Donald Trump Empire Sought Visas For At Least 1,100 Foreign Workers

He should hire Americans. Period. Fuck legal and illegal immigration.

well, not every job can be filled from a bunch of people who took basket weaving, African studies, etc in college. who's fault is that?

can you tell us how many people Trump EMPLOYS. ? probably more than any of those career Democrat politicians running for President .
Dirty Work In-Sourcing American Jobs with H-2B Guestworkers Center for Immigration Studies


The debate over H-2B visas is complex, and those on the polar opposite ends of it are both right and both wrong. Critics of the program often fail to acknowledge that: 1) it can be difficult (though not impossible) for American employers, especially truly seasonal ones, to recruit competent, reliable American staff, even during a recession; 2) some, though definitely not all, of the available American labor pool lacks the kind of motivation, skills, dedication, and flexibility that foreign H-2B labor can offer; 3) most H-2B workers and employers are good, honest people trying to make a living for their families and, while some employers are definitely guilty of abusing their workers, most are not; 4) H-2B workers and employers are at least part of the legal economy, contributing to our tax base, in stark contrast to illegal workers and those who employ them; 5) when Americans who aren’t students take truly seasonal jobs, they sometimes cannot find work the rest of the year and end up using unemployment compensation and other public services; and 6) if the H-2B program were abolished, some businesses would struggle to compete, and some might go out of business.

On the other side of the debate, supporters of the H-2B program often refuse to accept that: 1) one of the primary reasons why H-2B employers have a hard time finding American staff is not because Americans don’t want to work, but because Americans cannot support their families on low-wage, no-benefit jobs; 2) despite the fact that many (though not all) H-2B jobs offer low wages, and no benefits, many of these jobs could still be filled with legal American workers; 3) jobs that last nine or 10 months each year are not “seasonal;” 4) H-2Bs likely consume more in social services than they contribute in taxes, particularly because most receive no health care coverage from their employers; 5) H-2B employers’ advertising and recruitment efforts in the United States are often pro-forma — too many employers assume that it’s impossible to get American workers and don’t really devote serious resources to trying; and 6) the H-2B program is particularly detrimental to less-educated Americans, minorities, and students, some of the most vulnerable segments of our economy.

While there are valid points on both sides of this debate, this report has focused more on the problems with the H-2B program, rather than the positive aspects of it, not because I want to tarnish the image of H-2B workers or those who employ them, but because the program, as it is currently operating, is rife with fraud and abuse that diminishes the entire system’s integrity. My hope is that by pointing out all of the problems, we might be able to replace the current system with one that benefits truly seasonal employers, and does a much better job of ensuring that unemployed American workers don’t lose out on jobs they would take and employed Americans do not have their wages depressed by guestworkers.

The present system is dominated by medium and large companies — many of whom are masquerading as seasonal employers — and recruiters who use their knowledge of the system to squeeze smaller companies that would like to use the system, but don’t have the resources or inside knowledge on how to secure H-2Bs. Very few truly small, or truly seasonal employers can afford to use the lawyers and recruiters needed to navigate the current needlessly complex H-2B program. While President Obama and nearly every other American politician is quick to denounce companies that outsource American jobs, few politicians are willing to denounce companies that in-source American jobs here at home with foreign labor. Acknowledging the problems associated with in-sourcing American jobs at home with guestworkers does not mean “scapegoating” foreign workers — it simply means bringing an important debate out into the open for examination. It’s time to get serious about trying to repair our broken guestworker system, and if we are not prepared to devote the resources necessary to restoring some integrity to the program, it should be ended. If the H-2B program is to continue, the following policy recommendations would help restore some measure of fairness to a system tarnished by fraud and abuse.

Excellent article explaining the situation. And the numbers in this area and who's hiring them. And it's LEGAL whether you like it or not. Compared to the number of illegal workers in this country is is very at this point we don't even really know the actual numbers of ILLEGALS in this country. Somewhere between 11 million and 35 million are here as we type.

Compared to the LAWLESSNESS of the current administration who IGNORE our immigration laws and are Granting Amnesty and Asylum to many from the middle east at this time. Not to mention the Sanctuary cities in open contrast to the laws of this country. Trump companies hire a lot of workers. Many contractors use sub contractors and h2b's to lower costs...................It's part of their business to reduce cost and increase profits..............And Trump is not immune to these practices.............

