Deep State withheld info from President Trump

Must have been.................the Russia collusion docs were released, by His authority, before He left chance all the Mar A Lago raid and subsequent press releases from FBI, which were found to be coming from a FBI Skiff facility were wrong, eh?

They haven't found the Russia collusion investigation files...... :eek:

Wonder where they went and who doesn't have them?

Then all the 'nuclear secret' crap people like you and others followed without any proof.

Mar A Lago
Very well founded. The orange traitor was giving secrets to Russian spies in the oval office. He tried to give Putn back his psyhouses. The congress had to pass a resolution to keep him from easing sanctions on Russia. Then later he stole top secret information that he still has not returned.
What your thread op is about and links to....

Very highest levels of Intelligence, some times... held back from President Trump.
This is what you said:

What happened after he left? As Director, did he direct it?

The congress had to pass a resolution to keep him from easing sanctions on Russia.
Resolutions have no consequence.
Then later he stole top secret information that he still has not returned.
He he he...............deep state spin for 'we want the Russia investigation file back'...........we could go to jail if Orange Man Bad releases it.
Only thing you're under is my anus, and I have to take shit....................:auiqs.jpg:

I'm deep under your skin aren't I? Love it . Down to no comments just name calling , you know you got them by the balls.
Down to no comments just name calling

Down to no comments just name calling

Down to no comments just name calling

Down to no comments just name calling

Down to no comments just name calling

Down to no comments just name calling

Down to no comments just name calling

Resolutions have no consequence.
That one did. They told the world they would deny the Russian asset's attempts to help putin. The asset also happened to be president.

He he he...............deep state spin for 'we want the Russia investigation file back'....
That's idiotic, and you don't even believe it. Your dumb point got destroyed, and now you grasp for straws and say even dumber shit.
We will keep this simple, either contribute or your ass is out of here. you choose, say go ahead to me. It's simple you have to contribute and you can't hijack my threads , is that simple enough for you.
You are in the midst of hijacking MY thread, Mr. Asshole. So by your own metric, you're out of here.

Bye Bye.
You are in the midst of hijacking MY thread, Mr. Asshole. So by your own metric, you're out of here.

Bye Bye.
My post he responded to "We will keep this simple, either contribute or your ass is out of here. you choose, say go ahead to me. It's simple you have to contribute and you can't hijack my threads , is that simple enough for you." Love it , I don't care how he goes just as long as he goes.

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