
You are incapable of morality without the specter of an imaginary monster hanging over you.

That is a sad commentary on your character.

Society is not capable of morality sans God.
As the abattoir known as the French Revolution proved, replacing religion with reason is a monumental error.
'Reason' results in deciding to kill any who don't agree with the government.

You're just not bright enough to recognize that.

You are not capable of morality without imagining there is a God? You possess that little capacity for reason?

This was the statement you misquoted:

Society is not capable of morality sans God.

I use words with precision.
Seems you are not able to do the same.

I asked you if YOU are not capable of morality without imagining there is a God. I didn't quote anything.

You can either answer or do your usual dodge.

Are you claiming you're not a member of society?

This was the statement you are attempting to misidentify.

Society is not capable of morality sans God.

Be certain to let me know when you've given up twisting same, and care to comment on the actual statement.

Society is composed of individuals, including YOU. Are individuals incapable of making moral judgments without basing them on the fear of God?
All you need to take away from this thread, for future reference and enjoyment, is that PoliticalChic reveres blind obedience to imaginary supernatural beings

over the power of the human mind to reason.

So when God tells you to fly a plane into a building...

When, pray tell, did God order anyone to fly a plane into a building?
Society is not capable of morality sans God.
As the abattoir known as the French Revolution proved, replacing religion with reason is a monumental error.
'Reason' results in deciding to kill any who don't agree with the government.

You're just not bright enough to recognize that.

You are not capable of morality without imagining there is a God? You possess that little capacity for reason?

This was the statement you misquoted:

Society is not capable of morality sans God.

I use words with precision.
Seems you are not able to do the same.

I asked you if YOU are not capable of morality without imagining there is a God. I didn't quote anything.

You can either answer or do your usual dodge.

Are you claiming you're not a member of society?

This was the statement you are attempting to misidentify.

Society is not capable of morality sans God.

Be certain to let me know when you've given up twisting same, and care to comment on the actual statement.

Society is composed of individuals, including YOU. Are individuals incapable of making moral judgments without basing them on the fear of God?

So you are inadvertently revealing that you, not I, mentioned individuals as not being capable of morality sans God.


Again...I'm responsible for what I say, not what you pretend I say.
You are incapable of morality without the specter of an imaginary monster hanging over you.

That is a sad commentary on your character.

Society is not capable of morality sans God.
As the abattoir known as the French Revolution proved, replacing religion with reason is a monumental error.
'Reason' results in deciding to kill any who don't agree with the government.

You're just not bright enough to recognize that.

Whoever the atheists were in the French Revolution, they killed far fewer Frenchmen than did the Catholic Church and its influence in times before the revolution.

You couldn't be more wrong.
You could try....but you wouldn't be successful.

1. In the course of France's short revolution, 600,000 French citizens were killed, and another 145,000 fled the country. Schom, "Napoleon Bonaparte," p. 253.

2. "That's in a country with between 24 and 26 million people, about the current population of Texas. In terms of population loss, that would be the equalivalent of the United States having a 9/11 attack every day for seven years." Coulter, "Demonic," p. 266.

3. According to Solzhenitsyn, the Spanish Inquisition, at its height, destroyed 10 people per month.
a. But, during the revolutionary years 1918-1919, Lenin's Cheka executed, without trial, more than one thousand (1,000) people a month.
At the height of Stalin's terror, 1937-1938, tens of thousands of people were shot per month. Solzhenitsyn, "Warning To The West."

Seems to be a regular pattern among you Liberals.....lies and ignorance used to slander the righteous.

Isn't that the truth?

Lenin was not part of the French Revolution, dumbass.

Now, watch as I turn that appellation back where it belongs, on you:
The Russian version was merely a continuation of the French.

"If the French revolution was the end of monarchy and aristocratic privilege and the emergence of the common man and democratic rights, it was also the beginnings of modern totalitarian government and large-scale executions of "enemies of the People" by impersonal government entities (Robespierre's "Committee of Public Safety"). This legacy would not reach its fullest bloom until the tragic arrival of the German Nazis and Soviet and Chinese communists of the 20th century. "
French Revolution - Robespierre, and the Legacy of the Reign of Terror

Bolsheviks claimed descent: “Historians of the French Revolution, which the Russians saw as a model for their own…” Bolshevik Festivals, 1917–1920

Seems your insult boomeranged back, huh?

