Domestic Terrorist attacks Family Research Council

Shooting Erupts At Family Research Council - 'He Started Yelling About Things They Supported & Opened Fire' | Alternative

Shocker the news is hiding this...I ain't seen anything on yahoo about it...thanks to the hate mongering SPLC for this...they deemed the FSC a "hate group" 2 years ago because they are against sodomite marriage and abortion.

You're confused. No surprise there.

So, in the interest of accuracy, the SPLC designated the Family Research INSTITUTE as a hate group, not the Family Research Council

Family Research Institute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Start around the turn of last century.

It DOES Exist, right up until today.

Open a fucking history book once in a while.

Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Min and a host of other despots all lefties murdered millions in terror campaigns but this guy claims it never happened. Hell Hitler was left of center as well.
Human Secularists have killed more people throughout human history than any other group.

Stalin, Mao and others were all far left loons. Ho Chi Min may be a stretch he was a patriot that turned to communism to save his Country. Pol Pot may have been insane but he was far left also. Stalin murdered close to what 50 million? Hitler was left of center and he caused WW2 which saw something like 30 or 40 million dead. Mao murdered millions of his own people also. All left wing.

You can pretend other wise but History is clear.
Take a stand on what? We have a leader. We also have a constitution. Therefore, we have a legal framework by which his detractors can effectively stifle his ability to lead.

You think it's fine (the President has a "D" after his name), I think we need leaders who will take a stand.

I guess we disagree, huh?


What a shock. Considering what an agreeable person you are.

Take a stand on what?

Got a suggestion for a person with the chops to lead?

Oh yeah, easy. The President.

Not working out so far, but he definitely has/had the chops. The mandate. The moment.

Oh wait, let me guess. Those racist Republicans won't let him.

Okay, maybe he's not the guy.

I guess I don't have a good answer to that one. But whomever it is, it will have to be someone who is brave enough to not worry about re-election. And it will certainly have to come from both parties. But someone has to be first.

You are a parasite from the far extreme right, Pho, who think anybody center or right of center like me is a lefty. If the guard dies, go for the death penalty, until then, life in prison.

You are a loon, you fool.

The security guard acted heroically and helped subdue the shooter.

He is a domestic terrorist from the left, and should be treated as such: life in prison.

Fry the fucker. But of course the OWS parasites like you would want a lighter sentence.
Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Min and a host of other despots all lefties murdered millions in terror campaigns but this guy claims it never happened. Hell Hitler was left of center as well.
Human Secularists have killed more people throughout human history than any other group.

Sure...if you only count the middle of the 20th century and discount all the other centuries of mankind's mistreatment of his fellow man.

Between Hitler, Stalin and Mao that is well over 100 Million. I doubt any other political system has killed as many. And that lasted from 1918 to 1975 or so. And does not include Ho Chi Min or Pol Pot or any of the African lefties.
Every loon is now a terrorist? This a right out of the Van Jones playbook.


oh god, you are especially vile and filthy, arent you

as someone who sort of knows Van Jones in that a close friend of mine is his friend and shares info with me about him, this statement from you

well, i think I will see if he can sue you for it, I will copy and past your comment to him

good luck!

Youmean Van Jones the admitted Communist who thinks whitey is funneling pollution into black communities in order to kill them off???

THAT Van Jones...the one who thinks Pelosi should be admired???

Fuck him.

Dude, I wouldn't fuck him with a borrowed dick although I'm pretty sure that Conz is taking it up the poop shoot from someone who's brother's sister knows someone else's uncle's aunt who knows Van Jones...
Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Min and a host of other despots all lefties murdered millions in terror campaigns but this guy claims it never happened. Hell Hitler was left of center as well.
Human Secularists have killed more people throughout human history than any other group.

