Muslim who got a permit to burn a Torah in front of the Israeli embassy in Sweden


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
He didnt do it. The guy showed up every bigot around . This was brought up on cigar night with Tristan Tate. The Muslim guy refused to burn the Torah out of love for the Jewish people out of respect to different religions. What a feel good thing. That’s what winning looks like.

1 hour 40 min mark of the video

This is all in response to An Iranian atheist burning a quran in Sweden. Just as Tristan said, that’s like somebody who doesn’t like wasps, dropping a nuclear bomb on an island to kill all the wasps. Never mind what else happens….

And it literally makes no sense. Why does this atheist Iranian just criticize the ayatollah of Iran like tons of Muslims do. Maybe just maybe she’s in it for the money and fame she will receive from fellow radical atheists.

“ Oh but Iran is so repressive don’t you see what Islam does“

Uhhh why doesn’t she move to the united Arab Emirati‘s where women can dress however they want go to nightclubs have a bunch of fun. I mean all of these anti religious arguments are easily destroyed.

While some lunatic atheist in Sweden had burned a Koran surrounded by police in response, Ahmad Alloush asked for a permit to burn a Torah in front of the Israeli embassy in Sweden… sadly, the Israeli embassy protested that but not the burning of the Quran. But make no mistake the overwhelming majority of Israeli people stand with Alloush… there’s a lot of love between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. Thanks to Donald Trump for bringing them together.

There you go a feel good story. A man in Sweden does the right thing and is supported by Muslims and Jews around the world.
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I wouldnt burn another religions book. I believe in free.speech but we should at respectful of others. Remember that Hebdo magazine terror attack in France where the guy killed all those people? Sick...That is an absurd response.
I wouldnt burn another religions book. I believe in free.speech but we should at respectful of others. Remember that Hebdo magazine terror attack in France where the guy killed all those people? Sick...That is an absurd response.
I agree with that. I agree with free-speech. I think there’s a difference between criticizing Christians and Muslims and Jews compared to say criticizing God. Or attempting to burn a religious book. There’s a massive difference between criticizing people compared to burning a religious book.
I agree with that. I agree with free-speech. I think there’s a difference between criticizing Christians and Muslims and Jews compared to say criticizing God. Or attempting to burn a religious book. There’s a massive difference between criticizing people compared to burning a religious book.
Still. The way I view it is that it is paper, that's it. G_d didn't print the book, some printing press in China did. It is offensive and incendiary but it shouldnt demand harm to people. Ome shoukd be really their.Faith and not care about.paper
Muhammad taught Muslims that Jews and Christians are "People of the Book", meaning the people of the Torah/ Bible which are sacred texts..
Thus, in Islamic theology a Muslim person is to hold both the Torah/ Bible in high regard and never deface or destroy them.
Which is why you'll hear stories of people abusing the Quran.
But you never hear about Muslims harming the Torah/Bible.
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He didnt do it. The guy showed up every bigot around . This was brought up on cigar night with Tristan Tate. The Muslim guy refused to burn the Torah out of love for the Jewish people out of respect to different religions. What a feel good thing. That’s what winning looks like.

1 hour 40 min mark of the video

This is all in response to An Iranian atheist burning a quran in Sweden. Just as Tristan said, that’s like somebody who doesn’t like wasps, dropping a nuclear bomb on an island to kill all the wasps. Never mind what else happens….

And it literally makes no sense. Why does this atheist Iranian just criticize the ayatollah of Iran like tons of Muslims do. Maybe just maybe she’s in it for the money and fame she will receive from fellow radical atheists.

“ Oh but Iran is so repressive don’t you see what Islam does“

Uhhh why doesn’t she move to the united Arab Emirati‘s where women can dress however they want go to nightclubs have a bunch of fun. I mean all of these anti religious arguments are easily destroyed.

