Don’t worry Wisconsin, the TSA is on the way!!!! Ready for Unionized Airports?


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
Reinforcements for the battle for mediocrity!!!

"Mediocrity" doesn't mean average intelligence, it means an average intelligence that resents and envies its betters”
( guess who??)

Thaz right, get back jack, who got the certitude, the attitude, the swish in the sway, the my way or the highway??

The TSA, coming that’s who!!!

“Mr. I’ll get to your bag when I am back from break…..or we can arrange a more up also and personnel inspection for you right now”? ….”yea I thought so”.

Ready for Unionized Airport Security?
As payback for union support, the Obama administration greases the wheels for the largest federal organizing effort in history.


On Sept. 11, 2001, more than 3,000 Americans died after terrorists turned airplanes into missiles. It was a colossal security failure. Congress responded by creating the TSA. The merits of federalizing airport screening were always questionable, though at least the public priority was clear.

Back then, a bipartisan majority of Congress agreed that a crack airport security service was incompatible with rigid unionization rules. Yet by 2008, Democratic presidential candidates were betting that security worries had receded enough that they could again pander for union votes. Candidate Barack Obama sent a letter to American Federation of Government Employees boss John Gage, vowing that his "priority" was giving Transportation Security Officers (TSOs) "collective bargaining rights and workplace protections."

The White House was forced to withdraw its first two picks for TSA administrator—Earl Southers and Robert Harding—after complaints that they'd been chosen more for their willingness to play union ball than for security expertise.

Mr. Pistole is insisting that he won't bargain over security policies, pay and benefits, qualifications or disciplinary measures. But some of this is fuzzy, and there's plenty for the union to be getting on with, including union rules on shifts, hours and transfers. This will stymie or delay the TSA's ability to quickly move workers to heightened security risks, to institute new procedures, or to keep terrorists guessing. Aviation experts like Michael Boyd of Boyd International have warned the TSA is already a "60,000 member DMV from Hell."

Mr. Gage, meanwhile, in a pitch video designed to get screeners to choose his union, let it be known that no issue would be too trivial for the AFGE to bargain over, including "leave restriction, parking subsidies, uniforms—all the frustrations that TSOs have had to endure." He also assured screeners that an army of attorneys is standing by on their behalf: "more attorneys than any union, federal or private."


This is how you end up with the Customs and Border Protection Agency, whose union is allowed to collectively bargain personnel issues. In recent years, the agency has spent months negotiating with its union over how and whether it can discipline employees who fall asleep on the job, and over how much training it can give officers who fail a firearm test.

The administration is already doing the bidding of the eventual TSA union by making it harder for airports to escape the coming system. House Transportation Committee Chairman John Mica is investigating the agency's recent decision to raise the bar in allowing airports to opt for private screeners, and its recent denial of that request by five airports.

Mooooore at-
Strassel: Ready for Unionized Airport Security? -
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The NANO-SECOND security gets compromised due to a union work rule, pobrecito, the public unions are DOA - instantly.

I have considered calling the TSA and telling them that this is one fight they do NOT want to win and unionize, because the fall-out of a terror attack due to a security lapse that can be traced to even the SLIGHTEST union rule inflexibility, and boy oh boy - 1,000 Scott Walkers wouldn't come close to that anti-union Hiroshima...

This is a situation where the TSA workers, if they had any sense, would agree to be represented by maybe a "work alliance" or something like a federation to discuss pay, disciplinary actions and health care, maybe - things that are way, way outside of the functional, operating rules of proper security procedures.
thats because you are not blinded by avarice or votes, the 2 operative quid pro quo's here that matter and count to those involved in this travesty.

Even though you make a political point, in the end, if and when a disaster strikes, yes we will get around to assigning blame.

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