Dolphins’ Owners’ Try To Punish Protesting Players, NFL Rethinks Its Anthem Protest Policy


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Almost two years after former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick began his protest of police brutality during the playing of the national anthem, the NFL is still busy trying to punish black players for doing the same thing. Instead of worrying about its declining viewership or their problematic past relationship with the Nazi founder of Papa John’s pizza, the league’s executives and franchise owners want to make it as difficult as possible for players to speak out against an issue that disproportionately impacts black and brown people—thereby impacting the same demographic group that comprises the majority of their players.

Addressing social issues isn’t foreign to the NFL. In the past, the league has previously worked to bring awareness to issues of domestic violence and sexual assault. But they seem to have a very big problem with their players exercising their right to free speech and protest to bring attention to racial inequality. The message from the almost exclusively white male head honchos (and a number of their fans) is loud and clear: shut up, black men—and simply throw the ball.

Two months ago, the league developed an anthem rule which forbid players from taking a knee or sitting if they are on the field while the national anthem is playing. They took this rule even further to say that any teams with players that do not stand for the anthem will be fined. The great irony here is that anyone who has actually been paying attention for the last two years should know that this is not a protest of the anthem. Not a single player choosing to take a knee is protesting America’s official national song (though there’s plenty there to take issue with).

Instead, it is a moment they are using to bring awareness to the fact that our country is not, despite all its claims, treating all its citizens fairly— particularly with regard to race. Moreover, it wasn’t until 2009 that NFL players were even on the field during the playing of the anthem for prime time games (though they were for day games). So this “tradition” that certain folks are using as an excuse to justify their racist need to control black NFL players wasn’t even always a thing, and there certainly weren’t rules prohibiting taking a knee.

That is, until the idiot trump came along.

The idiot trump has shown himself to be a Nazi, and because of this, made a spectacle of player protests last year to rile up his equally racist and bigoted base. Following their leader’s example, they were eager to call black NFL players ungrateful sons of bitches. After all, it enrages many of them to see black people with money complain about anything, since they think black people are so inferior and undeserving. Never mind the fact that these players have had to sacrifice their bodies and brains for a brutal sport that is designed to entertain a public that actually doesn’t care about their safety and well-being. NFL team owners, many of whom donated to the idiot trump, jumped on the bandwagon.

Not only was the anthem rule placed into effect, the Miami Dolphins went on record this week and decided that they were going to suspend players for up to four games for protesting.

A nine-page discipline document obtained by the Associated Press reportedly contained a brief section on “Proper Anthem Conduct.” It included the possibility of “a paid or unpaid suspension, a fine or both” for players who participate in protests during the national anthem.

This decision didn’t sit well with players. It’s not only a very obvious racist tactic to silence black bodies, it also means the NFL doesn’t like free speech or peaceful protest.

As sportswriter Dave Zirin said, this is not about the anthem. Instead, it’s a reflection of the pervasive racism and white supremacy among league owners and fans. “Imagine if players said they were raising fists or taking a knee as a "gesture of support for the troops." Owners would've swooned. It isn't about the anthem. It's about silencing Black voices being raised against police violence. NFL loves black bodies. Black minds, not so much.”

Some have said that as a private employer, it’s within their bounds to do. Perhaps it is. But it certainly isn’t a good public relations decision. Most viewers of NFL games support the Black players’ taking a knee to protest and show their unity, and oppose the league’s and owners’ demand that players engage in forced patriotism—particularly patriotism-for-profit. Let’s not forget that the Department of Defense and NFL have had a nice little contractual agreement for years that uses our taxpayer money to pay for these patriotic displays. We don’t have the money to get kids in Flint clean water or electricity and disaster relief to people in Puerto Rico, but we’ve got enough money in the coffers to pay for garish military displays before football events.

At any rate, now the NFL is walking back its anthem rule. Right after it was reported that the Dolphins were going to bench players for protesting, the league and the players association put out a joint statement that they are talking and trying to work things out. Time reports the statement, in part, reads: “The NFL and NFLPA, through recent discussions, have been working on a resolution to the anthem issue. In order to allow this constructive dialogue to continue, we have come to a standstill agreement on the NFLPA’s grievance and on the NFL’s anthem policy. No new rules relating to the anthem will be issued or enforced for the next several weeks while these confidential discussions are ongoing.”

This shows the immense stupidity of the league executives and owners who signed off on this awful policy but who had not prepared for the push-back that would ensue. Legal and civil rights activists went after the league for enacting a policy that is fundamentally un-American.

The truth is that league owners and executives want black bodies to make them rich and bring home championships, but don’t want them actually talking about what being a black body in America really means. To that end, it would be great if all of the black players and those who stand in solidarity with them refused to come out onto the field for the anthem for the entire season. But we know they won’t.

In the meantime, the controversy will go on. The idiot trump will still call these players ungrateful and suggest violence against them. His mindless minions will happily follow suit.

League executives and owners will go on to make millions off the backs of black players, but won’t support them as human beings. The players will continue to be the villains in this narrative, instead of the Nazism set free on our society by the idiot trump. And more unarmed black people will be killed by police but we’ll be distracted by arguing about players on their knees, instead of focusing on the real issue.

