Donald Trump disaster and how it happened.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
While everyone was laughing about Donald Trump entering this race, and honestly believing that he would be out soon. What exactly happened to elevate him to the top of the ticket, which now looks to be certain he will be the nominee of the party.

Clearly he is not nor ever was qualified to be POTUS,

1. We had 17 candidates enter this race, and Prince Reibus and others decided to use National polling data for pecking order on 1st and 2nd stage, even though they were advised not to, by the pollsters themselves. People who don't know candidates will pick a name that is familiar to them. This was supposedly designed to keep Jeb Bush front and center. What they didn't count on was Donald Trump entering this race who has 100% name recognition.
Pollsters: Don't trust us to winnow GOP field
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up

2. The media: Covered him 24/7--no other candidate in this race ever received the media attention that Donald Trump received in the 1st few months. This includes FOX news and CNN news coverage.

3. Right wing radio talk shows hosts would not stop talking about Donald Trump, and several were promoting him. They have also incited this anger toward the Republican Party, and exploited this ignorance and bigotry.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

So all of this is what has produced a Donald Trump GOP nominee.

Now you have at least 30% of the Republican Party that will never cast a vote for Donald Trump. Mitch McConnell has stated they'll dump Trump like a hot rock, as they're concerned about losing the Senate and a ton of seats in the House over down ballot races.
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump

Mitt Romney or another 3rd party Republican candidate may jump in here. They're intent is to forfeit the White House to Hillary Clinton, while trying to save the U.S. Senate, the House of Representatives, Governors, and state houses.
McConnell Tells GOP Senators: We’ll Drop Trump ‘Like A Hot Rock’

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I dont know about everyone else but I pretty much predicted Trump having success. Trump represents the angry white male fed up with diversity and the loss of white male power. I hope he gets the GOP nomination to be honest. He has single handedly wreaked havoc on the GOP party.
While everyone was laughing about Donald Trump entering this race, and honestly believing that he would be out soon. What exactly happened to elevate him to the top of the ticket, which now looks to be certain he will be the nominee of the party.

Clearly he is not nor ever was qualified to be POTUS,

1. We had 17 candidates enter this race, and Prince Reibus and others decided to use National polling data for pecking order on 1st and 2nd stage, even though they were advised not to, by the pollsters themselves. People who don't know candidates will pick a name that is familiar to them. This was supposedly designed to keep Jeb Bush front and center. What they didn't count on was Donald Trump entering this race who has 100% name recognition.
Pollsters: Don't trust us to winnow GOP field

2. The media: Covered him 24/7--no other candidate in this race ever received the media attention that Donald Trump received in the 1st few months. This includes FOX news and CNN news coverage.

3. Right wing radio talk shows hosts would not stop talking about Donald Trump, and several were promoting him.

So all of this is what has produced a Donald Trump GOP nominee.

Now you have at least 30% of the Republican Party that will never cast a vote for Donald Trump. Mitch McConnell has stated they'll dump Trump like a hot rock, as they're concerned about losing the Senate and a ton of seats in the House over down ballot races.

Mitt Romney or another 3rd party Republican candidate may jump in here. They're intent is to forfeit the White House to Hillary Clinton, while trying to save the U.S. Senate, the House of Representatives, Governors, and state houses.
McConnell Tells GOP Senators: We’ll Drop Trump ‘Like A Hot Rock’

That all sounds about right.

I don't think any of the other candidates - or anyone else, for that matter - could have predicted the air time the media would give Trump, or that conservative talk radio would be so supportive. They probably thought that he'd be a flash in the pan and everything would get back to reality.

I can only imagine what people like Bush and Paul say about Trump behind closed doors.
While everyone was laughing about Donald Trump entering this race, and honestly believing that he would be out soon. What exactly happened to elevate him to the top of the ticket, which now looks to be certain he will be the nominee of the party.

Clearly he is not nor ever was qualified to be POTUS,

1. We had 17 candidates enter this race, and Prince Reibus and others decided to use National polling data for pecking order on 1st and 2nd stage, even though they were advised not to, by the pollsters themselves. People who don't know candidates will pick a name that is familiar to them. This was supposedly designed to keep Jeb Bush front and center. What they didn't count on was Donald Trump entering this race who has 100% name recognition.
Pollsters: Don't trust us to winnow GOP field

2. The media: Covered him 24/7--no other candidate in this race ever received the media attention that Donald Trump received in the 1st few months. This includes FOX news and CNN news coverage.

3. Right wing radio talk shows hosts would not stop talking about Donald Trump, and several were promoting him.

So all of this is what has produced a Donald Trump GOP nominee.