That's just some idiot's opinion. You quoting an idiotic opinion makes perfect sense.

No, you don't get to count the deaths in the Russian Revolution as part of the French Revolution.
All you need to take away from this thread, for future reference and enjoyment, is that PoliticalChic reveres blind obedience to imaginary supernatural beings

over the power of the human mind to reason.

So when God tells you to fly a plane into a building...

When, pray tell, did God order anyone to fly a plane into a building?

9/11 2001. If you believe the perpetrators.
You are not capable of morality without imagining there is a God? You possess that little capacity for reason?

This was the statement you misquoted:

Society is not capable of morality sans God.

I use words with precision.
Seems you are not able to do the same.

I asked you if YOU are not capable of morality without imagining there is a God. I didn't quote anything.

You can either answer or do your usual dodge.

Are you claiming you're not a member of society?

This was the statement you are attempting to misidentify.

Society is not capable of morality sans God.

Be certain to let me know when you've given up twisting same, and care to comment on the actual statement.

Society is composed of individuals, including YOU. Are individuals incapable of making moral judgments without basing them on the fear of God?

So you are inadvertently revealing that you, not I, mentioned individuals as not being capable of morality sans God.


Again...I'm responsible for what I say, not what you pretend I say.

Societies are composed of individuals.
If God is necessary for a moral society,

shouldn't our government be replaced by a theocracy? If the premise is true, shouldn't government officially recognize its ruler?

How many of you wish to join PoliticalChic in her advocacy for a theocracy to replace our Constitution?
All you need to take away from this thread, for future reference and enjoyment, is that PoliticalChic reveres blind obedience to imaginary supernatural beings

over the power of the human mind to reason.

So when God tells you to fly a plane into a building...

When, pray tell, did God order anyone to fly a plane into a building?

Btw, what about the devout Christians who bomb abortion clinics and shoot abortion doctors?

Are they good examples of how God is necessary to morality?
All you need to take away from this thread, for future reference and enjoyment, is that PoliticalChic reveres blind obedience to imaginary supernatural beings

over the power of the human mind to reason.

So when God tells you to fly a plane into a building...
The human mind can reason all day long. The human being will continue to act in his own self interest. Some do it better than others. Tough shit.

That was profound LOL
All you need to take away from this thread, for future reference and enjoyment, is that PoliticalChic reveres blind obedience to imaginary supernatural beings

over the power of the human mind to reason.

So when God tells you to fly a plane into a building...
The human mind can reason all day long. The human being will continue to act in his own self interest. Some do it better than others. Tough shit.

That was profound LOL
Eight scotch on the rocks during the super bowl can make a man very profound the next day!
You are incapable of morality without the specter of an imaginary monster hanging over you.

That is a sad commentary on your character.

Society is not capable of morality sans God.
As the abattoir known as the French Revolution proved, replacing religion with reason is a monumental error.
'Reason' results in deciding to kill any who don't agree with the government.

You're just not bright enough to recognize that.

Name 10 liberal beliefs that you are content to see continue, as opposed to being ousted by conservative domination.

It would be far more revealing to list ten of the lies you produce on a daily basis, NYLIar.

You cannot name a single liberal belief that you would not want to see put down by conservative 'domination'

and yet you're accusing liberals of some sort of sin of wanting to dominate.

That's hilarious.

I never said I wanted anyone "put down," did I?

I so appreciate your posts, as they represent the glaring dishonesty that is an integral part of Liberalism.

You don't want to overturn Roe? You don't want to abolish all of the social programs you call unconstitutional?
All you need to take away from this thread, for future reference and enjoyment, is that PoliticalChic reveres blind obedience to imaginary supernatural beings

over the power of the human mind to reason.

So when God tells you to fly a plane into a building...
The human mind can reason all day long. The human being will continue to act in his own self interest. Some do it better than others. Tough shit.

That was profound LOL
Eight scotch on the rocks during the super bowl can make a man very profound the next day!

Are you incapable of moral behaviour without the fear of God hanging over you, as is PoliticalChic?
All you need to take away from this thread, for future reference and enjoyment, is that PoliticalChic reveres blind obedience to imaginary supernatural beings

over the power of the human mind to reason.

So when God tells you to fly a plane into a building...
The human mind can reason all day long. The human being will continue to act in his own self interest. Some do it better than others. Tough shit.

That was profound LOL
Eight scotch on the rocks during the super bowl can make a man very profound the next day!