When he was challenged on accusations of HIRING ILLEGALS by a reporter............he asked could you NAME them please so he could deal with it...............The reporter and source didn't name them................
Well Stephanie managed to do her usual knee-jerk defense of anything republican related. I wonder how the other repubs will address this thread? I'm sure it will be more of the same.
Trump like many candidates wants to secure our border.
Enforce the immigration laws.
And then stream line the process for the LEGAL way in.
I have not heard him say whether he wants to limit guest workers or not. Don't know his position on that.

Bottom line............He like others on this issue want to deal with those already here after the borders are secure. And discourage more from coming.

Under Reagan the amnesty deal didn't work. It actually encouraged more to come here.

With Cuba the Dry Feet, Wet Feet policy still exists. Those coming from Cuba who manage to get their feet on the dry ground of the United States get to stay. Stay wet...........they go back to Cuba. This policy still applies today which is retarded.
An exclusive from Reuters:

Exclusive Donald Trump s companies have sought visas to import at least 1 100 workers Reuters

And most of those requests for appoved. Not only that, look at the kinds of jobs he gots visas for:

Donald Trump is staking his run for U.S. president in part on a vow to protect American jobs. But this month, one of his companies, the elite Mar-a-Lago Club resort in Florida, applied to import 70 foreign workers to serve as cooks, wait staff and cleaners.

A Reuters analysis of U.S. government data reveals that this is business as usual in the New York property magnate's empire.

Trump owns companies that have sought to import at least 1,100 foreign workers on temporary visas since 2000, according to U.S. Department of Labor data reviewed by Reuters. Most of the applications were approved, the data show.

Nine companies majority-owned by Trump have sought to bring in foreign waitresses, cooks, vineyard workers and other laborers on temporary work-visa programs administered by the Labor Department.

The candidate's foreign talent hunt included applications for an assistant golf-course superintendent, an assistant hotel manager and a banquet manager.

Two of his companies, Trump Model Management and Trump Management Group LLC, have sought visas for nearly 250 foreign fashion models, the records show.

So, all of things we have accused some American entenpreneurs of doing in hiring illegal immigrants to do their work under the table, Donald Trump has been openly doing and it's there for all to see. He brought in foreign workers to do jobs that most Americans can do any time, well, except the model stuff.

This is the man screaming about building a wall and making Mexico pay for it. This is the man who calls Mexicans "rapists" "drug dealers" and "murderers". This is the man who say he wants to "Make America great again".

Donald Trump is a joke. I really, really, really hope he gets the GOP nomination.

Now, let's see people try to defend this:

"It's just a fraction of his business"
"Isolated incidents"
"Trump didn't know, he's a big businessman with lots to do!"


What, wasn't satisfied with posting on Lakhotas thread, how many threads are you maobamabots going to start on this?
An exclusive from Reuters:

Exclusive Donald Trump s companies have sought visas to import at least 1 100 workers Reuters

And most of those requests for appoved. Not only that, look at the kinds of jobs he gots visas for:

Donald Trump is staking his run for U.S. president in part on a vow to protect American jobs. But this month, one of his companies, the elite Mar-a-Lago Club resort in Florida, applied to import 70 foreign workers to serve as cooks, wait staff and cleaners.

A Reuters analysis of U.S. government data reveals that this is business as usual in the New York property magnate's empire.

Trump owns companies that have sought to import at least 1,100 foreign workers on temporary visas since 2000, according to U.S. Department of Labor data reviewed by Reuters. Most of the applications were approved, the data show.

Nine companies majority-owned by Trump have sought to bring in foreign waitresses, cooks, vineyard workers and other laborers on temporary work-visa programs administered by the Labor Department.

The candidate's foreign talent hunt included applications for an assistant golf-course superintendent, an assistant hotel manager and a banquet manager.

Two of his companies, Trump Model Management and Trump Management Group LLC, have sought visas for nearly 250 foreign fashion models, the records show.

So, all of things we have accused some American entenpreneurs of doing in hiring illegal immigrants to do their work under the table, Donald Trump has been openly doing and it's there for all to see. He brought in foreign workers to do jobs that most Americans can do any time, well, except the model stuff.

