Donald Trump is a stable genius, Joe Biden is a lucky idiot. you don't get 2 terms with dumb luck. Biden my son, you get 1 term then you're done!

Stable? Yeah... for a traitorous sociopath...

As to the "genius" part, well... outside of his real estate asset-juggling lane... not really...

Although he gets props for being able to inspire enthusiasm and loyalty for a considerable percentage of hyper-Nationalists and Autocrat-Enablers nationwide...

Then again, come to think of it. that ability to bamboozle and "sucker" the nation's trailer trash is rather reminiscent of Germany in the 1930s... :cool:
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Doesn't cost you anything to hope. You know that debt ceiling bill is DOA don't you?
If Biden and the senate don't pass that House Bill there is none. McCarthy can't pass any other, the votes aren't there.
So pass the House Bill or Biden's economy crashes. Choose wisely.
You're wrong about the reasons, but at least you seem to be open to the fact that you might lose. If you could have accepted your loss last time, you wouldn't have tried that failed insurrection.
Thanks for the canned and Dem approved (albeit tired) talking point. Unfortunately, you're wrong on two accounts: Trump won and there was no "insurrection." Your boys in the "hood" were the very definition of "insurrectionists."
It's been amazing to watch Trump speak directly, specifically and exclusively to his base since Escalator Day. 24/7/365. Anyone else can just to go hell. Accordingly, he lost the popular vote by 3 million and then 7 million, and the GQP badly underperformed in 2022.

And, it is no secret that many (including myself) voted for Biden ONLY because it was the most effective way to vote against this whole ugly sociological disaster.

And I think that's the problem. These poor people really do believe that he is a brilliant, self-made, honest, well-adjusted, patriotic Christian man, and that it's JUST SO OBVIOUS. As a result, they just can't bring themselves to believe that 81 million of us don't adore him like they do. So something must be wrong. He must be right. Someone must have cheated. Yeah, that's it.
Joe is what you typed. A vulgar corrupted man who flew under the radar and lasted fpr a half century as he paid off his masters.
1. Yes the FBI covered up the Biden Crime Families' many crimes as detailed on Hunter's laptop before the 2020 election

2. Trump doesn't need to win over 2024 voters, 86-year old Joe Biden is losing voters by being senile. Indys will vote for Trump over senile Biden and his open borders.

3. The GOP House just passed a Bill that raises the Debt Limit and cuts wasteful spending, thereby reducing inflation.

I used to think you were one of the brighter right wing poster is on this board, but this post is just laughable.

1. The Biden crime family? Don’t start with these bullshit lies and conspiracy theories. Didn’t you learn anything from the 25+ “Clinton crime family”investigations that produced nothing? Not one witness, not one piece of evidence and not a single charge. Investigators couldn’t even find evidence that any crimes claimed by Republicans had been committed.

$100 million of taxpayers money spent investigating Republican lies, rumors, and conspiracy theories. And now you’re going to do exactly the same thing with the Bidens.

2. 80 year old Joe Biden, who is running circles around Republicans at the moment, is too old and too senile for reelection, but 78 year old Donald Trump, who is grossly overweight and taking statins for a heart condition brought on by his junk food habits, will be fine.

Fred Trump died of Alzheimer’s, and Donald Trump has exhibited numerous signs that he is not of sound mind right now. Even his own family testified against him at the January 6 hearings. Jared and Ivanka have refused to participate in his reelection campaign.

Trumps delusional and paranoid declaration that he is your retribution, smacks of senile dementia. There is no telling what Trump might do to the American people who failed to support his reelection bid, were he to seize power in 2024.

3. Republicans need to pass a “clean” debt ceiling bill. The debt ceiling bill is not a place to cut spending that has already passed the House and Senate, and been signed into law.

Both of the Biden budgets made multibillion dollar cuts in Trump era spending and waste. Trump’s prolifigate spending and crashing of the US economy is responsible for 40% of the current national debt.

Kevin McCarthy and the Republican House leaderships behaviour around the debt ceiling issue is just another example of party over country.
Thanks for the canned and Dem approved (albeit tired) talking point. Unfortunately, you're wrong on two accounts: Trump won and there was no "insurrection." Your boys in the "hood" were the very definition of "insurrectionists."

