Deep State withheld info from President Trump

The CIA is why it cost tax payers 12 million dollars to build a single gas station in Afghanistan....
And today these stations have been leveled....
The deep state must go... look at the world with them calling the shots... war and famine in the world and unrest in America....
Trump IS the so called deep state. Look who's supporting him.
The Duke

It's not fake news!

As his inauguration drew closer, Trump acknowledged that he likes very short intelligence briefings. "I like bullets or I like as little as possible," he explained in January 2017.

Intelligence professionals have gone to great lengths to accommodate the president's toddler-like attention span, preparing reports "with lots of graphics and maps." National Security Council officials have even learned that Trump is likely to stop reading important materials unless he sees his name, so they include his name in "as many paragraphs" as possible.

It's against this backdrop that the Washington Post had this remarkable report this morning:

For much of the past year, President Trump has declined to participate in a practice followed by the past seven of his predecessors: He rarely if ever reads the President's Daily Brief, a document that lays out the most pressing information collected by U.S. intelligence agencies from hot spots around the world.Trump has opted to rely on an oral briefing of select intelligence issues in the Oval Office rather than getting the full written document delivered to review separately each day, according to three people familiar with his briefings.
So you're telling us they (the CIA) decided on what to inform a potus on, and what not to Harpy?


The CIA gets probably millions of pieces of data a year, there is no possible way for the POTUS to be informed of them all.

So, yes the the CIA decided on what to inform a POTUS on, and what not to, just like they do for every POTUS. Same thing holds true of every Dept under the Executive Branch.
The Duke

It's not fake news!

As his inauguration drew closer, Trump acknowledged that he likes very short intelligence briefings. "I like bullets or I like as little as possible," he explained in January 2017.

Intelligence professionals have gone to great lengths to accommodate the president's toddler-like attention span, preparing reports "with lots of graphics and maps." National Security Council officials have even learned that Trump is likely to stop reading important materials unless he sees his name, so they include his name in "as many paragraphs" as possible.

It's against this backdrop that the Washington Post had this remarkable report this morning:
You read and believe fake news, it's kinda sad, girl. I don't know what else to say.
The Duke

It's not fake news!

As his inauguration drew closer, Trump acknowledged that he likes very short intelligence briefings. "I like bullets or I like as little as possible," he explained in January 2017.

Intelligence professionals have gone to great lengths to accommodate the president's toddler-like attention span, preparing reports "with lots of graphics and maps." National Security Council officials have even learned that Trump is likely to stop reading important materials unless he sees his name, so they include his name in "as many paragraphs" as possible.

It's against this backdrop that the Washington Post had this remarkable report this morning:
Billionaire and president. Hmmm jealousy
You can't read also?

113 billion is ok by you? Not me. BTW, just heard, Russia penetrating the front lines today.

Deep stater too.

Oh really, he's said He'd work for Trump if asked.

That would be being a traitor to ones country doing that.
113 billion is not 200 billion

But by Tramper standards

That is close
I love it when you prove how clueless YOU ARE!! This one is like shooting fish in a barrel. Justin Trudeau was 5 years old the first time his mother met Fidel Castro. Anyone who says that Trudeau is Castro's son has never seen a picture of his father.

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Thanks for proving you'll believe anything you're told, true or not.
Who cares???

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