Dole chimes in

Oh yea take it to em Bob. I want to see the media and Dems hang themselves on this one. Attack Bob Dole's impecable character and they are toast.
I don't think Kerry wants to use his attack strategy on Mr. Dole. It's clear who has the moral high ground here. Bob Dole is a modest, self-deprecating gentleman who has never crowed ONCE about his sevice record - and he has sure as hell earned the right. He left about half of his body at Anzio.

Just another partisan smear, Mr. Kerry? Say it - I double-dog dare you!
Good for Bob Dole! He speaks for many others just like himself.

How many Purple Hearts did he get I wonder? Seems he should have a wall full of them for his injury if Kerry got three just for some superficial scrapes that never required even a short stay in a hospital.

Or maybe a Purple Heart is supposed to really mean something?

Dole is one who really earned his Purple Heart 'the old fashioned way' - despite what Terrezza claims.
ScreamingEagle said:
Good for Bob Dole! He speaks for many others just like himself.

How many Purple Hearts did he get I wonder?

And how many did he request for himself?
The quiet hero is an anachronism in Liberalville.

I mean - what's the POINT?

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