Donald J Trumps Six Promises to Americans if He Gets Four More Years


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
We are Democrats, we dont need no stinking jobs!

During a speech to workers at a Whirlpool manufacturing facility in Ohio, President Trump boasted that he had kept all of his 2016 campaign promises to the American worker, including his promise to replace the NAFTA trade deal and end former President Barack Obama’s proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership. ...
“I didn’t back down from my promises, and I kept every single one,” he said.
Not content to rest on his success, however, Trump outlined his agenda for American workers if elected to a second term.
“First and foremost, we will defeat the China virus,” Trump said to the workers gathered for his speech....
“My second promise to you is this,” Trump said. “We will rise from the current adversity of this horrible invisible enemy and we will be more prosperous and resilient than ever before.” ...
“My third promise is to build on these gains to turn America into the premier medical manufacturing, pharmacy, and drugstore of the world,” Trump said. ...
“My fourth promise to American workers: Beyond our medical supply chains over the next four years, we will onshore millions of new manufacturing jobs, across many other critical sectors that are vital to our national security and prosperity,” he said. ...
“My fifth promise to American workers is to bring back American jobs and factories using every tool at my disposal, including tariffs,” Trump said. ...
“My sixth and final promise today is to forever uphold the commitment I made from the beginning,” he said. “I will always put American workers first, always.”

Always put Americans first? What a freaking raysiss! ! ! !
He will defund Medicare and SS, the ACA , Chip, Snap, Hud, etc. He has Meadows in and Meadows and tramp will make sure it happens.

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