Deep State withheld info from President Trump

Actually it would be a felonious, treasonous act and a violation of executive privilege.

And the reason they wanted to keep it from Trump is that it exposes them to criminal charges and jail.

But that's ok in your little demented pea brain.
Holding back information from a mentally ill criminal rapist who grabs women by the pussy because he says they like that kind of stuff. is patriotic.
Which was clearly a well founded concern.
Must have been.................the Russia collusion docs were released, by His authority, before He left chance all the Mar A Lago raid and subsequent press releases from FBI, which were found to be coming from a FBI Skiff facility were wrong, eh?

They haven't found the Russia collusion investigation files...... :eek:

Wonder where they went and who doesn't have them?

Then all the 'nuclear secret' crap people like you and others followed without any proof.

Mar A Lago
All military personnel are under instructions not to obey illegal orders. If they believed that the president was violating his oath to the Constitution, or the honour and full faith of the US Government, it was not only legal, but IMPERATIVE, that they protect the nation from ALL enemies, foreign or DOMESTIC, and that applies especially if the President is violating the Constitution or the safety and security of the nation.

Trump's lawyer are now claiming that Trump was being extorted by these women, which is the very definition of a "security risk". If you can be the victim of extortion or blackmail, you shouldn't be President. Who else has dirt on Trump?

Given that Trump really did have hookers in his hotel room is Moscow, and really does like watching women piss on one another, and really is involved with sleazy women, the pee tape doesn't sound so far fetched any more. What else do these dictators have on Trump?
No one should ever respond to Trumps comment and commands , no patriot does nor will they ever. You don't support traitors and people who are this countries biggest threat and enemy. When Trump ask others to do something , They should never oblige him. Anyone who supports a traitor is a traitor themselves.
Holding back information from a mentally ill criminal rapist who grabs women by the pussy because he says they like that kind of stuff. is patriotic.
You are a proven asshole who should be in a mental facility....your remind me of RP McMurphy.......

Try and keep up....................

No one should ever respond to Trumps comment and commands , no patriot does nor will they ever. You don't support traitors and people who are this countries biggest threat and enemy. When Trump ask others to do something , They should never oblige him. Anyone who supports a traitor is a traitor themselves.
Prove it constitutionally , asswhole.................:auiqs.jpg:
No one should ever respond to Trumps comment and commands , no patriot does nor will they ever. You don't support traitors and people who are this countries biggest threat and enemy. When Trump ask others to do something , They should never oblige him. Anyone who supports a traitor is a traitor themselves.
You don't know what a patriot is, you sick bird you.
In my naivety relating to current political jargon, I'm assuming by Deep State what is being referred to is somewhat similar to members of the Trilateral Commission back in the day.
That's not far from the mark, yet does not encompass all of them.
Uhm..CFR people too.
No one should ever respond to Trumps comment and commands , no patriot does nor will they ever. You don't support traitors and people who are this countries biggest threat and enemy. When Trump ask others to do something , They should never oblige him. Anyone who supports a traitor is a traitor themselves.
How is Trump a traitor
In my naivety relating to current political jargon, I'm assuming by Deep State what is being referred to is somewhat similar to members of the Trilateral Commission back in the day.

No, what is meant by the “deep state” is basically the civil service which takes its oath to the Constitution seriously.

Trump believed that his attempts to make America great again were being deliberately thwarted by a secret cabal of leftist civil servants within the government determined to maintain the status quo he dubbed the”Deep State”.

The reason Democrats are never prosecuted for the crimes they commit is because they are protected by the Deep State.

The only reason Trump couldn’t get anything done during his administration is because he doesn’t know what he’s doing and he’s incompetent. But of course, nothing is ever trumps fault. It’s always caused by others so he invented the Deep State and will be firing all “disloyal” civil servants when he’s re-elected.
I'm deep under your skin aren't I? Love it . Down to no comments just name calling , you know you got them by the balls.
You are not one that's capable of getting under anyone's skin, dork.

Know your role.
He refuses to accept the results of the elections, and tried to overthrow the government.
The 2020 election was frauded to the max, Canuck.

Just objectively, I refuse to believe a guy that did no campaigning for 2 months leading up to the 2020 election got the most votes ever in America. There were fraudulent votes, and a lot of them.
OMG exposes deep state corruption against the Trump Presidency. Very interesting......Michael Shellenberger, who was instrumental in exposing the Twitter Files concurs. Anyone really surprised?

BREAKING – EXPOSING THE CIA: “So the agencies kind of, like, all got together and said, we’re not gonna tell Trump…Director of the CIA would keep [information from Trump]…” A project manager working in Cyber Operations for the @CIA and an @NSAGov contractor with top-secret clearance working for @Deloitte,, Amjad Fseisi, is caught on undercover cameras implicating the highest levels of the intelligence agencies, including “The executive staff. We’re talking about the director and his subordinates,” former CIA Directors “Gina Haspel....And I believe Mike Pompeo did the same thing too,” “kept information from him [Trump] because we knew he’d fucking disclose it.” Amjad reasons “There are certain people that would…give him a high-level overview but never give him any details. You know why? Because he’ll leak those details...He’s a Russian asset. He’s owned by the fucking Russians.”
@mikepompeo here's where the Russian bullshit started.

Trump was a security risk. The professionals knew it and now we all know it.

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