Domestic Terrorist BLM members throw unknown liquid on Trump Supporters in line for rally - Natl Guard move in

What a dumb-assed thing to say. Show me the pictures of buildings that burned in Tulsa yesterday. Show me the cellphone vids from the trump supporters showing Tulsa violence before the rally. Where are any interviews with National Guard Officers and Enlisted that speak about the non-existent accounts of burning. You guys are full of crap. He had a low turn out rally, a flop. He has had a horrible week with the supreme court slapping him down like a kid misbehaving at the table, on issues he supports, mostly because of the incompetence of his staff and lawyers.
In November, your boy is going down. Get used to it.
..the issues he supports are for all Americans and common sense
Why do these fascists want to stop the Trump rally?

Why silence free speech?

What is the point, specifically?
Wake up. Nobody stopped his little rally. It was just a flop.
..the issues he supports are for all Americans and common sense
Supporting "trumped up" with propaganda lies is not support.
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Supporting "trumped up" with propaganda lies is not support.
....keeping illegals out is WRONG????!!! --wanting to keep illegals is IDIOCY--just like the blacks, you people think with your feelings and emotions, not your brains
Wake up. Nobody stopped his little rally. It was just a flop.
wake up--the left and blacks are just like nazis--disrupting political opponents' meetings:
What a dumb-assed thing to say. Show me the pictures of buildings that burned in Tulsa yesterday. Show me the cellphone vids from the trump supporters showing Tulsa violence before the rally. Where are any interviews with National Guard Officers and Enlisted that speak about the non-existent accounts of burning. You guys are full of crap. He had a low turn out rally, a flop. He has had a horrible week with the supreme court slapping him down like a kid misbehaving at the table, on issues he supports, mostly because of the incompetence of his staff and lawyers.
In November, your boy is going down. Get used to it.
We’ve spent three weeks watching the media fawn over rioting, looting and arson. They never called it anything but peaceful protests. Attendance was down a bit but that’s not surprising considering the carnage we’ve been watching the left cause and the threats they throw out there daily. A few chose not to risk their family’ Health and watch on TV. Turns out 10 million people watched the live stream of the speech. Numbers aren’t in for TV yet but I’ll bet another 6 million watched there. Biden has a speech 10 showed up. Not 10 million, not 10,000, just 10.

So rant and rave all you want. Hell you’ve been at it for years now. But I’d say Trumps re-election are off to a damn good start.
....keeping illegals out is WRONG????!!! --wanting to keep illegals is IDIOCY--just like the blacks, you people think with your feelings and emotions, not your brains
The topic of the thread was about a possible domestic terrorism non-event, not illegal aliens. Are you reading with your eyes open or are you, like using the force?
What a dumb-assed thing to say. Show me the pictures of buildings that burned in Tulsa yesterday. Show me the cellphone vids from the trump supporters showing Tulsa violence before the rally. Where are any interviews with National Guard Officers and Enlisted that speak about the non-existent accounts of burning. You guys are full of crap. He had a low turn out rally, a flop. He has had a horrible week with the supreme court slapping him down like a kid misbehaving at the table, on issues he supports, mostly because of the incompetence of his staff and lawyers.
In November, your boy is going down. Get used to it.
We don’t measure crap by burning buildings. That you do is sick. Here they had thrown substances at Trump supporters, but I guess that is ok in your book.

wake up--the left and blacks are just like nazis--disrupting political opponents' meetings:
They cannot be more Nazi like than waging a propaganda war from the oval office with lies meant to divided the country and advocating sending in federal troops to silence the people. What is he going to do next, tear gas peaceful protesters so he can get a photo op, holding an upside down bible?

I wonder if Hillary paid there thugs to attack Trump supporters lime she did in 2016?

Or did BLM take money from the Russians again to spread racial division and violence before an election like THEY did in 2015-2016?

It has been proven that BLM is partially funded by Soros, so maybe it was just him?!

A combination of all 3?


Gateway Pundit, so almost certainly didn't happen.

Next fauxrage please.
We don’t measure crap by burning buildings. That you do is sick. Here they had thrown substances at Trump supporters, but I guess that is ok in your book.

Look goofy, I was responding to Mike saying "Missouri_Mike said:
The media stood in front of burning buildings and called it peaceful. Are you really thinking they wouldn’t call it that? There simply were no burning buildings in Tulsa as he claimed, just like there were no hospital reports of injuries from an unknown liquid thrown. There was no violence at the trump pep rally. Get it?
If it was a flop why were rioters there trying to stop it?
Counter rally? Beats me. Donnie told them they would be treated harshly if they showed up, so the threat from him encouraged them to show up just to prove he is a lying blow-hard that can't intimidate them?
We’ve spent three weeks watching the media fawn over rioting, looting and arson. They never called it anything but peaceful protests. Attendance was down a bit but that’s not surprising considering the carnage we’ve been watching the left cause and the threats they throw out there daily. A few chose not to risk their family’ Health and watch on TV. Turns out 10 million people watched the live stream of the speech. Numbers aren’t in for TV yet but I’ll bet another 6 million watched there. Biden has a speech 10 showed up. Not 10 million, not 10,000, just 10.

So rant and rave all you want. Hell you’ve been at it for years now. But I’d say Trumps re-election are off to a damn good start.

Look goofy, I was responding to Mike saying "Missouri_Mike said:
The media stood in front of burning buildings and called it peaceful. Are you really thinking they wouldn’t call it that? There simply were no burning buildings in Tulsa as he claimed, just like there were no hospital reports of injuries from an unknown liquid thrown. There was no violence at the trump pep rally. Get it?
The media did call rioting peaceful in other areas as they looted and were set on fire. Do you deny this?
The media did call rioting peaceful in other areas as they looted and were set on fire. Do you deny this?
Riots of week ago is not what this thread is about and you know it. Don't change the subject.
They cannot be more Nazi like than waging a propaganda war from the oval office with lies meant to divided the country and advocating sending in federal troops to silence the people. What is he going to do next, tear gas peaceful protesters so he can get a photo op, holding an upside down bible?
1. they ARE more nazi like
2. I provide evidence--you provide babblecrap
You assholes and your unhinged rioting, looting, burning and tearing shit down are the subject dumbass.
Thread title:
Domestic Terrorist BLM members throw unknown liquid on Trump Supporters in line for rally

First supporting link of the thread:
PURE EVIL: Black Lives Matter Mob Throws Unknown Liquid at Trump Supporters Waiting to Get in Trump Tulsa Rally
Second supporting link of the thread
PURE EVIL: Black Lives Matter Mob Throws Unknown Liquid at Trump Supporters Waiting to Get in Trump Tulsa Rally

All BS by the way, but it is clear what the subject of the thread was and is. If you don't like it, start your own thread. Or go cry to a Mod "He's being unfair" :boo_hoo14:
Riots of week ago is not what this thread is about and you know it. Don't change the subject.
Weeks ago??

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