Dominion Voting Machines Should Never Be Used Again...Faith In Elections Continue To Be Undermined

Arizona, New Jersey, Texas...

Multiple Elections...

Man caught attempting to plug USB drive into voting machine...

Machines found 'Online and Vulnerable'

Voting machine problems in multiple states reported

....and the concerns of a majority of Americans already untrusting of the integrity of US elections are magnified by what's going on...again.

That is what you get with CCP software.
Arizona, New Jersey, Texas...

Multiple Elections...

Man caught attempting to plug USB drive into voting machine...

Machines found 'Online and Vulnerable'

Voting machine problems in multiple states reported

....and the concerns of a majority of Americans already untrusting of the integrity of US elections are magnified by what's going on...again.

Defaming the company, are you?
Not always. They do have to sleep occasionally. Assuming that they have to stop lying, cheating and stealing when they are unconscious.
It's quite telling that the MAGAts who are all about cheating think everyone else thinks the same way they do.
blah blah blah

Get over it already.
The Right will never do a damn thing about it no matter what so as Hillary said.....

The left doesn't NEED to cheat. The Right will readily defeat itself.
Stop being whiny do nuffin victimized Losers. Then maybe you'll win now and then.

I'll go even further to say Obama's Federal Election Commission should have banned The Dominion-Maduro voting machines when it was found out The Democrat Party was able to program them to rig The 2016 Primaries in Clinton's favor.

Why didn't Obama do anything about them back then?

What did he know, and when did he know it?
Exactly,the hypocrite Dems bitched about the machines prior to 2020 thst they stole votes but then they git silent in 2020 when it was in favor of them stealing votes for them.fucking hypocrites.their logic is the machines were nit reliable prior to 2020 but now they are.what asswipes.
I love the tantrums from the right. Music to my ears. won the House. Perhaps you should be happy....but for some're just miserable.
Taken from article linked to by OP. Concerning the ES&S voting machines:

Last fall, when ES&S gave NBC News an exclusive tour at its headquarters in Omaha, Neb., Chief Executive Officer Tom Burt defended using modems when asked about the Sprint and Verizon modems seen in ES&S's testing area.

“There’s a small percentage of jurisdictions in the country -- a lot of them are in Florida -- who have decided they want to modem unofficial results to the election office,” he said. “Generally speaking, the media in those locations are kinda clamoring to get unofficial results as quickly as possible.”
Dems couldn't cheat without republicans turning their heads and allowing it... we know drop boxes are a means to cheat and so is early voting and the dominion machines... where are the GOP leaders on this issue?....
Arizona, New Jersey, Texas...

Multiple Elections...

Man caught attempting to plug USB drive into voting machine...

Machines found 'Online and Vulnerable'

Voting machine problems in multiple states reported

....and the concerns of a majority of Americans already untrusting of the integrity of US elections are magnified by what's going on...again.

I absolutely love it that I found this thread/post. This is all the evidence Dominion needs to win the lawsuit against Trump, Rudy, Powell and Fox News.

They knowingly lied about Dominion. Now people like you don't trust their product. How will they ever get a contract now?

“Sidney Powell is lying,” he wrote to a producer, the Dominion lawsuit alleges. He referred to Powell in a text as an “unguided missile” and “dangerous as hell”.

Trump, Carlson said, was a “demonic force” who was good at “destroying things. He’s the undisputed world champion of that. He could easily destroy us if we play it wrong.”

Fellow host Ingraham told Carlson that Powell was “a complete nut. No one will work with her. Ditto with Rudy,” referring to the former New York mayor and Trump supporter Rudy Giuliani.

Hannity, meanwhile, said in a deposition “that whole narrative that Sidney was pushing, I did not believe it for one second”, according to Dominion’s filing.

Other internal communications revealed that Fox News executives, hosts and researchers used phrases including “mind-blowingly nuts”, “totally off the rails” and “completely BS” to describe the false election theories they were publicly promoting.
Talking to yourself now, ****ycorn?



Why you laugh at what I said?

A former Trump administration official now running for Congress in New Hampshire voted twice during the 2016 primary election season, potentially violating federal voting law and leaving him at odds with the Republican Party’s intense focus on “election integrity.”

Matt Mowers, a leading Republican primary candidate looking to unseat Democratic Rep. Chris Pappas, cast an absentee ballot in New Hampshire’s 2016 presidential primary, voting records show. At the time, Mowers served as the director of former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s presidential campaign in the pivotal early voting state.

Four months later, after Christie’s bid fizzled, Mowers cast another ballot in New Jersey’s Republican presidential primary, using his parents’ address to re-register in his home state, documents The Associated Press obtained through a public records request show.

You guys are cheaters and you are projecting when you accuse us. Then there's my state

The call is not an isolated event. Michigan has become a proving ground for conservative election disruption strategies. Not for the purposes of ensuring a fair and free election, but to ensure their candidates win. In June, Politico obtained video footage of meetings between Michigan GOP operatives and activists discussing plans to create an “army” of lawyers and poll watchers poised to challenge election results virtually in real time.

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