This is the man screaming about building a wall and making Mexico pay for it. This is the man who calls Mexicans "rapists" "drug dealers" and "murderers". This is the man who say he wants to "Make America great again".

Donald Trump is a joke. I really, really, really hope he gets the GOP nomination.

Now, let's see people try to defend this:

"It's just a fraction of his business"
"Isolated incidents"
"Trump didn't know, he's a big businessman with lots to do!"


What, wasn't satisfied with posting on Lakhotas thread, how many threads are you maobamabots going to start on this?
Lol probably when you repubs will grow some balls and admit he's a hypocrite.
An exclusive from Reuters:

Exclusive Donald Trump s companies have sought visas to import at least 1 100 workers Reuters

And most of those requests for appoved. Not only that, look at the kinds of jobs he gots visas for:

Donald Trump is staking his run for U.S. president in part on a vow to protect American jobs. But this month, one of his companies, the elite Mar-a-Lago Club resort in Florida, applied to import 70 foreign workers to serve as cooks, wait staff and cleaners.

A Reuters analysis of U.S. government data reveals that this is business as usual in the New York property magnate's empire.

Trump owns companies that have sought to import at least 1,100 foreign workers on temporary visas since 2000, according to U.S. Department of Labor data reviewed by Reuters. Most of the applications were approved, the data show.

Nine companies majority-owned by Trump have sought to bring in foreign waitresses, cooks, vineyard workers and other laborers on temporary work-visa programs administered by the Labor Department.

The candidate's foreign talent hunt included applications for an assistant golf-course superintendent, an assistant hotel manager and a banquet manager.

Two of his companies, Trump Model Management and Trump Management Group LLC, have sought visas for nearly 250 foreign fashion models, the records show.

So, all of things we have accused some American entenpreneurs of doing in hiring illegal immigrants to do their work under the table, Donald Trump has been openly doing and it's there for all to see. He brought in foreign workers to do jobs that most Americans can do any time, well, except the model stuff.

This is the man screaming about building a wall and making Mexico pay for it. This is the man who calls Mexicans "rapists" "drug dealers" and "murderers". This is the man who say he wants to "Make America great again".

Donald Trump is a joke. I really, really, really hope he gets the GOP nomination.

Now, let's see people try to defend this:

"It's just a fraction of his business"
"Isolated incidents"
"Trump didn't know, he's a big businessman with lots to do!"


What, wasn't satisfied with posting on Lakhotas thread, how many threads are you maobamabots going to start on this?
Lol probably when you repubs will grow some balls and admit he's a hypocrite.

Are you really too stupid to know the OP got his prophesies from reading Lakhotas thread? You really are brain dead.
An exclusive from Reuters:

Exclusive Donald Trump s companies have sought visas to import at least 1 100 workers Reuters

And most of those requests for appoved. Not only that, look at the kinds of jobs he gots visas for:

Donald Trump is staking his run for U.S. president in part on a vow to protect American jobs. But this month, one of his companies, the elite Mar-a-Lago Club resort in Florida, applied to import 70 foreign workers to serve as cooks, wait staff and cleaners.

A Reuters analysis of U.S. government data reveals that this is business as usual in the New York property magnate's empire.

Trump owns companies that have sought to import at least 1,100 foreign workers on temporary visas since 2000, according to U.S. Department of Labor data reviewed by Reuters. Most of the applications were approved, the data show.

Nine companies majority-owned by Trump have sought to bring in foreign waitresses, cooks, vineyard workers and other laborers on temporary work-visa programs administered by the Labor Department.

The candidate's foreign talent hunt included applications for an assistant golf-course superintendent, an assistant hotel manager and a banquet manager.

Two of his companies, Trump Model Management and Trump Management Group LLC, have sought visas for nearly 250 foreign fashion models, the records show.

So, all of things we have accused some American entenpreneurs of doing in hiring illegal immigrants to do their work under the table, Donald Trump has been openly doing and it's there for all to see. He brought in foreign workers to do jobs that most Americans can do any time, well, except the model stuff.

This is the man screaming about building a wall and making Mexico pay for it. This is the man who calls Mexicans "rapists" "drug dealers" and "murderers". This is the man who say he wants to "Make America great again".

Donald Trump is a joke. I really, really, really hope he gets the GOP nomination.

Now, let's see people try to defend this:

"It's just a fraction of his business"
"Isolated incidents"
"Trump didn't know, he's a big businessman with lots to do!"


