Donald Jr. "Bombshell" Another Dud

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
That didn't take long... Once it was revealed the Russian lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin, was brought into the country by Loretta Lynch as a Fusion GPS operative, and got laughed out of Trump Tower. When are you mopes going to realize you can't touch Trump. MAGA!

Can't wait for the Next Lefty attempt to Frame, Entrap, and Lie about The President and his family.
Hopefully Mueller is an Honest man and does something about it, and then the penalties are so severe people quit playing dirty politics like this!
That didn't take long... Once it was revealed the Russian lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin, was brought into the country by Loretta Lynch as a Fusion GPS operative, and got laughed out of Trump Tower. When are you mopes going to realize you can't touch Trump. MAGA!

How do you know the facts as you stated them, Einstein. Personally, I think you are a lying piece of dog manure
That didn't take long... Once it was revealed the Russian lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin, was brought into the country by Loretta Lynch as a Fusion GPS operative, and got laughed out of Trump Tower. When are you mopes going to realize you can't touch Trump. MAGA!


Seriously, Comey, Loretta, Lynch and Susan Rice need to go to Jail.
Hillary should already be there, but for Comey and Lynch conspiring to Obstruct Justice, Tamper with Evidence, and Collude
And Soros needs deported to Russia to face his Election Fraud and Election tampering charges.
That didn't take long... Once it was revealed the Russian lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin, was brought into the country by Loretta Lynch as a Fusion GPS operative, and got laughed out of Trump Tower. When are you mopes going to realize you can't touch Trump. MAGA!


It doesn't matter Tom, the Leftist Moonbats are crapping all over the place and on the verge of bursting their collective veins, it would be amusing, but laughing at mental illness is not good manners.
One has to wonder, how much collusion, leaking of classified intel, working with Russian, British, and Ukrainian Spies, Unmasking, Leaking Tax Returns, WIRE TAPPING, Treason, Entrapment, Sedition can one man accomplish?

A whole phucking lot, apparently.

Obama is the Biggest Agent of The Kremlin Russia ever had.

Phucking China has to love this guy.

A True Manchurian Candidate and His DOG..errr BITCH...

My apologies to dogs who are nothing like Hillary Clinton.

That didn't take long... Once it was revealed the Russian lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin, was brought into the country by Loretta Lynch as a Fusion GPS operative, and got laughed out of Trump Tower. When are you mopes going to realize you can't touch Trump. MAGA!


That is hardly what happened. A Russian calls Trump and says she has dirt on Trump and Jr, Manafort, and Kushner go. It doesn't matter what the circumstances are. If someone says they will go to the meeting to receive stolen property and it turns out to be a con, a crime has still been committed.
That didn't take long... Once it was revealed the Russian lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin, was brought into the country by Loretta Lynch as a Fusion GPS operative, and got laughed out of Trump Tower. When are you mopes going to realize you can't touch Trump. MAGA!

You're full of shit and no doubt so are your sources.
Obama caught red handed on a hot mic colluding with the Russians was...nothing to see move along look over there, a rainbow.
Nothing to see here AGAIN.....RIGHT LEFTY?


I laughed when they pitched her into that van headfirst.
Being a Liar, A Cheat, Irresponsible with Classified Information, A Drunk, and Not Being Able To Walk.....MIGHT hurt your chances at becoming President.

But I think it was the fact she was a BITCH that she lost.

No one likes a mean bitch....especially a lying mean bitch.


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