Donald Trump Challenges Joe Biden to Another Debate This Week

Pedo Peter doesn't have the stamina to go 18 holes of Putt-putt.

I think that's Trump's whole entire point. To show how weak and incompetent he truly is once again and he just isn't capable of running our nation.
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Just the two of him.
Grrr. No comment.

Will he take the bait?
Not in a million years. I think Trump is making a mistake trying to BAIT Biden--- not only is it transparent, but no way is Joe going to fall for it, and if Trump or the GOP think not doing so will further make Biden look bad, they are wrong.
LOL, the vegetable would fall down on an obstacle and the game would be over on the first hole of mini golf.

Well, if they played in Florida, he might fall into a water trap filled with gators.

That makes Kamel the next POTUS and Trump wins in 2024.

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