as is possible on the phony issue of “discrepancies” between Mueller’s report and Barr’s memo.

Thus, the best play for House Democrats is to generate a new controversy — a dispute about Barr not agreeing to testify. This they have now done by insisting on extraordinary and unnecessary procedures. A new front has been opened.

Americans are largely sickened by the Democrats failure to work for the betterment of the American People.
Written by a partisan blog with no real working understanding of fovernence here in the United States.
It was a simple question to you:


Your refusal to answer, answers.
1) The Democrats are the majority in the House
2) Rhey are the duly elected representatives of the people
3) The House of Representatives legislate and investigate
4) It is the constitutional responsibility of the House of Representatives to conduct investigations with the power of subpoenas and the authority to charge those who refuse such subpoenas with contempt of congress.

Anyone who respects the constitution should appreciate that and respect it.
They don't have an unlimited power to investigate. They only have investigative powers where it relates to their Congressional Powers under Article 1.
Obfuscation, obstruction of justice are within those powers. Lying to congress is well within those powers.

Attorney General William Barr RIGHTFULLY rejected the demand of the Democratic-controlled House Judiciary Committee that, when he testifies about the Mueller report, he do so under extraordinary conditions. One of the conditions was that Barr be questioned by non-members of the Committee — namely, staff lawyers. The last time committee lawyers questioned a Cabinet official during open hearings was in the mid-1980s when Attorney General Meese testified about Iran-Contra. And Ed Meese wasn't testifying about a memo regarding findings made by someone else in a publicly-available document.

Committee Democrats have insisted that Barr agree to be questioned by non-members. Barr has refused. Thus, Barr won’t testify tomorrow.

Fat Jerry Nadler called Barr’s decision part of the administration’s “complete stonewalling of Congress, period.” That statement is a bald-faced lie.

It’s not “complete stonewalling” when Barr agrees to be questioned for hours by Senate Judiciary Committee members on Wednesday and by House Judiciary Committee members for hours the following day, as Barr was willing to do. It’s not stonewalling at all. Nor is it stonewalling to insist on procedures that have been used, without exception, for more than 30 years when Cabinet members testify publicly before Congress.

Democratic Senators were able to grill Barr without relying on staff lawyers to ask the questions. If Fat Jerry doesn’t have enough competent questioners among his committee members to grill Barr, that’s his fault. It’s not grounds for special procedures for which there is no precedent in the past 30 years.

Fat Jerry Nadler claimed that questioning by Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee revealed Barr’s “lack of candor in describing the work of the special counsel.” If so, Democrats on the Nadler’s committee should be able to do the same thing without the help of their mouthpieces, especially since (at least according to Nadler) the spade work has been done on the Senate side.

Democrats are trying to generate as much controversy on as many fronts as possible. A House Judiciary Committee hearing with Barr wouldn’t serve that purpose. Senate Democrats have already made as much hay as is possible on the phony issue of “discrepancies” between Mueller’s report and Barr’s memo.

Thus, the best play for House Democrats is to generate a new controversy — a dispute about Barr not agreeing to testify. This they have now done by insisting on extraordinary and unnecessary procedures. A new front has been opened.

Americans are largely sickened by the Democrats failure to work for the betterment of the American People.
Written by a partisan blog with no real working understanding of fovernence here in the United States.
It was a simple question to you:


Your refusal to answer, answers.

Section. 8.
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;

To establish Post Offices and post Roads;

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;
They don't have an unlimited power to investigate. They only have investigative powers where it relates to their Congressional Powers under Article 1.
Obfuscation, obstruction of justice are within those powers. Lying to congress is well within those powers.

Attorney General William Barr RIGHTFULLY rejected the demand of the Democratic-controlled House Judiciary Committee that, when he testifies about the Mueller report, he do so under extraordinary conditions. One of the conditions was that Barr be questioned by non-members of the Committee — namely, staff lawyers. The last time committee lawyers questioned a Cabinet official during open hearings was in the mid-1980s when Attorney General Meese testified about Iran-Contra. And Ed Meese wasn't testifying about a memo regarding findings made by someone else in a publicly-available document.