What, wasn't satisfied with posting on Lakhotas thread, how many threads are you maobamabots going to start on this?
Lol probably when you repubs will grow some balls and admit he's a hypocrite.

Are you really too stupid to know the OP got his prophesies from reading Lakhotas thread? You really are brain dead.
So do you think Trump is a hypocrite?
An exclusive from Reuters:

Exclusive Donald Trump s companies have sought visas to import at least 1 100 workers Reuters

And most of those requests for appoved. Not only that, look at the kinds of jobs he gots visas for:

Donald Trump is staking his run for U.S. president in part on a vow to protect American jobs. But this month, one of his companies, the elite Mar-a-Lago Club resort in Florida, applied to import 70 foreign workers to serve as cooks, wait staff and cleaners.

A Reuters analysis of U.S. government data reveals that this is business as usual in the New York property magnate's empire.

Trump owns companies that have sought to import at least 1,100 foreign workers on temporary visas since 2000, according to U.S. Department of Labor data reviewed by Reuters. Most of the applications were approved, the data show.

Nine companies majority-owned by Trump have sought to bring in foreign waitresses, cooks, vineyard workers and other laborers on temporary work-visa programs administered by the Labor Department.

The candidate's foreign talent hunt included applications for an assistant golf-course superintendent, an assistant hotel manager and a banquet manager.

Two of his companies, Trump Model Management and Trump Management Group LLC, have sought visas for nearly 250 foreign fashion models, the records show.

So, all of things we have accused some American entenpreneurs of doing in hiring illegal immigrants to do their work under the table, Donald Trump has been openly doing and it's there for all to see. He brought in foreign workers to do jobs that most Americans can do any time, well, except the model stuff.

This is the man screaming about building a wall and making Mexico pay for it. This is the man who calls Mexicans "rapists" "drug dealers" and "murderers". This is the man who say he wants to "Make America great again".

Donald Trump is a joke. I really, really, really hope he gets the GOP nomination.

Now, let's see people try to defend this:

"It's just a fraction of his business"
"Isolated incidents"
"Trump didn't know, he's a big businessman with lots to do!"


What, wasn't satisfied with posting on Lakhotas thread, how many threads are you maobamabots going to start on this?
Lol probably when you repubs will grow some balls and admit he's a hypocrite.
A hypocrite is one who complains about a LEGAL work situation but goes bat shit crazy on the illegals working here under no program. I live in the country, and I could drive you to Nurseries around where I live and show you illegals today. Many of them as they hire the illegals to do the work there. Pretty much ALL OF THEM. I can show you a house up the road where some of them live, about 20 of them in one small house with a clunker car...............and if the timing is right you can see them pushing a stolen shopping cart with their groceries down the road.

That is a more pressing problem over the legal applications you are bitching about.

This is a two edged sword. They get paid less than minimum wage under our laws. The employers can have them deported if they dare question the job or pay, even though the employer is hiring ILLEGALLY to have them plant seeds all day to get the plants and trees to the markets. If they had to do it legally, and under our laws they'd have to pay market wages............and rightfully so.........and then have to increase prices as a result.

To me that's simple. IT'S ILLEGAL. PERIOD...............And the laws of this nation should be enforced, even if I have to pay more for a tree or plant as a result. Another thing. They pick the crops as well on farms around here. and the same situation prevails. Having to pay market wages on these workers would do the same thing. But WE SHOULD NOT PICK AND CHOOSE the LAWS WE DEEM OK or to IGNORE as the current administration does. That needs to end, and our borders need to be secured.
An exclusive from Reuters:

Exclusive Donald Trump s companies have sought visas to import at least 1 100 workers Reuters

And most of those requests for appoved. Not only that, look at the kinds of jobs he gots visas for:

Donald Trump is staking his run for U.S. president in part on a vow to protect American jobs. But this month, one of his companies, the elite Mar-a-Lago Club resort in Florida, applied to import 70 foreign workers to serve as cooks, wait staff and cleaners.

A Reuters analysis of U.S. government data reveals that this is business as usual in the New York property magnate's empire.

Trump owns companies that have sought to import at least 1,100 foreign workers on temporary visas since 2000, according to U.S. Department of Labor data reviewed by Reuters. Most of the applications were approved, the data show.

