Donald Trump - A self made.....sham!

Trump will either crush the media, or they will crush him. there can be no draw, no truce, no reconciliation!
Trump will either crush the media, or they will crush him. there can be no draw, no truce, no reconciliation!
So far, he has crushed them. I don't see them getting any stronger over the next 2 years.

Actually in some instances, they have crushed themselves (Covington boys, Jussie Smollett, Muslim countries travel ban, economy, etc)
protectionist, post: 21947701
The years 2009-2015 are recession recovery years. They are years where economies naturally recoil (like a spring) back to normal, and as such, aren't corelated to the work of any US president.

Wrong again. You don’t get to pick the recovery years. The recovery years are not over yet.

The US economy just hit a milestone
By Matt Egan May 1, 2018: 10:57 AM ET
The slow but steady recovery from the Great Recession just hit a milestone: It's tied for the second-longest economic expansion in American history.

The recovery from the Great Recession is now the second-longest ever

Making things up to fluff up Trumpo and degrade Obama is a form of lying.

So if you want to call the period of growth that follows a recession a recovery and declare that US Presidents have nothing to do with economic growth, then the fact is that Obama has three +4% quarters of GDP and Trumpo has only one.

So you can stop bitching about how bad Obama was and STFU about how great for the economy the orange buffoon is.

What a joke: “The years 2009-2015 are recession recovery years.” What an idiotic thing to say. Nice try.
protectionist, post: 21947701
The first (and only) year that can be associated with Obama, free from the recession rebound is 2016. In that year GDP FELL from 2.3 to 1.8.

Where did you get the idea that the “recession rebound” came to an end after the first quarter of 2016?

What criteria did you use to assign the exact date for the end of the “recession rebound”?

You appear to be the only one in the entire world to pick the date of the end of the recession rebound following the Great Bush Recession of 2008/2009. You must be a very famous economist.

Just answer this:

Was Obama President during the last quarter of 2011 when the GDP was 4.6% ?

Yes or no?

Was Obama President during the second quarter of 2014 when the GDP was 4.9% ?

Yes or no?

Was Obama President during the third quarter of 2014 when the GDP was 5.1% ?

Yes or no?

He was. Trump has nothing to be bragging about.
Imagine republicans shatting their pants if Hillary as President gave security clearances to Chelsea and her husband
They'd go bonkers
protectionist, post: 21944491,
Obama didn't have any 4.1% GDP. His GDPs went from 2.3 down to 1.8 in 2016

Was Obama President who just happened to be there during the last quarter of 2011 when the GDP was 4.6% ?

Was Obama President who just happened to be there during the second quarter of 2014 when the GDP was 4.9% ?

Was Obama President who just happened to be there during the third quarter of 2014 when the GDP was 5.1% ?

Was Trumpo President who just happened to be there during the second quarter of 2018 when the GDP was 4.1% ?

“Obama didn't have any 4.1% GDP.” Of course he didn’t - he had three times higher than Trumpo’s one and done, lousy, four point one.
Trump will either crush the media, or they will crush him. there can be no draw, no truce, no reconciliation!
So far, he has crushed them. I don't see them getting any stronger over the next 2 years.

Actually in some instances, they have crushed themselves (Covington boys, Jussie Smollett, Muslim countries travel ban, economy, etc)

Trump committed crimes before taking office, 64% say in post-Cohen poll
Nearly two-thirds of voters think Trump committed crimes ... One of the first polls since President Donald Trump's ...

Americans Trust President Trump Less Than Admitted Liar Michael Cohen, Survey ...
1 day ago · American voters rate President Trump less trustworthy than his former attorney Michael Cohen, according to a Quinnipiac University poll that was conducted in the days following Cohen’s high-profile testimony before Congress. ... By a margin of 50% to 35%, respondents thought Cohen ...

Who is crushing who exactly?

Call me old fashioned but I still believe our presidents should be honest and obey the law.

And as soon as it is recognized that Trumpo’s flash in the pan debt riddled warm economy is over and cooling off - Trumpo’s lack of integrity issues will dominant the news cycle even more than they already have.
Was Obama President during the last quarter of 2011 when the GDP was 4.6% ? Yes or no?

Was Obama President during the second quarter of 2014 when the GDP was 4.9% ? Yes or no?

Was Obama President during the third quarter of 2014 when the GDP was 5.1% ?

Yes or no?

He was. Trump has nothing to be bragging about.
Doesn't matter if Obama was president in 2011 or 2014. Only relevant year to Obama's presidency is 2016. He flunked. And his GDP wasn't good in 2015 either. His average GDP that year was 2.0. And if you take his last 6 quarters, and average them out, it is > a stinky 1.4% (awful).

Thank God he's gone, and we're in the Trump boom years now. :biggrin: His average GDP is 3.6% - not counting the shutdown quarter (which was the Democrats' fault) And if the Democrats had not been hounding Trump with all their moronic investigations, and distractions, the 2017-2019 GDP could have been even higher.
Imagine republicans shatting their pants if Hillary as President gave security clearances to Chelsea and her husband
They'd go bonkers
No we'd all be in another country somewhere, leaving you all to burn in your own fire.
protectionist, post: 21944491,
Obama didn't have any 4.1% GDP. His GDPs went from 2.3 down to 1.8 in 2016

Was Obama President who just happened to be there during the last quarter of 2011 when the GDP was 4.6% ?