The willful ignorance and racial and religious intolerance by the vast majority of conservatives is getting worse, and this situation provides an excellent example.

What we know so far about the Dolphins’ national anthem policy

NFL, NFLPA freeze anthem rules amid backlash to Miami policy


And for something everyone already knows:


I desperately want to take the time to school you, to embarrass you in this thread...BUT, it will be moved in 10, 9, 8.......... so I won’t waste my time.
The players are telling the public-
“You must pay attention to this.”
Public might think “Obey the law and less police encounters”
So we don’t want to pay attention to your “protest” during the national anthem. .
Do it while running off the field at halftime. But they won’t claiming difficulties and the like. Really it’s more like they know it’s divissive.

Almost two years after former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick began his protest of police brutality during the playing of the national anthem, the NFL is still busy trying to punish black players for doing the same thing. Instead of worrying about its declining viewership or their problematic past relationship with the Nazi founder of Papa John’s pizza, the league’s executives and franchise owners want to make it as difficult as possible for players to speak out against an issue that disproportionately impacts black and brown people—thereby impacting the same demographic group that comprises the majority of their players.

Addressing social issues isn’t foreign to the NFL. In the past, the league has previously worked to bring awareness to issues of domestic violence and sexual assault. But they seem to have a very big problem with their players exercising their right to free speech and protest to bring attention to racial inequality. The message from the almost exclusively white male head honchos (and a number of their fans) is loud and clear: shut up, black men—and simply throw the ball.

Two months ago, the league developed an anthem rule which forbid players from taking a knee or sitting if they are on the field while the national anthem is playing. They took this rule even further to say that any teams with players that do not stand for the anthem will be fined. The great irony here is that anyone who has actually been paying attention for the last two years should know that this is not a protest of the anthem. Not a single player choosing to take a knee is protesting America’s official national song (though there’s plenty there to take issue with).

Instead, it is a moment they are using to bring awareness to the fact that our country is not, despite all its claims, treating all its citizens fairly— particularly with regard to race. Moreover, it wasn’t until 2009 that NFL players were even on the field during the playing of the anthem for prime time games (though they were for day games). So this “tradition” that certain folks are using as an excuse to justify their racist need to control black NFL players wasn’t even always a thing, and there certainly weren’t rules prohibiting taking a knee.

That is, until the idiot trump came along.

The idiot trump has shown himself to be a Nazi, and because of this, made a spectacle of player protests last year to rile up his equally racist and bigoted base. Following their leader’s example, they were eager to call black NFL players ungrateful sons of bitches. After all, it enrages many of them to see black people with money complain about anything, since they think black people are so inferior and undeserving. Never mind the fact that these players have had to sacrifice their bodies and brains for a brutal sport that is designed to entertain a public that actually doesn’t care about their safety and well-being. NFL team owners, many of whom donated to the idiot trump, jumped on the bandwagon.

Not only was the anthem rule placed into effect, the Miami Dolphins went on record this week and decided that they were going to suspend players for up to four games for protesting.

A nine-page discipline document obtained by the Associated Press reportedly contained a brief section on “Proper Anthem Conduct.” It included the possibility of “a paid or unpaid suspension, a fine or both” for players who participate in protests during the national anthem.

This decision didn’t sit well with players. It’s not only a very obvious racist tactic to silence black bodies, it also means the NFL doesn’t like free speech or peaceful protest.

As sportswriter Dave Zirin said, this is not about the anthem. Instead, it’s a reflection of the pervasive racism and white supremacy among league owners and fans. “Imagine if players said they were raising fists or taking a knee as a "gesture of support for the troops." Owners would've swooned. It isn't about the anthem. It's about silencing Black voices being raised against police violence. NFL loves black bodies. Black minds, not so much.”

Some have said that as a private employer, it’s within their bounds to do. Perhaps it is. But it certainly isn’t a good public relations decision. Most viewers of NFL games support the Black players’ taking a knee to protest and show their unity, and oppose the league’s and owners’ demand that players engage in forced patriotism—particularly patriotism-for-profit. Let’s not forget that the Department of Defense and NFL have had a nice little contractual agreement for years that uses our taxpayer money to pay for these patriotic displays. We don’t have the money to get kids in Flint clean water or electricity and disaster relief to people in Puerto Rico, but we’ve got enough money in the coffers to pay for garish military displays before football events.

At any rate, now the NFL is walking back its anthem rule. Right after it was reported that the Dolphins were going to bench players for protesting, the league and the players association put out a joint statement that they are talking and trying to work things out. Time reports the statement, in part, reads: “The NFL and NFLPA, through recent discussions, have been working on a resolution to the anthem issue. In order to allow this constructive dialogue to continue, we have come to a standstill agreement on the NFLPA’s grievance and on the NFL’s anthem policy. No new rules relating to the anthem will be issued or enforced for the next several weeks while these confidential discussions are ongoing.”

This shows the immense stupidity of the league executives and owners who signed off on this awful policy but who had not prepared for the push-back that would ensue. Legal and civil rights activists went after the league for enacting a policy that is fundamentally un-American.

