Domestic Terrorist attacks Family Research Council

elaborate? i thought it was common knowledge what these haters teach...

if not, you really should educate yourself

So, in other words, once again you're just spreading bullshit.

Fuck off, liar.

insisting on being a complete moron doesnt win arguments

If you honestly dont know about this org and what they preach, then you should read up on it

They vehemently hate and organize against entire sections of the human population

shut up and read a book you stupid vile racist moron

Racist? Who mentioned race?

Are you on drugs or just mentally retarded... you're all over the map there Francis.
Family research council is a terrorist org, too bad though, I dont like to see shootings no matter what

I guess you cant spew hate all day everyday against millions of americans without any consequences

but again< dont agree with violence

no liberal does ever

That's because liberals are complete pussies.

so you admit all domestic violence is from righty


No. Bit I am saying you limp wristed fruitcakes are easy to beat the shit out of.
elaborate? i thought it was common knowledge what these haters teach...

if not, you really should educate yourself

Let me get this right..... If someone on the right calls some group on the left terrorists and anything bad happens the right incited the violence..... If someone on the left calls a group on the right terrorists and violence happens, it is just " oh well shit happens?"

I got that right?

I honestly dont understand your question

A pure and vile org that exists solely to hate others, family research council, was the target of violence, and I pointed out that humans will be humans

what did I miss?

The President and major leaders in the Democratic party not to mention numerous liberals on this board all have claimed that the Republicans and right wingers incite violence if they call a group a name. I am betting you have done so also.

Now we have a right wing group being attacked with violence and suddenly it is just human nature after you and the left called them terrorists, vile and all kind of other names.

Go figure lefty logic at work.

oh god, you are especially vile and filthy, arent you

as someone who sort of knows Van Jones in that a close friend of mine is his friend and shares info with me about him, this statement from you

well, i think I will see if he can sue you for it, I will copy and past your comment to him

good luck!

Youmean Van Jones the admitted Communist who thinks whitey is funneling pollution into black communities in order to kill them off???

THAT Van Jones...the one who thinks Pelosi should be admired???

Fuck him.

Not a clue, you dont have a clue. I think Van will feel sorry for you when he sees this so dont worry.

Nancy Pelosi is 235 times smarter than you, 3000 times richer than you, and so much more mature than you it isnt funny

do you even know what self realization is? critical thinking>

Oh Conz.....Van Jones fucks animals, sorry.....but then you probably do too.

But thats better than kids.
This could not have happened in DC......they have some of the most comprehensive gun laws in the Nation. I'll bet DC and supporters of its gun laws are happy that the attendees at the Family Research Center were abiding by the law and left their guns at home.
bullshit liar sgt, i said i dont condone violence and am against it

a violent act against an organization that exists solely to seek violence against others is still wrong
No. Bit I am saying you limp wristed fruitcakes are easy to beat the shit out of.

I bet that one reeks of patchoulii oil, marijuana and carries a hemp bag...

I must say, that comment only applied to liberal men. Most of their women look like they wrestle alligators....

Yeah, there's a junior college up the road... I see 'em all congregating.. the guys dress like 10 year old girls and the girls look like they've been cloned from 60's hippie chicks. I bet they're railing on and on about "the man".

bullshit liar sgt, i said i dont condone violence and am against it

a violent act against an organization that exists solely to seek violence against others is still wrong

What violence has the FRC committed and against whom? Dates and places please.
bullshit liar sgt, i said i dont condone violence and am against it

a violent act against an organization that exists solely to seek violence against others is still wrong

What is violence if not spreading vulgar lies against people? You sir, are a filth bag and a liar.
Leftwing Terror, imagine that.

doesnt exist, never has

you should take a history course
Start around the turn of last century.

It DOES Exist, right up until today.

Open a fucking history book once in a while.

Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Min and a host of other despots all lefties murdered millions in terror campaigns but this guy claims it never happened. Hell Hitler was left of center as well.
doesnt exist, never has

you should take a history course
Start around the turn of last century.

It DOES Exist, right up until today.

Open a fucking history book once in a while.

Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Min and a host of other despots all lefties murdered millions in terror campaigns but this guy claims it never happened. Hell Hitler was left of center as well.

Candycorn thinks all of these genteel men of honor are "right wingers".
bullshit liar sgt, i said i dont condone violence and am against it

a violent act against an organization that exists solely to seek violence against others is still wrong

You don't mind dead righties, you just don't want to know who killed'em.

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