Tell me once again about this "great economy"

Border crossings were at an all-time low under Trump. If he had been reelected it would be a negligible issue.

Why do you all keep parroting this bullshit.

This is a graphic that was posted by the MAGA member Healthmyths.


The interesting thing about these numbers is this...

Had COVID not slowed illegal immigration and it had keeping the same rate of growth as Trump's first 3 years, 2020 would have seen 1,504,638 crossings, which is pretty close to what we saw in 2021. Keeping the same rate of growth that Trump had his first 3 years 2023 would have seen 3,127,415 crossings...again pretty close to what we got.
It is impressive how you pivot from one talking point to the next when the previous one is blown out of the water.

You are a true asset to your beloved party

Pivot? Did you not read the thread? It's about the tight job market being created by the massive influx created by this president's immigration policies.

"In 2019, there were an estimated 11,047,000 undocumented immigrants living in the US. That number is arbitrary, as there's really no way to know how exactly how many undocumented immigrants are in the US:

"While demographic estimates of undocumented immigrants in the United States are difficult to estimate, the Migration Policy Institute provided the following estimates for the undocumented population living in the country in 2019, based on US Census Bureau data from the 2015-2019 American Community Survey (ACS) and the 2008 Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP). The demographic estimates are based on a population estimate of 11,047,000 undocumented immigrants."

Demographics of Undocumented Immigrants in the United States, 2019 - Immigration -

Now comes the kicker: Exactly by how many "undocumented immigrants" did the US population increase from 2019 to the present? 10 million? 20 million? 30 million? Nobody really knows. The Center for Immigration Studies gives some startling figures:

"Analysis of the Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey (CPS) shows that the total foreign-born or immigrant population (legal and illegal) hit a new record high of 51.4 million in February 2024 — an increase of 6.4 million since President Biden took office...

If current trends continue, the foreign-born population will reach nearly 60 million and 17.5 percent of the U.S. population by the end of a second Biden term — both figures would be without any precedent in American history."

The Foreign-Born Share and Number at Record Highs in February 2024

The problem is this: We don't really know how many undocumented immigrants have come across the border since 2019. But we can assume that whatever the number, they are going to affect the job market, reducing the number of available jobs in an already-tight job market."
Pivot? Did you not read the thread?

Yes, pivot. You started with the LFPR and when that was shot down you moved to a new talking point.

Also, 8 million open jobs is not a tight job market, no matter how many times you call it that.
Ukraine war caused a global spike in prices

Why would Biden claiming the Fossil Fuels are going out cause a global spike in gas prices?

Oil is a global commodity, all oil is sold on the same market place. A reduction in the amount produces anywhere in the world will cause the price to go up.

How can you be an adult and not know these things?
How much oil does Ukraine export?

A lot!

Sunflower oil.

No fossil fuel oil.

Tell me once again about this great economy

Is this still about Russia having the fastest growing economy , in a large part due too those failed sanctions ?

Has anybody mentioned the US fiddling their data every month and then adjusting down later ?

Biden has no control over global energy prices

But he realizes alternative energy decreases our dependence on global oil prices
Biden has no control over global energy prices

But he realizes alternative energy decreases our dependence on global oil prices

I don't give a shit about global energy prices. Why did gasoline needlessly go up to $5 - $8 per gallon under Joe Biden and why hasn't gone back down to 2019 prices? Why has my electric bill gone from $160 in 2019 to the $220 a month I'm paying now, in spite of the fact that I'm not using any more electricity than I was five years ago?

You idiots don't get it, do you.
I don't give a shit about global energy prices. Why did gasoline needlessly go up to $5 - $8 per gallon under Joe Biden and why hasn't gone back down to 2019 prices? Why has my electric bill gone from $160 in 2019 to the $220 a month I'm paying now, in spite of the fact that I'm not using any more electricity than I was five years ago?

You idiots don't get it, do you.

You think we are exempt from global energy prices?
Do you think the US gets to keep the oil we produce here?
"Analysis of the Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey (CPS) shows that the total foreign-born or immigrant population (legal and illegal) hit a new record high of 51.4 million in February 2024 — an increase of 6.4 million since President Biden took office...

If current trends continue, the foreign-born population will reach nearly 60 million and 17.5 percent of the U.S. population by the end of a second Biden term — both figures would be without any precedent in American history."

Why is that a bad thing?

My father was an immigrant. He served this country during WWII, worked hard, raised five kids and died young of a work-related illness.

My wife is an immigrant. She works six days a week building her business.

Immigrants are good for America, they always have been.

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