The truth is that league owners and executives want black bodies to make them rich and bring home championships, but don’t want them actually talking about what being a black body in America really means. To that end, it would be great if all of the black players and those who stand in solidarity with them refused to come out onto the field for the anthem for the entire season. But we know they won’t.

In the meantime, the controversy will go on. The idiot trump will still call these players ungrateful and suggest violence against them. His mindless minions will happily follow suit.

League executives and owners will go on to make millions off the backs of black players, but won’t support them as human beings. The players will continue to be the villains in this narrative, instead of the Nazism set free on our society by the idiot trump. And more unarmed black people will be killed by police but we’ll be distracted by arguing about players on their knees, instead of focusing on the real issue.

The willful ignorance and racial and religious intolerance by the vast majority of conservatives is getting worse, and this situation provides an excellent example.

What we know so far about the Dolphins’ national anthem policy

NFL, NFLPA freeze anthem rules amid backlash to Miami policy

View attachment 206983

And for something everyone already knows:

View attachment 206984

Then there is this piece of truth to pi$$ off the idiot trump's mindless minions:

37631480_1793834680703869_8895960675516416000_n (1).jpg

I never watch football anymore. I think Trump's right: fine 'em first time, fire 'em the second time. Problem solved.

Hire some nice looking white players people actually like to watch!! They'd sure make a lot more money that way than struggling on with these awful hate-America types.
All I can do is shake my head...

Almost two years after former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick began his protest of police brutality during the playing of the national anthem, the NFL is still busy trying to punish black players for doing the same thing. Instead of worrying about its declining viewership or their problematic past relationship with the Nazi founder of Papa John’s pizza, the league’s executives and franchise owners want to make it as difficult as possible for players to speak out against an issue that disproportionately impacts black and brown people—thereby impacting the same demographic group that comprises the majority of their players.

Addressing social issues isn’t foreign to the NFL. In the past, the league has previously worked to bring awareness to issues of domestic violence and sexual assault. But they seem to have a very big problem with their players exercising their right to free speech and protest to bring attention to racial inequality. The message from the almost exclusively white male head honchos (and a number of their fans) is loud and clear: shut up, black men—and simply throw the ball.

Two months ago, the league developed an anthem rule which forbid players from taking a knee or sitting if they are on the field while the national anthem is playing. They took this rule even further to say that any teams with players that do not stand for the anthem will be fined. The great irony here is that anyone who has actually been paying attention for the last two years should know that this is not a protest of the anthem. Not a single player choosing to take a knee is protesting America’s official national song (though there’s plenty there to take issue with).

Instead, it is a moment they are using to bring awareness to the fact that our country is not, despite all its claims, treating all its citizens fairly— particularly with regard to race. Moreover, it wasn’t until 2009 that NFL players were even on the field during the playing of the anthem for prime time games (though they were for day games). So this “tradition” that certain folks are using as an excuse to justify their racist need to control black NFL players wasn’t even always a thing, and there certainly weren’t rules prohibiting taking a knee.

That is, until the idiot trump came along.

The idiot trump has shown himself to be a Nazi, and because of this, made a spectacle of player protests last year to rile up his equally racist and bigoted base. Following their leader’s example, they were eager to call black NFL players ungrateful sons of bitches. After all, it enrages many of them to see black people with money complain about anything, since they think black people are so inferior and undeserving. Never mind the fact that these players have had to sacrifice their bodies and brains for a brutal sport that is designed to entertain a public that actually doesn’t care about their safety and well-being. NFL team owners, many of whom donated to the idiot trump, jumped on the bandwagon.

Not only was the anthem rule placed into effect, the Miami Dolphins went on record this week and decided that they were going to suspend players for up to four games for protesting.

A nine-page discipline document obtained by the Associated Press reportedly contained a brief section on “Proper Anthem Conduct.” It included the possibility of “a paid or unpaid suspension, a fine or both” for players who participate in protests during the national anthem.

This decision didn’t sit well with players. It’s not only a very obvious racist tactic to silence black bodies, it also means the NFL doesn’t like free speech or peaceful protest.

As sportswriter Dave Zirin said, this is not about the anthem. Instead, it’s a reflection of the pervasive racism and white supremacy among league owners and fans. “Imagine if players said they were raising fists or taking a knee as a "gesture of support for the troops." Owners would've swooned. It isn't about the anthem. It's about silencing Black voices being raised against police violence. NFL loves black bodies. Black minds, not so much.”

Some have said that as a private employer, it’s within their bounds to do. Perhaps it is. But it certainly isn’t a good public relations decision. Most viewers of NFL games support the Black players’ taking a knee to protest and show their unity, and oppose the league’s and owners’ demand that players engage in forced patriotism—particularly patriotism-for-profit. Let’s not forget that the Department of Defense and NFL have had a nice little contractual agreement for years that uses our taxpayer money to pay for these patriotic displays. We don’t have the money to get kids in Flint clean water or electricity and disaster relief to people in Puerto Rico, but we’ve got enough money in the coffers to pay for garish military displays before football events.