Nine companies majority-owned by Trump have sought to bring in foreign waitresses, cooks, vineyard workers and other laborers on temporary work-visa programs administered by the Labor Department.

The candidate's foreign talent hunt included applications for an assistant golf-course superintendent, an assistant hotel manager and a banquet manager.

Two of his companies, Trump Model Management and Trump Management Group LLC, have sought visas for nearly 250 foreign fashion models, the records show.

So, all of things we have accused some American entenpreneurs of doing in hiring illegal immigrants to do their work under the table, Donald Trump has been openly doing and it's there for all to see. He brought in foreign workers to do jobs that most Americans can do any time, well, except the model stuff.

This is the man screaming about building a wall and making Mexico pay for it. This is the man who calls Mexicans "rapists" "drug dealers" and "murderers". This is the man who say he wants to "Make America great again".

Donald Trump is a joke. I really, really, really hope he gets the GOP nomination.

Now, let's see people try to defend this:

"It's just a fraction of his business"
"Isolated incidents"
"Trump didn't know, he's a big businessman with lots to do!"


What, wasn't satisfied with posting on Lakhotas thread, how many threads are you maobamabots going to start on this?
Lol probably when you repubs will grow some balls and admit he's a hypocrite.

Are you really too stupid to know the OP got his prophesies from reading Lakhotas thread? You really are brain dead.
So do you think Trump is a hypocrite?

Nope, his beef is with illegals, of course you're too stupid to know that.
An exclusive from Reuters:

Exclusive Donald Trump s companies have sought visas to import at least 1 100 workers Reuters

And most of those requests for appoved. Not only that, look at the kinds of jobs he gots visas for:

So, all of things we have accused some American entenpreneurs of doing in hiring illegal immigrants to do their work under the table, Donald Trump has been openly doing and it's there for all to see. He brought in foreign workers to do jobs that most Americans can do any time, well, except the model stuff.

This is the man screaming about building a wall and making Mexico pay for it. This is the man who calls Mexicans "rapists" "drug dealers" and "murderers". This is the man who say he wants to "Make America great again".

Donald Trump is a joke. I really, really, really hope he gets the GOP nomination.

Now, let's see people try to defend this:

"It's just a fraction of his business"
"Isolated incidents"
"Trump didn't know, he's a big businessman with lots to do!"


What, wasn't satisfied with posting on Lakhotas thread, how many threads are you maobamabots going to start on this?
Lol probably when you repubs will grow some balls and admit he's a hypocrite.

Are you really too stupid to know the OP got his prophesies from reading Lakhotas thread? You really are brain dead.
So do you think Trump is a hypocrite?

Nope, his beef is with illegals, of course you're too stupid to know that.
Sure what he did was legal, but don't you think it being legal is beside the point? He sought foreigners to come here TEMPORARILY. Why should he give a shit if illegals, outside of his control, take American jobs then? He is okay with deliberately giving jobs to foreigners instead of American citizens? Why are you okay with that?
An exclusive from Reuters:

Exclusive Donald Trump s companies have sought visas to import at least 1 100 workers Reuters

And most of those requests for appoved. Not only that, look at the kinds of jobs he gots visas for:

Donald Trump is staking his run for U.S. president in part on a vow to protect American jobs. But this month, one of his companies, the elite Mar-a-Lago Club resort in Florida, applied to import 70 foreign workers to serve as cooks, wait staff and cleaners.

A Reuters analysis of U.S. government data reveals that this is business as usual in the New York property magnate's empire.

Trump owns companies that have sought to import at least 1,100 foreign workers on temporary visas since 2000, according to U.S. Department of Labor data reviewed by Reuters. Most of the applications were approved, the data show.

Nine companies majority-owned by Trump have sought to bring in foreign waitresses, cooks, vineyard workers and other laborers on temporary work-visa programs administered by the Labor Department.

The candidate's foreign talent hunt included applications for an assistant golf-course superintendent, an assistant hotel manager and a banquet manager.

Two of his companies, Trump Model Management and Trump Management Group LLC, have sought visas for nearly 250 foreign fashion models, the records show.

So, all of things we have accused some American entenpreneurs of doing in hiring illegal immigrants to do their work under the table, Donald Trump has been openly doing and it's there for all to see. He brought in foreign workers to do jobs that most Americans can do any time, well, except the model stuff.