While some lunatic atheist in Sweden had burned a Koran surrounded by police in response, Ahmad Alloush asked for a permit to burn a Torah in front of the Israeli embassy in Sweden… sadly, the Israeli embassy protested that but not the burning of the Quran. But make no mistake the overwhelming majority of Israeli people stand with Alloush… there’s a lot of love between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. Thanks to Donald Trump for bringing them together.

There you go a feel good story. A man in Sweden does the right thing and is supported by Muslims and Jews around the world.

Thank you for sharing this. :)
Still. The way I view it is that it is paper, that's it. G_d didn't print the book, some printing press in China did. It is offensive and incendiary but it shouldnt demand harm to people. Ome shoukd be really their.Faith and not care about.paper
Well, Jesus brought us the New Testament . Over history there have been different Bibles printed in different ways but of course there is an original Bible. The Catholic church was founded by Jesus … one of the 12 disciples of Jesus was Saint Peter who was the first pope of the Catholic Church, the longest running church in human history. The one thing that is perhaps, holding onto traditional values in Europe..

There is Romania the country where the Tate brothers reside in. It’s 99% Catholic. It is perhaps the Vanguard of Christianity in today’s Europe.

But certainly these radical atheist want to destroy it, and they’re not gonna be able to because the church is with stood the test of time.

I cannot speak for the Muslims and Jews regards to how they feel about the Charlie Hebdo issue or similar types of hatred toward people ie Nazi representations of Jews and their religion., but there certainly many similarities between our beliefs that is between Catholics, Jews, and Muslims. Now, in each of these groups, there are criminals throughout history there have been, but there have also been those who have done the right thing..

My own signature discusses the Catholic organization that has existed for over 1000 years the Knights Hospitallar …. Something founded in the principal is giving a relief not to only fellow Catholics in battle, but to the Muslims to the Mongols. I think something like that is so honorable an incredible that’s part of why I’m a Catholic.

Thus I could never fathom criticizing the Bible.

I’m not only a Catholic because of the religious teachings, but the very history of the Catholic People a history of honor and integrity and helping your fellow man ..that is a commandment by Jesus whether it’s a Muslim, a Jew, or an atheist.

If you merely watch the first two minutes of this documentary, you will be taken back to a time of love the time of Glory and dignity.

Muhammad taught Muslims that Jews and Christians are "People of the Book", meaning the people of the Torah/ Bible which are sacred texts..
Thus, in Islamic theology a Muslim person is to hold both the Torah/ Bible in high regard and never deface or destroy them.
Which is why you'll hear stories of people abusing the Quran.
But you never hear about Muslims harming the Torah/Bible.

Nah, but they destroy cultural artifacts like the ancient Roman city of Palmyra, or the giant Buddha's in Afghanistan.

Sorry Sunni, they are no better.
Nah, but they destroy cultural artifacts like the ancient Roman city of Palmyra, or the giant Buddha's in Afghanistan.

Sorry Sunni, they are no better.
Totally true. Isil members have blown up churches, and those are Muslims doing that.

Also to.Sunnis point Muhammad came hundreds of years after Jesus.

the Quran does talk about Christianity and the Christian faith(the Quran also speaks of Alexander The great) but in the Bible they were not talking about Islam because It did not come about as a religion until about 650 years after the coming of Jesus.

Some have said that the Torah makes vague references to a possible future religion that came to be known as Islam …nevertheless, the point stands
One key point to be made is that it used to be the case that much of the western world was the center of civilization and greatness certainly for the much of the past 500 years. Before that there was the Islamic golden age, and in many ways the arab majority lands represented the cultural greatness of humanity. Now, all of this is under threat by the radical left by the radical LGBT agenda, which is against Christianity. So we are seeing a decline in Christianity in much of the western world with exception to countries like Romania a Country which is 99% Christian, where Faith family and traditional values are very important. its going to be interesting to see how the next 100 years unfold.

There’s a lot of great things happening in Saudi Arabia and the united Arab Emirati’s and I’ve even seen conservative Christian’s in America recognize this..
He didnt do it. The guy showed up every bigot around . This was brought up on cigar night with Tristan Tate. The Muslim guy refused to burn the Torah out of love for the Jewish people out of respect to different religions. What a feel good thing. That’s what winning looks like.