Committee Democrats have insisted that Barr agree to be questioned by non-members. Barr has refused. Thus, Barr won’t testify tomorrow.

Fat Jerry Nadler called Barr’s decision part of the administration’s “complete stonewalling of Congress, period.” That statement is a bald-faced lie.

It’s not “complete stonewalling” when Barr agrees to be questioned for hours by Senate Judiciary Committee members on Wednesday and by House Judiciary Committee members for hours the following day, as Barr was willing to do. It’s not stonewalling at all. Nor is it stonewalling to insist on procedures that have been used, without exception, for more than 30 years when Cabinet members testify publicly before Congress.

Democratic Senators were able to grill Barr without relying on staff lawyers to ask the questions. If Fat Jerry doesn’t have enough competent questioners among his committee members to grill Barr, that’s his fault. It’s not grounds for special procedures for which there is no precedent in the past 30 years.

Fat Jerry Nadler claimed that questioning by Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee revealed Barr’s “lack of candor in describing the work of the special counsel.” If so, Democrats on the Nadler’s committee should be able to do the same thing without the help of their mouthpieces, especially since (at least according to Nadler) the spade work has been done on the Senate side.

Democrats are trying to generate as much controversy on as many fronts as possible. A House Judiciary Committee hearing with Barr wouldn’t serve that purpose. Senate Democrats have already made as much hay as is possible on the phony issue of “discrepancies” between Mueller’s report and Barr’s memo.

Thus, the best play for House Democrats is to generate a new controversy — a dispute about Barr not agreeing to testify. This they have now done by insisting on extraordinary and unnecessary procedures. A new front has been opened.

Americans are largely sickened by the Democrats failure to work for the betterment of the American People.
Written by a partisan blog with no real working understanding of fovernence here in the United States.
It was a simple question to you:


Your refusal to answer, answers.
Section. 8...
To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;
That doesn't give them the right to bring in staff to grill a sitting DOJ before their committee, which is why there is no precedent for this in the history of the Republic, Barr was correct to tell this runaway committee to stuff it. If Democrats staffed their committee with clowns too dumb to question the AG, that's their fault, not the AG's.
Obfuscation, obstruction of justice are within those powers. Lying to congress is well within those powers.

Attorney General William Barr RIGHTFULLY rejected the demand of the Democratic-controlled House Judiciary Committee that, when he testifies about the Mueller report, he do so under extraordinary conditions. One of the conditions was that Barr be questioned by non-members of the Committee — namely, staff lawyers. The last time committee lawyers questioned a Cabinet official during open hearings was in the mid-1980s when Attorney General Meese testified about Iran-Contra. And Ed Meese wasn't testifying about a memo regarding findings made by someone else in a publicly-available document.

Committee Democrats have insisted that Barr agree to be questioned by non-members. Barr has refused. Thus, Barr won’t testify tomorrow.

Fat Jerry Nadler called Barr’s decision part of the administration’s “complete stonewalling of Congress, period.” That statement is a bald-faced lie.

It’s not “complete stonewalling” when Barr agrees to be questioned for hours by Senate Judiciary Committee members on Wednesday and by House Judiciary Committee members for hours the following day, as Barr was willing to do. It’s not stonewalling at all. Nor is it stonewalling to insist on procedures that have been used, without exception, for more than 30 years when Cabinet members testify publicly before Congress.

Democratic Senators were able to grill Barr without relying on staff lawyers to ask the questions. If Fat Jerry doesn’t have enough competent questioners among his committee members to grill Barr, that’s his fault. It’s not grounds for special procedures for which there is no precedent in the past 30 years.

Fat Jerry Nadler claimed that questioning by Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee revealed Barr’s “lack of candor in describing the work of the special counsel.” If so, Democrats on the Nadler’s committee should be able to do the same thing without the help of their mouthpieces, especially since (at least according to Nadler) the spade work has been done on the Senate side.