At any rate, now the NFL is walking back its anthem rule. Right after it was reported that the Dolphins were going to bench players for protesting, the league and the players association put out a joint statement that they are talking and trying to work things out. Time reports the statement, in part, reads: “The NFL and NFLPA, through recent discussions, have been working on a resolution to the anthem issue. In order to allow this constructive dialogue to continue, we have come to a standstill agreement on the NFLPA’s grievance and on the NFL’s anthem policy. No new rules relating to the anthem will be issued or enforced for the next several weeks while these confidential discussions are ongoing.”

This shows the immense stupidity of the league executives and owners who signed off on this awful policy but who had not prepared for the push-back that would ensue. Legal and civil rights activists went after the league for enacting a policy that is fundamentally un-American.

The truth is that league owners and executives want black bodies to make them rich and bring home championships, but don’t want them actually talking about what being a black body in America really means. To that end, it would be great if all of the black players and those who stand in solidarity with them refused to come out onto the field for the anthem for the entire season. But we know they won’t.

In the meantime, the controversy will go on. The idiot trump will still call these players ungrateful and suggest violence against them. His mindless minions will happily follow suit.

League executives and owners will go on to make millions off the backs of black players, but won’t support them as human beings. The players will continue to be the villains in this narrative, instead of the Nazism set free on our society by the idiot trump. And more unarmed black people will be killed by police but we’ll be distracted by arguing about players on their knees, instead of focusing on the real issue.

The willful ignorance and racial and religious intolerance by the vast majority of conservatives is getting worse, and this situation provides an excellent example.

What we know so far about the Dolphins’ national anthem policy

NFL, NFLPA freeze anthem rules amid backlash to Miami policy

View attachment 206983

And for something everyone already knows:

View attachment 206984


Almost two years after former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick began his protest of police brutality during the playing of the national anthem, the NFL is still busy trying to punish black players for doing the same thing. Instead of worrying about its declining viewership or their problematic past relationship with the Nazi founder of Papa John’s pizza, the league’s executives and franchise owners want to make it as difficult as possible for players to speak out against an issue that disproportionately impacts black and brown people—thereby impacting the same demographic group that comprises the majority of their players.

Addressing social issues isn’t foreign to the NFL. In the past, the league has previously worked to bring awareness to issues of domestic violence and sexual assault. But they seem to have a very big problem with their players exercising their right to free speech and protest to bring attention to racial inequality. The message from the almost exclusively white male head honchos (and a number of their fans) is loud and clear: shut up, black men—and simply throw the ball.

Two months ago, the league developed an anthem rule which forbid players from taking a knee or sitting if they are on the field while the national anthem is playing. They took this rule even further to say that any teams with players that do not stand for the anthem will be fined. The great irony here is that anyone who has actually been paying attention for the last two years should know that this is not a protest of the anthem. Not a single player choosing to take a knee is protesting America’s official national song (though there’s plenty there to take issue with).

Instead, it is a moment they are using to bring awareness to the fact that our country is not, despite all its claims, treating all its citizens fairly— particularly with regard to race. Moreover, it wasn’t until 2009 that NFL players were even on the field during the playing of the anthem for prime time games (though they were for day games). So this “tradition” that certain folks are using as an excuse to justify their racist need to control black NFL players wasn’t even always a thing, and there certainly weren’t rules prohibiting taking a knee.

That is, until the idiot trump came along.

The idiot trump has shown himself to be a Nazi, and because of this, made a spectacle of player protests last year to rile up his equally racist and bigoted base. Following their leader’s example, they were eager to call black NFL players ungrateful sons of bitches. After all, it enrages many of them to see black people with money complain about anything, since they think black people are so inferior and undeserving. Never mind the fact that these players have had to sacrifice their bodies and brains for a brutal sport that is designed to entertain a public that actually doesn’t care about their safety and well-being. NFL team owners, many of whom donated to the idiot trump, jumped on the bandwagon.

Not only was the anthem rule placed into effect, the Miami Dolphins went on record this week and decided that they were going to suspend players for up to four games for protesting.

A nine-page discipline document obtained by the Associated Press reportedly contained a brief section on “Proper Anthem Conduct.” It included the possibility of “a paid or unpaid suspension, a fine or both” for players who participate in protests during the national anthem.

This decision didn’t sit well with players. It’s not only a very obvious racist tactic to silence black bodies, it also means the NFL doesn’t like free speech or peaceful protest.

As sportswriter Dave Zirin said, this is not about the anthem. Instead, it’s a reflection of the pervasive racism and white supremacy among league owners and fans. “Imagine if players said they were raising fists or taking a knee as a "gesture of support for the troops." Owners would've swooned. It isn't about the anthem. It's about silencing Black voices being raised against police violence. NFL loves black bodies. Black minds, not so much.”

Some have said that as a private employer, it’s within their bounds to do. Perhaps it is. But it certainly isn’t a good public relations decision. Most viewers of NFL games support the Black players’ taking a knee to protest and show their unity, and oppose the league’s and owners’ demand that players engage in forced patriotism—particularly patriotism-for-profit. Let’s not forget that the Department of Defense and NFL have had a nice little contractual agreement for years that uses our taxpayer money to pay for these patriotic displays. We don’t have the money to get kids in Flint clean water or electricity and disaster relief to people in Puerto Rico, but we’ve got enough money in the coffers to pay for garish military displays before football events.