Stalin, Mao and others were all far left loons. Ho Chi Min may be a stretch he was a patriot that turned to communism to save his Country. Pol Pot may have been insane but he was far left also. Stalin murdered close to what 50 million? Hitler was left of center and he caused WW2 which saw something like 30 or 40 million dead. Mao murdered millions of his own people also. All left wing.

You can pretend other wise but History is clear.
In case you missed it, I am agreeing with you. My statement is one of fact.

Human secularists (liberals and progressives) have killed more people throughout history (all of human history) than any other group.

Ho Chi Min was always a leftist. He just went further left after the war.
You are a parasite from the far extreme right, Pho, who think anybody center or right of center like me is a lefty. If the guard dies, go for the death penalty, until then, life in prison.

You are a loon, you fool.

The security guard acted heroically and helped subdue the shooter.

He is a domestic terrorist from the left, and should be treated as such: life in prison.

Fry the fucker. But of course the OWS parasites like you would want a lighter sentence.
Don't you have a cop car to shit on, fakejake?
Human Secularists have killed more people throughout human history than any other group.

Sure...if you only count the middle of the 20th century and discount all the other centuries of mankind's mistreatment of his fellow man.

Between Hitler, Stalin and Mao that is well over 100 Million. I doubt any other political system has killed as many. And that lasted from 1918 to 1975 or so. And does not include Ho Chi Min or Pol Pot or any of the African lefties.

We May have Pushed Ho Chi Min into the arms of China and Russia, but we didn't make him a left winger. He was always left wing.
So, in other words, once again you're just spreading bullshit.

Fuck off, liar.

insisting on being a complete moron doesnt win arguments

If you honestly dont know about this org and what they preach, then you should read up on it

They vehemently hate and organize against entire sections of the human population

shut up and read a book you stupid vile racist moron

Racist? Who mentioned race?

Are you on drugs or just mentally retarded... you're all over the map there Francis.

Ooops, you hit a nerve, now he's shouting again.
Human Secularists have killed more people throughout human history than any other group.

Sure...if you only count the middle of the 20th century and discount all the other centuries of mankind's mistreatment of his fellow man.

Between Hitler, Stalin and Mao that is well over 100 Million. I doubt any other political system has killed as many. And that lasted from 1918 to 1975 or so. And does not include Ho Chi Min or Pol Pot or any of the African lefties.
yep...well over a 100 million. Even the Inquisition's of the middle ages only killed 14k or so.
Ask anyone who ever took a Job from a Striking Union shop if there are any Left wing Terrorist. Those Union Thugs fit the Bill pretty good. lol
Well, Hitler claimed he was a Christian and Stalin went to seminary, so there you are.
insisting on being a complete moron doesnt win arguments

If you honestly dont know about this org and what they preach, then you should read up on it

They vehemently hate and organize against entire sections of the human population

shut up and read a book you stupid vile racist moron

Racist? Who mentioned race?

Are you on drugs or just mentally retarded... you're all over the map there Francis.

When are you guys going to Figure this guy out. He is not for real, He is just playing a part, saying the Most sensational Shit he can think of to get re-action. He is completely UN-worthy of even a Response at this Point.
Charles, the people I work with at Kennedy Space Center are Unionized and I really think you should watch you words. You have no clue what you are talking about. Honestly, these men and women provide the safest and most reliable entry into space. As a matter of national security these union workers keep the the proverbial High Ground while you run your mouth and seem to be completely misinformed.
Well, Hitler claimed he was a Christian and Stalin went to seminary, so there you are.

What does that have to do with anything? A Christian cant be left wing?

Oh and Stalin may have gone to Seminary School but there is no arguing he Ruled as a RADICAL EXTREME secularist.
Charles, the people I work with at Kennedy Space Center are Unionized and I really think you should watch you words. You have no clue what you are talking about. Honestly, these men and women provide the safest and most reliable entry into space. As a matter of national security these union workers keep the the proverbial High Ground while you run your mouth and seem to be completely misinformed.

Wouldn't they be able to do this if they weren't union?


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