Are you incapable of moral behaviour without the fear of God hanging over you, as is PoliticalChic?
My point is that liberals can sit all day long and "reason" about the way the world should be. Conservatives deal with the world as it is. That means favoring a world where men work successfully for their self interest...and they help those who try like hell and don't quite make it...but they have little sympathy for those that never try....but instead whine about their rights and what is owed to them.

I was going to award you a Katyusha...but I'll hold off and see how you respond to this post.
All you need to take away from this thread, for future reference and enjoyment, is that PoliticalChic reveres blind obedience to imaginary supernatural beings

over the power of the human mind to reason.

So when God tells you to fly a plane into a building...
The human mind can reason all day long. The human being will continue to act in his own self interest. Some do it better than others. Tough shit.

That was profound LOL
Eight scotch on the rocks during the super bowl can make a man very profound the next day!

Are you incapable of moral behaviour without the fear of God hanging over you, as is PoliticalChic?
My point is that liberals can sit all day long and "reason" about the way the world should be. Conservatives deal with the world as it is. That means favoring a world where men work successfully for their self interest...and they help those who try like hell and don't quite make it...but they have little sympathy for those that never try....but instead whine about their rights and what is owed to them.

I was going to award you a Katyusha...but I'll hold off and see how you respond to this post.

Polish the katyusha's inevitable with this dunce
All you need to take away from this thread, for future reference and enjoyment, is that PoliticalChic reveres blind obedience to imaginary supernatural beings

over the power of the human mind to reason.

So when God tells you to fly a plane into a building...
The human mind can reason all day long. The human being will continue to act in his own self interest. Some do it better than others. Tough shit.

That was profound LOL
Eight scotch on the rocks during the super bowl can make a man very profound the next day!
No. It just makes him a smelly old drunk.
All you need to take away from this thread, for future reference and enjoyment, is that PoliticalChic reveres blind obedience to imaginary supernatural beings

over the power of the human mind to reason.

So when God tells you to fly a plane into a building...
The human mind can reason all day long. The human being will continue to act in his own self interest. Some do it better than others. Tough shit.

That was profound LOL
Eight scotch on the rocks during the super bowl can make a man very profound the next day!
No. It just makes him a smelly old drunk.
Sorry I farted in your face while you were mmmmmmming my gegegege....
All you need to take away from this thread, for future reference and enjoyment, is that PoliticalChic reveres blind obedience to imaginary supernatural beings

over the power of the human mind to reason.

So when God tells you to fly a plane into a building...
The human mind can reason all day long. The human being will continue to act in his own self interest. Some do it better than others. Tough shit.

That was profound LOL
Eight scotch on the rocks during the super bowl can make a man very profound the next day!
No. It just makes him a smelly old drunk.
Sorry I farted in your face while you were mmmmmmming my gegegege....
Get off the booze pops. It's dulling the few brain cells you still have left that you haven't already killed with the alky hall yet.
All you need to take away from this thread, for future reference and enjoyment, is that PoliticalChic reveres blind obedience to imaginary supernatural beings

over the power of the human mind to reason.

So when God tells you to fly a plane into a building...
The human mind can reason all day long. The human being will continue to act in his own self interest. Some do it better than others. Tough shit.

That was profound LOL
Eight scotch on the rocks during the super bowl can make a man very profound the next day!

Are you incapable of moral behaviour without the fear of God hanging over you, as is PoliticalChic?
My point is that liberals can sit all day long and "reason" about the way the world should be. Conservatives deal with the world as it is. That means favoring a world where men work successfully for their self interest...and they help those who try like hell and don't quite make it...but they have little sympathy for those that never try....but instead whine about their rights and what is owed to them.

I was going to award you a Katyusha...but I'll hold off and see how you respond to this post.

Was that a yes or a no?

The question is, do you need God to make you moral?
If God is necessary for a moral society,

shouldn't our government be replaced by a theocracy? If the premise is true, shouldn't government officially recognize its ruler?

How many of you wish to join PoliticalChic in her advocacy for a theocracy to replace our Constitution?

I don't remember anyone forcing you to join a church or believe in God. It seems that atheist are pretty free to be atheist in this society. There are no prisons built for non-believers. We don't have a state funded temple. The president isn't pretending to be might have a point. If Obama is worshipped as God that means his presidency is unconstitutional. Help us remove him from office.

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