1 hour 40 min mark of the video

This is all in response to An Iranian atheist burning a quran in Sweden. Just as Tristan said, that’s like somebody who doesn’t like wasps, dropping a nuclear bomb on an island to kill all the wasps. Never mind what else happens….

And it literally makes no sense. Why does this atheist Iranian just criticize the ayatollah of Iran like tons of Muslims do. Maybe just maybe she’s in it for the money and fame she will receive from fellow radical atheists.

“ Oh but Iran is so repressive don’t you see what Islam does“

Uhhh why doesn’t she move to the united Arab Emirati‘s where women can dress however they want go to nightclubs have a bunch of fun. I mean all of these anti religious arguments are easily destroyed.

While some lunatic atheist in Sweden had burned a Koran surrounded by police in response, Ahmad Alloush asked for a permit to burn a Torah in front of the Israeli embassy in Sweden… sadly, the Israeli embassy protested that but not the burning of the Quran. But make no mistake the overwhelming majority of Israeli people stand with Alloush… there’s a lot of love between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. Thanks to Donald Trump for bringing them together.

There you go a feel good story. A man in Sweden does the right thing and is supported by Muslims and Jews around the world.

Some religious people are tolerant, a lot aren't. A lot do what they're told and they're told to be intolerant.
Nah, but they destroy cultural artifacts like the ancient Roman city of Palmyra, or the giant Buddha's in Afghanistan.
Sorry Sunni, they are no better.
Muslims only recognize and esteem the sacred texts of the three major monotheistic religions: Quran / Torah / Bible
But they do not protect books, paintings, and statues of polytheistic religions.
As for the giant statues of Buddha destroyed in Afghanistan.
There wasn't a single Buddhist worshiper living in the entire country.
The Afghan people found the giant statues to be be offensive and wanted them gone.
Their country, so they can do what they want.
Muslims only recognize and esteem the sacred texts of the three major monotheistic religions: Quran / Torah / Bible
But they do not protect books, paintings, and statues of polytheistic religions.
As for the giant statues of Buddha destroyed in Afghanistan.
There wasn't a single Buddhist worshiper living in the entire country.
The Afghan people found the giant statues to be be offensive and wanted them gone.
Their country, so they can do what they want.

Who the fuck cares. They were statues hundreds of years old that belonged to mankind.

Then a bunch of fucking baboons blew them up.

I have no hesitation calling for a Fatwah against those fuckers and killing them to the last man.

They serve no useful purpose, they are like mosquitoes, just annoying creatures better off dead.
Who the fuck cares. They were statues hundreds of years old that belonged to mankind.
Then a bunch of fucking baboons blew them up.
I have no hesitation calling for a Fatwah against those fuckers and killing them to the last man.
They serve no useful purpose, they are like mosquitoes, just annoying creatures better off dead.
Do you feel the same way towards the rioting mobs of people that tore down and destroyed the old historic statues of famous Confederate generals, Columbus, and our founding Fathers?
Who the fuck cares. They were statues hundreds of years old that belonged to mankind.

Then a bunch of fucking baboons blew them up.

I have no hesitation calling for a Fatwah against those fuckers and killing them to the last man.

They serve no useful purpose, they are like mosquitoes, just annoying creatures better off dead.
Yep, killing them is good for humanity.
Do you feel the same way towards the rioting mobs of people that tore down and destroyed the old historic statues of famous Confederate generals, Columbus, and our founding Fathers?

Yeah, I do. Barbarians come in all colors. I have no use for barbarians.
Still. The way I view it is that it is paper, that's it. G_d didn't print the book, some printing press in China did. It is offensive and incendiary but it shouldnt demand harm to people. Ome shoukd be really their.Faith and not care about.paper
It's the disrespect out of doing it, I wouldn't burn anyone's religious Bible just to disrespect it.

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