This is the man screaming about building a wall and making Mexico pay for it. This is the man who calls Mexicans "rapists" "drug dealers" and "murderers". This is the man who say he wants to "Make America great again".

Donald Trump is a joke. I really, really, really hope he gets the GOP nomination.

Now, let's see people try to defend this:

"It's just a fraction of his business"
"Isolated incidents"
"Trump didn't know, he's a big businessman with lots to do!"


What, wasn't satisfied with posting on Lakhotas thread, how many threads are you maobamabots going to start on this?

Didn't see Lakota's thread, haven't posted on it, if it's about this very specific topic.

Lie much?
An exclusive from Reuters:

Exclusive Donald Trump s companies have sought visas to import at least 1 100 workers Reuters

And most of those requests for appoved. Not only that, look at the kinds of jobs he gots visas for:

So, all of things we have accused some American entenpreneurs of doing in hiring illegal immigrants to do their work under the table, Donald Trump has been openly doing and it's there for all to see. He brought in foreign workers to do jobs that most Americans can do any time, well, except the model stuff.

This is the man screaming about building a wall and making Mexico pay for it. This is the man who calls Mexicans "rapists" "drug dealers" and "murderers". This is the man who say he wants to "Make America great again".

Donald Trump is a joke. I really, really, really hope he gets the GOP nomination.

Now, let's see people try to defend this:

"It's just a fraction of his business"
"Isolated incidents"
"Trump didn't know, he's a big businessman with lots to do!"


What, wasn't satisfied with posting on Lakhotas thread, how many threads are you maobamabots going to start on this?
Lol probably when you repubs will grow some balls and admit he's a hypocrite.

Are you really too stupid to know the OP got his prophesies from reading Lakhotas thread? You really are brain dead.
So do you think Trump is a hypocrite?

Nope, his beef is with illegals, of course you're too stupid to know that.

Only, you just lied.

At his announcement speech, he didn't refer to illegal immigrants.

He, directly and indisputable referring to the country of Mexico, said:

"They're sending us" and so on and so on and so on.

It's all on video. Deal with it.
An exclusive from Reuters:

Exclusive Donald Trump s companies have sought visas to import at least 1 100 workers Reuters

And most of those requests for appoved. Not only that, look at the kinds of jobs he gots visas for:

Donald Trump is staking his run for U.S. president in part on a vow to protect American jobs. But this month, one of his companies, the elite Mar-a-Lago Club resort in Florida, applied to import 70 foreign workers to serve as cooks, wait staff and cleaners.

A Reuters analysis of U.S. government data reveals that this is business as usual in the New York property magnate's empire.

Trump owns companies that have sought to import at least 1,100 foreign workers on temporary visas since 2000, according to U.S. Department of Labor data reviewed by Reuters. Most of the applications were approved, the data show.

Nine companies majority-owned by Trump have sought to bring in foreign waitresses, cooks, vineyard workers and other laborers on temporary work-visa programs administered by the Labor Department.

The candidate's foreign talent hunt included applications for an assistant golf-course superintendent, an assistant hotel manager and a banquet manager.

Two of his companies, Trump Model Management and Trump Management Group LLC, have sought visas for nearly 250 foreign fashion models, the records show.

So, all of things we have accused some American entenpreneurs of doing in hiring illegal immigrants to do their work under the table, Donald Trump has been openly doing and it's there for all to see. He brought in foreign workers to do jobs that most Americans can do any time, well, except the model stuff.

This is the man screaming about building a wall and making Mexico pay for it. This is the man who calls Mexicans "rapists" "drug dealers" and "murderers". This is the man who say he wants to "Make America great again".

Donald Trump is a joke. I really, really, really hope he gets the GOP nomination.

Now, let's see people try to defend this:

"It's just a fraction of his business"
"Isolated incidents"
"Trump didn't know, he's a big businessman with lots to do!"


What is wrong with him? He could hire illegals a lot cheaper and make a lot more money.
What, wasn't satisfied with posting on Lakhotas thread, how many threads are you maobamabots going to start on this?
Lol probably when you repubs will grow some balls and admit he's a hypocrite.

Are you really too stupid to know the OP got his prophesies from reading Lakhotas thread? You really are brain dead.
So do you think Trump is a hypocrite?