Was Obama President who just happened to be there during the second quarter of 2014 when the GDP was 4.9% ?

Was Obama President who just happened to be there during the third quarter of 2014 when the GDP was 5.1% ?

Was Trumpo President who just happened to be there during the second quarter of 2018 when the GDP was 4.1% ?

“Obama didn't have any 4.1% GDP.” Of course he didn’t - he had three times higher than Trumpo’s one and done, lousy, four point one.
Post 128 already answered this jibberish. :biggrin:
Trump committed crimes before taking office, 64% say in post-Cohen poll
Nearly two-thirds of voters think Trump committed crimes ... One of the first polls since President Donald Trump's ...

Americans Trust President Trump Less Than Admitted Liar Michael Cohen, Survey ...
1 day ago · American voters rate President Trump less trustworthy than his former attorney Michael Cohen, according to a Quinnipiac University poll that was conducted in the days following Cohen’s high-profile testimony before Congress. ... By a margin of 50% to 35%, respondents thought Cohen ...

Who is crushing who exactly?

Call me old fashioned but I still believe our presidents should be honest and obey the law.

And as soon as it is recognized that Trumpo’s flash in the pan debt riddled warm economy is over and cooling off - Trumpo’s lack of integrity issues will dominant the news cycle even more than they already have.
You don't even know that polls are nonsense, because primarily only liberals answer them.

And you say Trump lacks integrity, but you would vote for the Clintons who murdered between 50 and 100 people, over the decades. That's how detached you are. Go ahead, read the link - the WHOLE THING. I dare ya.

But instead, you'll DODGE, by calling it "conspiracy theory" or some other leftist catchphrase, to conveniently hide behind, right ? And you'll disparage it, without having the foggiest clue what's in it. (Ron Brown, Mary Mahoney, Henry & Ives, Klaus Eberwein, John Ashe, Joseph Rago, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, Gary Johnson, John Jones, John F Kennedy, Jr., Vince Foster, Suzanne Coleman, Berta Caceres, Eric Butera, etc)

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Imagine republicans shatting their pants if Hillary as President gave security clearances to Chelsea and her husband
They'd go bonkers
Or one of them selling top secret intelligence about Saudi dissidents to Saudi Arabia.
Trump believes his own mythology. The best politicians know their limits and work within the realm of possibility. We now have a president who has towering delusions about his capabilities.Because of that he mostly fails.

I'll take as much of that "failure" for the next six years that he can supply! You are delusional at best and insane at worst.
I love OPINION pieces sans facts.

I never knew Trump was making $200K a year at age 3.

Was it the lemonade stand he built or was he selling weed?
His father was giving him money and using those "GIFTS" to reduce his own taxes.
/——/ I give my kids and grandkids money every year and it doesn’t reduce my taxes. How did Trump Sr pull that off?
Fred Trump was a virtuoso Tax evader and system rigger. The Trump children "owned" numerous shell companies that "sold" things to Fred at very inflated prices.

So charge his father and be done with it!

Oh, wait! He's been dead for how many years?
Trump committed crimes before taking office, 64% say in post-Cohen poll
Nearly two-thirds of voters think Trump committed crimes ... One of the first polls since President Donald Trump's ...

Americans Trust President Trump Less Than Admitted Liar Michael Cohen, Survey ...
1 day ago · American voters rate President Trump less trustworthy than his former attorney Michael Cohen, according to a Quinnipiac University poll that was conducted in the days following Cohen’s high-profile testimony before Congress. ... By a margin of 50% to 35%, respondents thought Cohen ...

Who is crushing who exactly?

Call me old fashioned but I still believe our presidents should be honest and obey the law.

And as soon as it is recognized that Trumpo’s flash in the pan debt riddled warm economy is over and cooling off - Trumpo’s lack of integrity issues will dominant the news cycle even more than they already have.
You don't even know that polls are nonsense, because primarily only liberals answer them.

And you say Trump lacks integrity, but you would vote for the Clintons who murdered between 50 and 100 people, over the decades. That's how detached you are. Go ahead, read the link - the WHOLE THING. I dare ya.

But instead, you'll DODGE, by calling it "conspiracy theory" or some other leftist catchphrase, to conveniently hide behind, right ? And you'll disparage it, without having the foggiest clue what's in it. (Ron Brown, Mary Mahoney, Henry & Ives, Klaus Eberwein, John Ashe, Joseph Rago, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, Gary Johnson, John Jones, John F Kennedy, Jr., Vince Foster, Suzanne Coleman, Berta Caceres, Eric Butera, etc)

WOW They were good Better than Billy the Kid Think they can try one more??
The tragedy for The Donald is if he had not run for President, he likely would have got a at with the bank fraud and his foundation’s crimes

Try that sentence again and try to male it make some sense.
Had Trump not run for President (and the vetting, investigating, rampant journalism given the internet), he very well have gotten away with tax and bank fraud. His ego and character brought a spotlight on his life and business dealings he never considered.
The tragedy for The Donald is if he had not run for President, he likely would have got a at with the bank fraud and his foundation’s crimes

Try that sentence again and try to male it make some sense.
Had Trump not run for President (and the vetting, investigating, rampant journalism given the internet), he very well have gotten away with tax and bank fraud. His ego and character brought a spotlight on his life and business dealings he never considered.
/——/ I like the first version better. It’s more you.

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