Donald Trump Correctly Predicted What Mail-In Ballots and Social Media Interference Would Mean Nearly 6-Months Prior to Election 2020

So why have elections for all of American history been over in 2-3 days, hmm? (except 2000 and 2020)

One month my fuckin' ass, bitch! That's a lie.

If it takes a whole month to count the votes? Someone is getting the real number and cheating enough to beat it.

Do you hear yourself? All this computer stuff and they can't count all the votes in 90 minutes?

Psshhhht! 🛑
It can't be done Duke. There are so many checks and balances in place, written by legislators and advised by election officials on both sides, to PREVENT cheating and illegal votes, en mass.

From the paper weight of ballots, to requests for ballots vs counts of ballots mailed out to counts received to counts rejected all having voting machines now having a paper trail to audit, not connected to the machine count....

Sure, there is always room for improvement, that won't also disenfranchise citizens but this has always been the case and we improve our election laws with the changing times!

Do you think republican and democratic lawmakers want the other side to be able to cheat?
It can't be dine Duke. There are so many checks and balances in place, written by legislators and advised by election officials on both sides, to PREVENT cheating and illegal votes, en mass.

From the paper weight of ballots, to requests for ballots vs counts of ballots mailed out to counts received to counts rejected all having voting machines now having a paper trail to audit, not connected to the machine count....

Sure, there is always room for improvement, that won't also disenfranchise citizens but this has always been the case and we improve our election laws with the changing times!

Do you think republican and democratic lawmakers want the other side to be able to cheat?
You silly bint, Democrats started scheming as to how the next election could be cheated before Trump was inaugurated.

They figgered ANTIFA might win sooner or later. You know, like that time they charged the White House and injured 50 Secret Service dude?
You silly bint, Democrats started scheming as to how the next election could be cheated before Trump was inaugurated.

They figgered ANTIFA might win sooner or later.

Have you forgotten that Trump claimed 3-5 million illegals voted in 2016? He said that's why he lost the popular vote.
Wow, there are still True Believers!
I believe the data. It’s not ambiguous. The difference is huge.

We could have saved a lot of lives if you guys hadn’t decided to be such weirdos.
So why have elections for all of American history been over in 2-3 days, hmm? (except 2000 and 2020)

One month my fuckin' ass, bitch! That's a lie.

If it takes a whole month to count the votes? Someone is getting the real number and cheating enough to beat it.

Do you hear yourself? All this computer stuff and they can't count all the votes in 90 minutes?

Psshhhht! 🛑
It takes a month to canvas and do all the checks and balances to make certain all legal votes are counted. Military vote in most states does not even under law, have to arrive, until ONE WEEK AFTER ELECTION DAY..... It takes time to check everything, and count all the votes.

In 2020 there were 110 million votes to count. In 2020 there were 161 million votes to count. It obviously takes more time.

Also, all elections, from the beginning, are not final until certification one month later.

What we have gotten on election night or the next morning has always been a PROJECTED WINNER, and NOT the official count. This can be done, only if the election isn't close between candidates and a winner is possible to project thru their statistics....

And then you have Republican majority states like Michigan and Pennsylvania legislators who wrote in to their election law that absentee ballots and early voting can't be counted until election day....
It takes a month to canvas and do all the checks and balances to make certain all legal votes are counted. Military vote in most states does not even under law, have to arrive, until ONE WEEK AFTER ELECTION DAY..... It takes time to check everything, and count all the votes.

In 2020 there were 110 million votes to count. In 2020 there were 161 million votes to count. It obviously takes more time.

Also, all elections, from the beginning, are not final until certification one month later.

What we have gotten on election night or the next morning has always been a PROJECTED WINNER, and NOT the official count. This can be done, only if the election isn't close between candidates and a winner is possible to project thru their statistics....

And then you have Republican majority states like Michigan and Pennsylvania legislators who wrote in to their election law that absentee ballots and early voting can't be counted until election day....

Go get your 20th booster.

Da fuq are you on about? :dunno: Who is "That Guy"?

Your post was in response to a Democrat (or maybe globalist, or both ) exercise they did in how to cheat an American election in August of 2020.

There was no "that guy" AFAIK. Democrats/globalists like to run their scenarios and figure everything out.

Crap, we used to do things like that in school. Were they Democrats? :aargh:

Nah, the main teacher prayed with us in public school, couldn't have been.

Look up "Event 201" That's where Gates and friends unleashed Covid onto the world. (November 2019)

"TIP" = 2020 election

"Event 201" = release of Covid on society.

Same pattern, running all teh scenarios.
Judicial watch, Tim Fitton.
What’s even more appropriate for Fauci to call for the destruction of the US economy and ultimately the US as we know it, it occurred on the Ides of March, 2020.

The Fatman threw out the pandemic 🐼 handbook in January, idiot.
The man-made FLU was launched to assist the DNC takeover. DNC GOVT was happy to spread it and kill the Country. No problem.

But only 6% of "COVID deaths" in the US were even due to respiratory problems from flu-like symptoms. It was a scam from day 1. Still is.

DEMS are evil corrupt (stupid) crooks. But with an army of lowIQ saps like CARE4none etc up abovt....they can get away with anything as long as they hold the Courts, DOJ and Political office.

Get off me you disgusting animals. You all need to be put down for your support of Criminality.
The man-made FLU was launched to assist the DNC takeover. DNC GOVT was happy to spread it and kill the Country. No problem.

But only 6% of "COVID deaths" in the US were even due to respiratory problems from flu-like symptoms. It was a scam from day 1. Still is.

DEMS are evil corrupt (stupid) crooks. But with an army of lowIQ saps like CARE4none etc up abovt....they can get away with anything as long as they hold the Courts, DOJ and Political office.

Get off me you disgusting animals. You all need to be put down for your support of Criminality.
Democrats are either nefarious psychopaths or retarded baboons. Nothing in between.

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