At any rate, now the NFL is walking back its anthem rule. Right after it was reported that the Dolphins were going to bench players for protesting, the league and the players association put out a joint statement that they are talking and trying to work things out. Time reports the statement, in part, reads: “The NFL and NFLPA, through recent discussions, have been working on a resolution to the anthem issue. In order to allow this constructive dialogue to continue, we have come to a standstill agreement on the NFLPA’s grievance and on the NFL’s anthem policy. No new rules relating to the anthem will be issued or enforced for the next several weeks while these confidential discussions are ongoing.”

This shows the immense stupidity of the league executives and owners who signed off on this awful policy but who had not prepared for the push-back that would ensue. Legal and civil rights activists went after the league for enacting a policy that is fundamentally un-American.

The truth is that league owners and executives want black bodies to make them rich and bring home championships, but don’t want them actually talking about what being a black body in America really means. To that end, it would be great if all of the black players and those who stand in solidarity with them refused to come out onto the field for the anthem for the entire season. But we know they won’t.

In the meantime, the controversy will go on. The idiot trump will still call these players ungrateful and suggest violence against them. His mindless minions will happily follow suit.

League executives and owners will go on to make millions off the backs of black players, but won’t support them as human beings. The players will continue to be the villains in this narrative, instead of the Nazism set free on our society by the idiot trump. And more unarmed black people will be killed by police but we’ll be distracted by arguing about players on their knees, instead of focusing on the real issue.

The willful ignorance and racial and religious intolerance by the vast majority of conservatives is getting worse, and this situation provides an excellent example.

What we know so far about the Dolphins’ national anthem policy

NFL, NFLPA freeze anthem rules amid backlash to Miami policy

View attachment 206983

And for something everyone already knows:

View attachment 206984

Then there is this piece of truth to pi$$ off the idiot trump's mindless minions:

View attachment 206991


As opposed to the people who kneel during the national anthem, wear Che t-shirts, attack peaceful protestors, and burn American flags are trying to lecture us about patriotism and accuse the President of “treason”.

Almost two years after former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick began his protest of police brutality during the playing of the national anthem, the NFL is still busy trying to punish black players for doing the same thing. Instead of worrying about its declining viewership or their problematic past relationship with the Nazi founder of Papa John’s pizza, the league’s executives and franchise owners want to make it as difficult as possible for players to speak out against an issue that disproportionately impacts black and brown people—thereby impacting the same demographic group that comprises the majority of their players.

Addressing social issues isn’t foreign to the NFL. In the past, the league has previously worked to bring awareness to issues of domestic violence and sexual assault. But they seem to have a very big problem with their players exercising their right to free speech and protest to bring attention to racial inequality. The message from the almost exclusively white male head honchos (and a number of their fans) is loud and clear: shut up, black men—and simply throw the ball.

Two months ago, the league developed an anthem rule which forbid players from taking a knee or sitting if they are on the field while the national anthem is playing. They took this rule even further to say that any teams with players that do not stand for the anthem will be fined. The great irony here is that anyone who has actually been paying attention for the last two years should know that this is not a protest of the anthem. Not a single player choosing to take a knee is protesting America’s official national song (though there’s plenty there to take issue with).

Instead, it is a moment they are using to bring awareness to the fact that our country is not, despite all its claims, treating all its citizens fairly— particularly with regard to race. Moreover, it wasn’t until 2009 that NFL players were even on the field during the playing of the anthem for prime time games (though they were for day games). So this “tradition” that certain folks are using as an excuse to justify their racist need to control black NFL players wasn’t even always a thing, and there certainly weren’t rules prohibiting taking a knee.

That is, until the idiot trump came along.

The idiot trump has shown himself to be a Nazi, and because of this, made a spectacle of player protests last year to rile up his equally racist and bigoted base. Following their leader’s example, they were eager to call black NFL players ungrateful sons of bitches. After all, it enrages many of them to see black people with money complain about anything, since they think black people are so inferior and undeserving. Never mind the fact that these players have had to sacrifice their bodies and brains for a brutal sport that is designed to entertain a public that actually doesn’t care about their safety and well-being. NFL team owners, many of whom donated to the idiot trump, jumped on the bandwagon.

Not only was the anthem rule placed into effect, the Miami Dolphins went on record this week and decided that they were going to suspend players for up to four games for protesting.

A nine-page discipline document obtained by the Associated Press reportedly contained a brief section on “Proper Anthem Conduct.” It included the possibility of “a paid or unpaid suspension, a fine or both” for players who participate in protests during the national anthem.

This decision didn’t sit well with players. It’s not only a very obvious racist tactic to silence black bodies, it also means the NFL doesn’t like free speech or peaceful protest.

As sportswriter Dave Zirin said, this is not about the anthem. Instead, it’s a reflection of the pervasive racism and white supremacy among league owners and fans. “Imagine if players said they were raising fists or taking a knee as a "gesture of support for the troops." Owners would've swooned. It isn't about the anthem. It's about silencing Black voices being raised against police violence. NFL loves black bodies. Black minds, not so much.”