Nope, his beef is with illegals, of course you're too stupid to know that.
Sure what he did was legal, but don't you think it being legal is beside the point? He sought foreigners to come here TEMPORARILY. Why should he give a shit if illegals, outside of his control, take American jobs then? He is okay with deliberately giving jobs to foreigners instead of American citizens? Why are you okay with that?

Read the GD link, almost a quarter of them were models, you got any idea how many foreign models are used in the US fashion industry every year? The other could have easily been people he brought here for training to work in his offshore businesses, even including the models there were only about 73 a year on average. How many people does he employ, about 30,000? How about you get the beam out of your own eye, before you worry about the splinter in Trumps?
An exclusive from Reuters:

Exclusive Donald Trump s companies have sought visas to import at least 1 100 workers Reuters

And most of those requests for appoved. Not only that, look at the kinds of jobs he gots visas for:

Donald Trump is staking his run for U.S. president in part on a vow to protect American jobs. But this month, one of his companies, the elite Mar-a-Lago Club resort in Florida, applied to import 70 foreign workers to serve as cooks, wait staff and cleaners.

A Reuters analysis of U.S. government data reveals that this is business as usual in the New York property magnate's empire.

Trump owns companies that have sought to import at least 1,100 foreign workers on temporary visas since 2000, according to U.S. Department of Labor data reviewed by Reuters. Most of the applications were approved, the data show.

Nine companies majority-owned by Trump have sought to bring in foreign waitresses, cooks, vineyard workers and other laborers on temporary work-visa programs administered by the Labor Department.

The candidate's foreign talent hunt included applications for an assistant golf-course superintendent, an assistant hotel manager and a banquet manager.

Two of his companies, Trump Model Management and Trump Management Group LLC, have sought visas for nearly 250 foreign fashion models, the records show.

So, all of things we have accused some American entenpreneurs of doing in hiring illegal immigrants to do their work under the table, Donald Trump has been openly doing and it's there for all to see. He brought in foreign workers to do jobs that most Americans can do any time, well, except the model stuff.

This is the man screaming about building a wall and making Mexico pay for it. This is the man who calls Mexicans "rapists" "drug dealers" and "murderers". This is the man who say he wants to "Make America great again".

Donald Trump is a joke. I really, really, really hope he gets the GOP nomination.

Now, let's see people try to defend this:

"It's just a fraction of his business"
"Isolated incidents"
"Trump didn't know, he's a big businessman with lots to do!"


What, wasn't satisfied with posting on Lakhotas thread, how many threads are you maobamabots going to start on this?

Didn't see Lakota's thread, haven't posted on it, if it's about this very specific topic.

Lie much?

Donald Trump Empire Sought Visas For At Least 1 100 Foreign Workers US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So who's lying, posting guides say you should check before posting to avoid duplicate threads.
Lol probably when you repubs will grow some balls and admit he's a hypocrite.

Are you really too stupid to know the OP got his prophesies from reading Lakhotas thread? You really are brain dead.
So do you think Trump is a hypocrite?

Nope, his beef is with illegals, of course you're too stupid to know that.
Sure what he did was legal, but don't you think it being legal is beside the point? He sought foreigners to come here TEMPORARILY. Why should he give a shit if illegals, outside of his control, take American jobs then? He is okay with deliberately giving jobs to foreigners instead of American citizens? Why are you okay with that?

Read the GD link, almost a quarter of them were models, you got any idea how many foreign models are used in the US fashion industry every year? The other could have easily been people he brought here for training to work in his offshore businesses, even including the models there were only about 73 a year on average. How many people does he employ, about 30,000? How about you get the beam out of your own eye, before you worry about the splinter in Trumps?

Another Trump-fluffer to the rescue!!!!
"Trump can do no wrong!!!
Trump is perfect!!!"


2016 is going to be terrific fun!!!
so what? it's freaking legal. You would rather him hire those jumping our borders like that party you belong in supports?
It's legal, but HYPOCRITICAL for someone running on a platform of "Make America great again" by putting Americans to work when he has made his fortune doing everything he says needs to be reversed, like his manufacturing his Trump brand products in China, buying the building materials used to plaster his name everywhere from China, and hiring foreigners to work jobs here in America.

How can you not see the obvious hypocrisy?
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