Democrats are trying to generate as much controversy on as many fronts as possible. A House Judiciary Committee hearing with Barr wouldn’t serve that purpose. Senate Democrats have already made as much hay as is possible on the phony issue of “discrepancies” between Mueller’s report and Barr’s memo.

Thus, the best play for House Democrats is to generate a new controversy — a dispute about Barr not agreeing to testify. This they have now done by insisting on extraordinary and unnecessary procedures. A new front has been opened.

Americans are largely sickened by the Democrats failure to work for the betterment of the American People.
Written by a partisan blog with no real working understanding of fovernence here in the United States.
It was a simple question to you:


Your refusal to answer, answers.
Section. 8...
To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;
That doesn't give them the right to bring in staff to grill a sitting DOJ before their committee, which is why there is no precedent for this in the history of the Republic, Barr was correct to tell this runaway committee to stuff it. If Democrats staffed their committee with clowns too dumb to question the AG, that's their fault, not the AG's.
Read more history. Read more law. Watch less Fox

Attorney General William Barr RIGHTFULLY rejected the demand of the Democratic-controlled House Judiciary Committee that, when he testifies about the Mueller report, he do so under extraordinary conditions. One of the conditions was that Barr be questioned by non-members of the Committee — namely, staff lawyers. The last time committee lawyers questioned a Cabinet official during open hearings was in the mid-1980s when Attorney General Meese testified about Iran-Contra. And Ed Meese wasn't testifying about a memo regarding findings made by someone else in a publicly-available document.

Committee Democrats have insisted that Barr agree to be questioned by non-members. Barr has refused. Thus, Barr won’t testify tomorrow.

Fat Jerry Nadler called Barr’s decision part of the administration’s “complete stonewalling of Congress, period.” That statement is a bald-faced lie.

It’s not “complete stonewalling” when Barr agrees to be questioned for hours by Senate Judiciary Committee members on Wednesday and by House Judiciary Committee members for hours the following day, as Barr was willing to do. It’s not stonewalling at all. Nor is it stonewalling to insist on procedures that have been used, without exception, for more than 30 years when Cabinet members testify publicly before Congress.

Democratic Senators were able to grill Barr without relying on staff lawyers to ask the questions. If Fat Jerry doesn’t have enough competent questioners among his committee members to grill Barr, that’s his fault. It’s not grounds for special procedures for which there is no precedent in the past 30 years.

Fat Jerry Nadler claimed that questioning by Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee revealed Barr’s “lack of candor in describing the work of the special counsel.” If so, Democrats on the Nadler’s committee should be able to do the same thing without the help of their mouthpieces, especially since (at least according to Nadler) the spade work has been done on the Senate side.

Democrats are trying to generate as much controversy on as many fronts as possible. A House Judiciary Committee hearing with Barr wouldn’t serve that purpose. Senate Democrats have already made as much hay as is possible on the phony issue of “discrepancies” between Mueller’s report and Barr’s memo.

Thus, the best play for House Democrats is to generate a new controversy — a dispute about Barr not agreeing to testify. This they have now done by insisting on extraordinary and unnecessary procedures. A new front has been opened.

Americans are largely sickened by the Democrats failure to work for the betterment of the American People.
Written by a partisan blog with no real working understanding of fovernence here in the United States.
It was a simple question to you:


Your refusal to answer, answers.
Section. 8...
To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;
That doesn't give them the right to bring in staff to grill a sitting DOJ before their committee, which is why there is no precedent for this in the history of the Republic, Barr was correct to tell this runaway committee to stuff it. If Democrats staffed their committee with clowns too dumb to question the AG, that's their fault, not the AG's.
Read more history. Read more law...
You may read all the US law and American history you like and you'll find neither authority nor precedent for a Congressional Committee to bring in staff to grill a sitting DOJ before their committee. Barr was correct to tell this runaway committee to stuff it. If Democrats staffed their committee with clowns too dumb to question the AG, that's their fault, not the AG's.

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