Now you have at least 30% of the Republican Party that will never cast a vote for Donald Trump. Mitch McConnell has stated they'll dump Trump like a hot rock, as they're concerned about losing the Senate and a ton of seats in the House over down ballot races.

Mitt Romney or another 3rd party Republican candidate may jump in here. They're intent is to forfeit the White House to Hillary Clinton, while trying to save the U.S. Senate, the House of Representatives, Governors, and state houses.
McConnell Tells GOP Senators: We’ll Drop Trump ‘Like A Hot Rock’

That all sounds about right.

I don't think any of the other candidates - or anyone else, for that matter - could have predicted the air time the media would give Trump, or that conservative talk radio would be so supportive. They probably thought that he'd be a flash in the pan and everything would get back to reality.

I can only imagine what people like Bush and Paul say about Trump behind closed doors.

The air time was no accident nor something the media planned.

Trump played them like the chumps they are for free air time.

And Trump was smart enough to lead with issues that nationalists in the Party have been fuming on for decades.
While everyone was laughing about Donald Trump entering this race, and honestly believing that he would be out soon.

By "everyone" do you mean the ZOG MSM establishment and ZOGheads on the internet?
While everyone was laughing about Donald Trump entering this race, and honestly believing that he would be out soon. What exactly happened to elevate him to the top of the ticket, which now looks to be certain he will be the nominee of the party.

Clearly he is not nor ever was qualified to be POTUS,

1. We had 17 candidates enter this race, and Prince Reibus and others decided to use National polling data for pecking order on 1st and 2nd stage, even though they were advised not to, by the pollsters themselves. People who don't know candidates will pick a name that is familiar to them. This was supposedly designed to keep Jeb Bush front and center. What they didn't count on was Donald Trump entering this race who has 100% name recognition.
Pollsters: Don't trust us to winnow GOP field

2. The media: Covered him 24/7--no other candidate in this race ever received the media attention that Donald Trump received in the 1st few months. This includes FOX news and CNN news coverage.

3. Right wing radio talk shows hosts would not stop talking about Donald Trump, and several were promoting him.

So all of this is what has produced a Donald Trump GOP nominee.

Now you have at least 30% of the Republican Party that will never cast a vote for Donald Trump. Mitch McConnell has stated they'll dump Trump like a hot rock, as they're concerned about losing the Senate and a ton of seats in the House over down ballot races.

Mitt Romney or another 3rd party Republican candidate may jump in here. They're intent is to forfeit the White House to Hillary Clinton, while trying to save the U.S. Senate, the House of Representatives, Governors, and state houses.
McConnell Tells GOP Senators: We’ll Drop Trump ‘Like A Hot Rock’

That all sounds about right.

I don't think any of the other candidates - or anyone else, for that matter - could have predicted the air time the media would give Trump, or that conservative talk radio would be so supportive. They probably thought that he'd be a flash in the pan and everything would get back to reality.

I can only imagine what people like Bush and Paul say about Trump behind closed doors.

The air time was no accident nor something the media planned.

Trump played them like the chumps they are for free air time.

And Trump was smart enough to lead with issues that nationalists in the Party have been fuming on for decades.
Yeah, he did. I'd love to see someone try to calculate the advertising value of the media coverage he's gotten.

Funnier still, he'll even talk about it and they keep doing it.

Can't blame him for running with it, that's for sure.
Look at how this country has been run in the ground these past two decades. That's how it happened.
If it wasn't for Trump you assholes would all be saying "Presidential candidate Jeb Bush" right now.
Funny how you didn't mention how popular his message is,

think multiple factors even (believe it or not) whats-his-name-------o r e o (??) has
a point------sorta. There is NO BAD ADVERTISING------it is kinda hard for me to believe that the name "Donald Trump" WAS KNOWN nationwide------but maybe it is----------Trump has a badly needed charm-----he is DIFFERENT----as a nation we
are suffering ENNUI -----think back----lots of the people we elected were ENNUI
relievers. Think JFK -----think OBAMA ------probably think Teddy Roosevel----
(before my time but he hunted BIG GAME)
Look at how this country has been run in the ground these past two decades. That's how it happened.

We need to start a "recall tricky Mitch" campaign if legal, and give him something else to think about besides Trump and Cruz, lol.

Anybody on this forum live in Kentucky?
In a quit and smooth lawyer like way Ted cruz is far more dangerous for civilization...The guy also sucks rich cock as he is doing it.
Well, if a Chimp (Obama) can preside over the country for eight years and the 'Libtards still love the taste of his balls and ass, then I would imagine that any idiot could bamboozle these boatloads of idiots into selecting another idiot (either Hillary or Bernie) to replace him.
The GOP really needs to run Trump/Cruz and get this over with.