Some have said that as a private employer, it’s within their bounds to do. Perhaps it is. But it certainly isn’t a good public relations decision. Most viewers of NFL games support the Black players’ taking a knee to protest and show their unity, and oppose the league’s and owners’ demand that players engage in forced patriotism—particularly patriotism-for-profit. Let’s not forget that the Department of Defense and NFL have had a nice little contractual agreement for years that uses our taxpayer money to pay for these patriotic displays. We don’t have the money to get kids in Flint clean water or electricity and disaster relief to people in Puerto Rico, but we’ve got enough money in the coffers to pay for garish military displays before football events.

At any rate, now the NFL is walking back its anthem rule. Right after it was reported that the Dolphins were going to bench players for protesting, the league and the players association put out a joint statement that they are talking and trying to work things out. Time reports the statement, in part, reads: “The NFL and NFLPA, through recent discussions, have been working on a resolution to the anthem issue. In order to allow this constructive dialogue to continue, we have come to a standstill agreement on the NFLPA’s grievance and on the NFL’s anthem policy. No new rules relating to the anthem will be issued or enforced for the next several weeks while these confidential discussions are ongoing.”

This shows the immense stupidity of the league executives and owners who signed off on this awful policy but who had not prepared for the push-back that would ensue. Legal and civil rights activists went after the league for enacting a policy that is fundamentally un-American.

The truth is that league owners and executives want black bodies to make them rich and bring home championships, but don’t want them actually talking about what being a black body in America really means. To that end, it would be great if all of the black players and those who stand in solidarity with them refused to come out onto the field for the anthem for the entire season. But we know they won’t.

In the meantime, the controversy will go on. The idiot trump will still call these players ungrateful and suggest violence against them. His mindless minions will happily follow suit.

League executives and owners will go on to make millions off the backs of black players, but won’t support them as human beings. The players will continue to be the villains in this narrative, instead of the Nazism set free on our society by the idiot trump. And more unarmed black people will be killed by police but we’ll be distracted by arguing about players on their knees, instead of focusing on the real issue.

The willful ignorance and racial and religious intolerance by the vast majority of conservatives is getting worse, and this situation provides an excellent example.

What we know so far about the Dolphins’ national anthem policy

NFL, NFLPA freeze anthem rules amid backlash to Miami policy

View attachment 206983

And for something everyone already knows:

View attachment 206984


NFL players can protest anytime they want, on their own time. When they are in uniform and on the field, that is company time. The company/owners are within their rights to fine or fire people that do things that misrepresent the company, especially when it affects their revenue.

How many of us are allowed to waste company time and protest while at work? I doubt very many.
What an unmitigated load of whiney-ass bullshit!
Disrespecting the National Anthem disrespects the people of America. It does not make a social statement of any sort.
Players are paid to play football; not make social or political statements. They are paid to entertain; not insult the very people who fund their business. They cut their own throats and the only thing they accomplish is to piss people off. Idiotic.
Where's the diversity in the NFL? why are there no women and so few Asian men? Fire the Kneelers, hire an Asian. At least they respectful.

Steve Ross paid $1 billion of his own money to buy the Dolphins. He's right to try to maintain the value of his team. It would be like workers at Hudson Yards deciding they had a right to take a knee instead of working

You have the right to protest, just not on company time
your OP is bullshit lies
1. Papa John's not nazi
2. there is not a major, chronic problem pf police brutality as I've proven in many threads already
3. not punishing at all--it's the same as my company or any company would do if you did not work---
Where's the diversity in the NFL? why are there no women and so few Asian men? Fire the Kneelers, hire an Asian. At least they respectful.

Steve Ross paid $1 billion of his own money to buy the Dolphins. He's right to try to maintain the value of his team. It would be like workers at Hudson Yards deciding they had a right to take a knee instead of working

You have the right to protest, just not on company time

Does taking a knee take away from the productivity of standing during those moments?

It doesn’t interfere with the game. It doesn’t take away “work time.” It’s simply a change of position while the song is playing.

Almost two years after former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick began his protest of police brutality during the playing of the national anthem, the NFL is still busy trying to punish black players for doing the same thing. Instead of worrying about its declining viewership or their problematic past relationship with the Nazi founder of Papa John’s pizza, the league’s executives and franchise owners want to make it as difficult as possible for players to speak out against an issue that disproportionately impacts black and brown people—thereby impacting the same demographic group that comprises the majority of their players.

Addressing social issues isn’t foreign to the NFL. In the past, the league has previously worked to bring awareness to issues of domestic violence and sexual assault. But they seem to have a very big problem with their players exercising their right to free speech and protest to bring attention to racial inequality. The message from the almost exclusively white male head honchos (and a number of their fans) is loud and clear: shut up, black men—and simply throw the ball.

Two months ago, the league developed an anthem rule which forbid players from taking a knee or sitting if they are on the field while the national anthem is playing. They took this rule even further to say that any teams with players that do not stand for the anthem will be fined. The great irony here is that anyone who has actually been paying attention for the last two years should know that this is not a protest of the anthem. Not a single player choosing to take a knee is protesting America’s official national song (though there’s plenty there to take issue with).

Instead, it is a moment they are using to bring awareness to the fact that our country is not, despite all its claims, treating all its citizens fairly— particularly with regard to race. Moreover, it wasn’t until 2009 that NFL players were even on the field during the playing of the anthem for prime time games (though they were for day games). So this “tradition” that certain folks are using as an excuse to justify their racist need to control black NFL players wasn’t even always a thing, and there certainly weren’t rules prohibiting taking a knee.

