Deep State withheld info from President Trump

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All Pence had to do was make sure the election was legit, but he didn't want to do that. Why?
Because his name wasn't Columbo or Matlock and there wasn't a big reveal coming at the end. His roll is not that of investigator or adjudicator. The courts adjudicated the issue and Trump lost. Suck it up Buttercup.
No that's a strong legal argument. All military personnel are taught to disobey any illegal order given. The President is NOT the Constitution, and if the President is violating the Constitution, or the law, then everyone around him who has also taken an oath to the Constitution, has a duty to their oath, to protect the nation from the President's breach of his oath, or his illegal acts.
They would have to document and file their reason or it would be a breach of command.

There has not been one............BTW....................Haspel ended up coughing up the know, the one they were looking for at Mar A Lago.
Trick f**ked by kid in town..............He gets in again, they taught Him the ropes very well.

new kid in town? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Executive Order 13526—Classified National Security Information

A of all people, Obama.................... :auiqs.jpg:

Nothing in there about the POTUS being told every single thing.
Yet there is absolutely not record of that. They were worried Trump would declassify and release the doc's.............................Russia Russia Russia paranoia.

Because he's ALREADY done such a thing, and with classifed material given to them by another nation, with a promise not to disclose it to anyone. Trump violated that Agreement.

In October of 2021, nine months after Donald Trump stole boxes and boxes of classified documents from the White House, the CIA reported losing dozens of agents all over the world. The last year, Trump had to amend his income tax filings to record an additional $1 billion personal income from more transferred $40 million dollars from the Trump Corporation to pay his tax bill.

I can't help but think that all of these things are somehow connected. Trump can roast in hell if he did this.

Because his name wasn't Columbo or Matlock and there wasn't a big reveal coming at the end. His roll is not that of investigator or adjudicator. The courts adjudicated the issue and Trump lost. Suck it up Buttercup.
You should know your role.

(Which you can't even spell, you fucking dumbass)

Signing off on the integrity of an American election is not cool in my book, because I'm an American and that was not my 1st election by a long shot. It was also the 2nd election I think was cheated that there has been.
Bush cheated the 2000 election for his brother in Florida.
Gore really won. Trump really won.
In 2020, Democrats used the 2000 cheat model in 7 states.
You should know your role.

(Which you can't even spell, you fucking dumbass)
That's cause I didn't spell it. I swiped across my keyboard and some algorithm chose which roll it thought I wanted. Now do you have a response to my argument yet or are you busy with you side gig as hall monitor? :laugh:
You are one clueless Canuck. You better worry about the son of Fidel Castro running your country and not the leader of the US, k?

I love it when you prove how clueless YOU ARE!! This one is like shooting fish in a barrel. Justin Trudeau was 5 years old the first time his mother met Fidel Castro. Anyone who says that Trudeau is Castro's son has never seen a picture of his father.



Thanks for proving you'll believe anything you're told, true or not.
That's cause I didn't spell it. I swiped across my keyboard and some algorithm chose which roll it thought I wanted. Now do you have a response to my argument yet or are you busy with you side gig as hall monitor? :laugh:
Excuses are like assholes. Everybody has one, and they all stink.

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