Domestic Terrorist attacks Family Research Council

Shooting Erupts At Family Research Council - 'He Started Yelling About Things They Supported & Opened Fire' | Alternative

Shocker the news is hiding this...I ain't seen anything on yahoo about it...thanks to the hate mongering SPLC for this...they deemed the FSC a "hate group" 2 years ago because they are against sodomite marriage and abortion.

You're confused. No surprise there.

So, in the interest of accuracy, the SPLC designated the Family Research INSTITUTE as a hate group, not the Family Research Council

Family Research Institute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Floyd Lee Corkins is Alleged FRC Gunman: Supposedly Decried Conservative Policies Before Firing on Guard

In an incident whose details will soon become clearer, a gunman walked into the Washington D.C. headquarters of the Family Research Council —

Ironically, the Southern Poverty Law Center has designated FRC as a hate group because of its fervent anti-gay stance.

Family Research Council shooting: Security guard shot in arm, suspected gunman in custody | The Lookout - Yahoo! News
I love how some people in this thread did NOT allow this 'conversation' to happen.


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Every loon is now a terrorist? This a right out of the Van Jones playbook.


oh god, you are especially vile and filthy, arent you

as someone who sort of knows Van Jones in that a close friend of mine is his friend and shares info with me about him, this statement from you

well, i think I will see if he can sue you for it, I will copy and past your comment to him

good luck!

You might want to take that up with the FBI and the Army:

Nidal Malik Hasan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

However investigators in the FBI and U.S. Army determined that Hasan acted alone and as of yet have found no evidence of links to terrorist groups. They are satisfied that his communications with Awlaki, targeted in 2010 as a dangerous Al Qaeda leader, posed no threat at the time. The decision by Attorney General Eric Holder not to charge Hasan with terrorism was controversial, and it was widely debated as to whether Hasan could be called a "terrorist".[10] One terrorism analyst believed Hasan was "acting individually because he doesn't want to deploy overseas".[11] Hasan has been charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted murder.[12][13] An Article 32 hearing, which recommended that Charges against Hasan be referred to a General Court Martial, began on October 12, 2010. Hasan was arraigned on July 20, 2011 and trial was scheduled for March 2012.

Terrorist charges are based on a mind charging with a Hate Crime...same concept.....I'm sure that those upset about Hasan not being charged with terrorism are ok with the idea of charging someone with a hate crime.
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I don't care if it is a left wing nut or a right wing nut, to me the guy was nuts.

His anger came out as political.

Left wing terrorists or right wing terrorists aren't the sharpest tools and are all capable of violence.
Charles, the people I work with at Kennedy Space Center are Unionized and I really think you should watch you words. You have no clue what you are talking about. Honestly, these men and women provide the safest and most reliable entry into space. As a matter of national security these union workers keep the the proverbial High Ground while you run your mouth and seem to be completely misinformed.

You deny that the teamsters, the afl-cio and other large Unions have not used intimidation, murder and threats of murder to get what they want? What world do you live in?
And so have corporations, businesses, and businessmen and their thugs.

What's your point?

If it is that violence is used by both left and right, I agree with you.

Charles, the people I work with at Kennedy Space Center are Unionized and I really think you should watch you words. You have no clue what you are talking about. Honestly, these men and women provide the safest and most reliable entry into space. As a matter of national security these union workers keep the the proverbial High Ground while you run your mouth and seem to be completely misinformed.

You deny that the teamsters, the afl-cio and other large Unions have not used intimidation, murder and threats of murder to get what they want? What world do you live in?
If he feels that anyone who supports traditional marriage should be killed, good for him. It's time we had this settled once and for all. If militant gays want to use violence, that's their choice.
This guy is obviously a liberal. He only shot the guard in the arm, and then was wrestled to the ground, disarmed, and subdued by the wounded guard. A conservative would have killed a bunch of people before dying in a shoot out with authorities.
Terror has existed on the right and the left.

not modern day america left, this is the only example i can think of

let me reword it, for every one act of violence or hate speech from the left, there are 3,568 from the right

right wing terror is on the rise in america, there is a report about it
I have no doubt, at the moment, there exists more terrorism on the right than the left.

In the 1960s and 1970s, the opposite was true: some on the far left were truly deranged.

And being old to witness both groups and their personalities, the left of the sixties were truly far more scary and dangerous than the wannabees on our far right.

However, when the far right breaks the law, break their heads.

Terror has existed on the right and the left.

not modern day america left, this is the only example i can think of

let me reword it, for every one act of violence or hate speech from the left, there are 3,568 from the right

right wing terror is on the rise in america, there is a report about it

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