That is, until the idiot trump came along.

The idiot trump has shown himself to be a Nazi, and because of this, made a spectacle of player protests last year to rile up his equally racist and bigoted base. Following their leader’s example, they were eager to call black NFL players ungrateful sons of bitches. After all, it enrages many of them to see black people with money complain about anything, since they think black people are so inferior and undeserving. Never mind the fact that these players have had to sacrifice their bodies and brains for a brutal sport that is designed to entertain a public that actually doesn’t care about their safety and well-being. NFL team owners, many of whom donated to the idiot trump, jumped on the bandwagon.

Not only was the anthem rule placed into effect, the Miami Dolphins went on record this week and decided that they were going to suspend players for up to four games for protesting.

A nine-page discipline document obtained by the Associated Press reportedly contained a brief section on “Proper Anthem Conduct.” It included the possibility of “a paid or unpaid suspension, a fine or both” for players who participate in protests during the national anthem.

This decision didn’t sit well with players. It’s not only a very obvious racist tactic to silence black bodies, it also means the NFL doesn’t like free speech or peaceful protest.

As sportswriter Dave Zirin said, this is not about the anthem. Instead, it’s a reflection of the pervasive racism and white supremacy among league owners and fans. “Imagine if players said they were raising fists or taking a knee as a "gesture of support for the troops." Owners would've swooned. It isn't about the anthem. It's about silencing Black voices being raised against police violence. NFL loves black bodies. Black minds, not so much.”

Some have said that as a private employer, it’s within their bounds to do. Perhaps it is. But it certainly isn’t a good public relations decision. Most viewers of NFL games support the Black players’ taking a knee to protest and show their unity, and oppose the league’s and owners’ demand that players engage in forced patriotism—particularly patriotism-for-profit. Let’s not forget that the Department of Defense and NFL have had a nice little contractual agreement for years that uses our taxpayer money to pay for these patriotic displays. We don’t have the money to get kids in Flint clean water or electricity and disaster relief to people in Puerto Rico, but we’ve got enough money in the coffers to pay for garish military displays before football events.

At any rate, now the NFL is walking back its anthem rule. Right after it was reported that the Dolphins were going to bench players for protesting, the league and the players association put out a joint statement that they are talking and trying to work things out. Time reports the statement, in part, reads: “The NFL and NFLPA, through recent discussions, have been working on a resolution to the anthem issue. In order to allow this constructive dialogue to continue, we have come to a standstill agreement on the NFLPA’s grievance and on the NFL’s anthem policy. No new rules relating to the anthem will be issued or enforced for the next several weeks while these confidential discussions are ongoing.”

This shows the immense stupidity of the league executives and owners who signed off on this awful policy but who had not prepared for the push-back that would ensue. Legal and civil rights activists went after the league for enacting a policy that is fundamentally un-American.

The truth is that league owners and executives want black bodies to make them rich and bring home championships, but don’t want them actually talking about what being a black body in America really means. To that end, it would be great if all of the black players and those who stand in solidarity with them refused to come out onto the field for the anthem for the entire season. But we know they won’t.

In the meantime, the controversy will go on. The idiot trump will still call these players ungrateful and suggest violence against them. His mindless minions will happily follow suit.

League executives and owners will go on to make millions off the backs of black players, but won’t support them as human beings. The players will continue to be the villains in this narrative, instead of the Nazism set free on our society by the idiot trump. And more unarmed black people will be killed by police but we’ll be distracted by arguing about players on their knees, instead of focusing on the real issue.

The willful ignorance and racial and religious intolerance by the vast majority of conservatives is getting worse, and this situation provides an excellent example.

What we know so far about the Dolphins’ national anthem policy

NFL, NFLPA freeze anthem rules amid backlash to Miami policy

View attachment 206983

And for something everyone already knows:

View attachment 206984



If Dolphin players kneel, they're going to be fined. The End.

Almost two years after former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick began his protest of police brutality during the playing of the national anthem, the NFL is still busy trying to punish black players for doing the same thing. Instead of worrying about its declining viewership or their problematic past relationship with the Nazi founder of Papa John’s pizza, the league’s executives and franchise owners want to make it as difficult as possible for players to speak out against an issue that disproportionately impacts black and brown people—thereby impacting the same demographic group that comprises the majority of their players.

Addressing social issues isn’t foreign to the NFL. In the past, the league has previously worked to bring awareness to issues of domestic violence and sexual assault. But they seem to have a very big problem with their players exercising their right to free speech and protest to bring attention to racial inequality. The message from the almost exclusively white male head honchos (and a number of their fans) is loud and clear: shut up, black men—and simply throw the ball.

Two months ago, the league developed an anthem rule which forbid players from taking a knee or sitting if they are on the field while the national anthem is playing. They took this rule even further to say that any teams with players that do not stand for the anthem will be fined. The great irony here is that anyone who has actually been paying attention for the last two years should know that this is not a protest of the anthem. Not a single player choosing to take a knee is protesting America’s official national song (though there’s plenty there to take issue with).