Otherwise, if they run anyone else and lose, this situation isn't going away any time soon.
Funny how you didn't mention how popular his message is,

One thing that has always fascinated me about a Trump supporter: Trump knows how important the Latino vote is for the GOP nominee to win the Presidency, but apparently his supporters don't.

In 2012 Trump blasted Republicans for being too mean spirited toward illegals as the reason for the loss.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState

Trump is right. The last Republican President to win was G.W. Bush, he captured 44% of this block, Romney only captured 27%. Donald Trump is polling at a Negative 80% with the Latino block. Even Republican Latino's have announced they will not support a Trump nominee. This block is 17% of the population or 23 million votes that are now in Hillary Clinton's column.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

So a QUESTION for you Trump supporters: What candidate goes into a race to win an election, and does the exact opposite of what he said went wrong with an election just 3-1/2 years prior? Is this a candidate that is trying to win an election, or rather a candidate that is trying to drive it into someone else's lap?

While everyone was laughing about Donald Trump entering this race, and honestly believing that he would be out soon. What exactly happened to elevate him to the top of the ticket, which now looks to be certain he will be the nominee of the party.

Clearly he is not nor ever was qualified to be POTUS,

1. We had 17 candidates enter this race, and Prince Reibus and others decided to use National polling data for pecking order on 1st and 2nd stage, even though they were advised not to, by the pollsters themselves. People who don't know candidates will pick a name that is familiar to them. This was supposedly designed to keep Jeb Bush front and center. What they didn't count on was Donald Trump entering this race who has 100% name recognition.
Pollsters: Don't trust us to winnow GOP field
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up

2. The media: Covered him 24/7--no other candidate in this race ever received the media attention that Donald Trump received in the 1st few months. This includes FOX news and CNN news coverage.

3. Right wing radio talk shows hosts would not stop talking about Donald Trump, and several were promoting him. They have also incited this anger toward the Republican Party, and exploited this ignorance and bigotry.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

So all of this is what has produced a Donald Trump GOP nominee.

Now you have at least 30% of the Republican Party that will never cast a vote for Donald Trump. Mitch McConnell has stated they'll dump Trump like a hot rock, as they're concerned about losing the Senate and a ton of seats in the House over down ballot races.
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump

Mitt Romney or another 3rd party Republican candidate may jump in here. They're intent is to forfeit the White House to Hillary Clinton, while trying to save the U.S. Senate, the House of Representatives, Governors, and state houses.
McConnell Tells GOP Senators: We’ll Drop Trump ‘Like A Hot Rock’

An Obama supporter saying someone isn't qualified to be president. How ironic.
While everyone was laughing about Donald Trump entering this race, and honestly believing that he would be out soon. What exactly happened to elevate him to the top of the ticket, which now looks to be certain he will be the nominee of the party.

Clearly he is not nor ever was qualified to be POTUS,

1. We had 17 candidates enter this race, and Prince Reibus and others decided to use National polling data for pecking order on 1st and 2nd stage, even though they were advised not to, by the pollsters themselves. People who don't know candidates will pick a name that is familiar to them. This was supposedly designed to keep Jeb Bush front and center. What they didn't count on was Donald Trump entering this race who has 100% name recognition.
Pollsters: Don't trust us to winnow GOP field
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up

2. The media: Covered him 24/7--no other candidate in this race ever received the media attention that Donald Trump received in the 1st few months. This includes FOX news and CNN news coverage.

3. Right wing radio talk shows hosts would not stop talking about Donald Trump, and several were promoting him. They have also incited this anger toward the Republican Party, and exploited this ignorance and bigotry.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

So all of this is what has produced a Donald Trump GOP nominee.

Now you have at least 30% of the Republican Party that will never cast a vote for Donald Trump. Mitch McConnell has stated they'll dump Trump like a hot rock, as they're concerned about losing the Senate and a ton of seats in the House over down ballot races.
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump

Mitt Romney or another 3rd party Republican candidate may jump in here. They're intent is to forfeit the White House to Hillary Clinton, while trying to save the U.S. Senate, the House of Representatives, Governors, and state houses.
McConnell Tells GOP Senators: We’ll Drop Trump ‘Like A Hot Rock’


Nothing illustrates the power of stupid people than the 95% vote of the blacks for the Democrat Party.

Thanks for the heads up prompted by your very inappropriate attachment.

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