Instead, it is a moment they are using to bring awareness to the fact that our country is not, despite all its claims, treating all its citizens fairly— particularly with regard to race. Moreover, it wasn’t until 2009 that NFL players were even on the field during the playing of the anthem for prime time games (though they were for day games). So this “tradition” that certain folks are using as an excuse to justify their racist need to control black NFL players wasn’t even always a thing, and there certainly weren’t rules prohibiting taking a knee.

That is, until the idiot trump came along.

The idiot trump has shown himself to be a Nazi, and because of this, made a spectacle of player protests last year to rile up his equally racist and bigoted base. Following their leader’s example, they were eager to call black NFL players ungrateful sons of bitches. After all, it enrages many of them to see black people with money complain about anything, since they think black people are so inferior and undeserving. Never mind the fact that these players have had to sacrifice their bodies and brains for a brutal sport that is designed to entertain a public that actually doesn’t care about their safety and well-being. NFL team owners, many of whom donated to the idiot trump, jumped on the bandwagon.

Not only was the anthem rule placed into effect, the Miami Dolphins went on record this week and decided that they were going to suspend players for up to four games for protesting.

A nine-page discipline document obtained by the Associated Press reportedly contained a brief section on “Proper Anthem Conduct.” It included the possibility of “a paid or unpaid suspension, a fine or both” for players who participate in protests during the national anthem.

This decision didn’t sit well with players. It’s not only a very obvious racist tactic to silence black bodies, it also means the NFL doesn’t like free speech or peaceful protest.

As sportswriter Dave Zirin said, this is not about the anthem. Instead, it’s a reflection of the pervasive racism and white supremacy among league owners and fans. “Imagine if players said they were raising fists or taking a knee as a "gesture of support for the troops." Owners would've swooned. It isn't about the anthem. It's about silencing Black voices being raised against police violence. NFL loves black bodies. Black minds, not so much.”

Some have said that as a private employer, it’s within their bounds to do. Perhaps it is. But it certainly isn’t a good public relations decision. Most viewers of NFL games support the Black players’ taking a knee to protest and show their unity, and oppose the league’s and owners’ demand that players engage in forced patriotism—particularly patriotism-for-profit. Let’s not forget that the Department of Defense and NFL have had a nice little contractual agreement for years that uses our taxpayer money to pay for these patriotic displays. We don’t have the money to get kids in Flint clean water or electricity and disaster relief to people in Puerto Rico, but we’ve got enough money in the coffers to pay for garish military displays before football events.

At any rate, now the NFL is walking back its anthem rule. Right after it was reported that the Dolphins were going to bench players for protesting, the league and the players association put out a joint statement that they are talking and trying to work things out. Time reports the statement, in part, reads: “The NFL and NFLPA, through recent discussions, have been working on a resolution to the anthem issue. In order to allow this constructive dialogue to continue, we have come to a standstill agreement on the NFLPA’s grievance and on the NFL’s anthem policy. No new rules relating to the anthem will be issued or enforced for the next several weeks while these confidential discussions are ongoing.”

This shows the immense stupidity of the league executives and owners who signed off on this awful policy but who had not prepared for the push-back that would ensue. Legal and civil rights activists went after the league for enacting a policy that is fundamentally un-American.

The truth is that league owners and executives want black bodies to make them rich and bring home championships, but don’t want them actually talking about what being a black body in America really means. To that end, it would be great if all of the black players and those who stand in solidarity with them refused to come out onto the field for the anthem for the entire season. But we know they won’t.

In the meantime, the controversy will go on. The idiot trump will still call these players ungrateful and suggest violence against them. His mindless minions will happily follow suit.

League executives and owners will go on to make millions off the backs of black players, but won’t support them as human beings. The players will continue to be the villains in this narrative, instead of the Nazism set free on our society by the idiot trump. And more unarmed black people will be killed by police but we’ll be distracted by arguing about players on their knees, instead of focusing on the real issue.

The willful ignorance and racial and religious intolerance by the vast majority of conservatives is getting worse, and this situation provides an excellent example.

What we know so far about the Dolphins’ national anthem policy

NFL, NFLPA freeze anthem rules amid backlash to Miami policy

View attachment 206983

And for something everyone already knows:

View attachment 206984

Then there is this piece of truth to pi$$ off the idiot trump's mindless minions:

View attachment 206991

The FBI is not America, you sleazy witless git. The FBI is a rogue agency infested with traitors who all need to be put in orange jump suits. It spends more time spying on Americans that doing anything to protect them.
Where's the diversity in the NFL? why are there no women and so few Asian men? Fire the Kneelers, hire an Asian. At least they respectful.

Steve Ross paid $1 billion of his own money to buy the Dolphins. He's right to try to maintain the value of his team. It would be like workers at Hudson Yards deciding they had a right to take a knee instead of working

You have the right to protest, just not on company time

Does taking a knee take away from the productivity of standing during those moments?

It doesn’t interfere with the game. It doesn’t take away “work time.” It’s simply a change of position while the song is playing.
Bottom line: Americans have had their fill. They will stay away from the games so long as the players continue to insult America.

They can go fuck themselves. I will never watch any team that allows players to take a knee.

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