In other words, reality is not a concept you’ve embraced. Got it!

Either you are too stupid to be one person, or a paid poster with an agenda to overturn democracy in the USA in favour of a Trump dictatorship.

There aren’t many other options here. Even Fox News admits he lost and they lied to you. You do you, but don’t expect the rest of us to go along with your delusions.
It's been amazing to watch Trump speak directly, specifically and exclusively to his base since Escalator Day. 24/7/365. Anyone else can just to go hell. Accordingly, he lost the popular vote by 3 million and then 7 million, and the GQP badly underperformed in 2022.

And, it is no secret that many (including myself) voted for Biden ONLY because it was the most effective way to vote against this whole ugly sociological disaster.

And I think that's the problem. These poor people really do believe that he is a brilliant, self-made, honest, well-adjusted, patriotic Christian man, and that it's JUST SO OBVIOUS. As a result, they just can't bring themselves to believe that 81 million of us don't adore him like they do. So something must be wrong. He must be right. Someone must have cheated. Yeah, that's it.

I am familiar with notion that many people continue to believe the con, even after the conman has been arrested. Many victims refuse to come forward, because they don’t want to admit, they’ve been conned. It’s embarrassing.

Well, I have personally witnessed both of these behaviours in action in real life, I have never seen anything like the gaslighting of Trump voters and their denial of reality.

I really do fear, for what would he would do to voters in blue states or in the swing states that turned on him to like Arizona and Georgia. Just look how little he went after New York, California, Washington and Michigan while he was in office.

How’s he going to treat the American people after they voted him out of office?
In other words, reality is not a concept you’ve embraced. Got it!

Either you are too stupid to be one person, or a paid poster with an agenda to overturn democracy in the USA in favour of a Trump dictatorship.

There aren’t many other options here. Even Fox News admits he lost and they lied to you. You do you, but don’t expect the rest of us to go along with your delusions.
You'd make a perfect White House Press Secretary -- detached from reality and prone to telling non-truth.
I used to think you were one of the brighter right wing poster is on this board, but this post is just laughable.

1. The Biden crime family? Don’t start with these bullshit lies and conspiracy theories. Didn’t you learn anything from the 25+ “Clinton crime family”investigations that produced nothing? Not one witness, not one piece of evidence and not a single charge. Investigators couldn’t even find evidence that any crimes claimed by Republicans had been committed. $100 million of taxpayers money spent investigating Republican lies, rumors, and conspiracy theories. And now you’re going to do exactly the same thing with the Bidens.

2. 80 year old Joe Biden, who is running circles around Republicans at the moment, is too old and too senile for reelection, but 78 year old Donald Trump, who is grossly overweight and taking statins for a heart condition brought on by his junk food habits, will be fine. Fred Trump died of Alzheimer’s, and Donald Trump has exhibited numerous signs that he is not of sound mind right now. Even his own family testified against him at the January 6 hearings. Jared and Ivanka have refused to participate in his reelection campaign. Trumps delusional and paranoid declaration that he is your retribution, smacks of senile dementia. There is no telling what Trump might do to the American people who failed to support his reelection bid, were he to seize power in 2024.

3. Republicans need to pass a “clean” debt ceiling bill. The debt ceiling bill is not a place to cut spending that has already passed the House and Senate, and been signed into law. Both of the Biden budgets made multi-billion dollar cuts in Trump era spending and waste. Trump’s profligate spending and crashing of the US economy is responsible for 40% of the current national debt. Kevin McCarthy and the Republican House leaderships behavior around the debt ceiling issue is just another example of party over country.
1. Just because Comey gave Hillary a pass on her illegal bathroom server and her destruction of 30,000 subpoenaed emails and iPhones doesn't means that she didn't break the law.

2. Hunter Biden, the Navy flunk-out, druggie, and deadbeat dad, is now worth $230,000,000. How did he get that much wealth? Selling access to "the big guy". The evidence is on the laptop as well as real whistleblower Bobulinsky. The FBI covered up for the Bidens.

3. 80 year old Joe Biden hides all day, he can't do real press conferences or run circles, he's too senile. Trump is still cogent, unlike Biden. I'm a Desantis supporter, but would vote for Trump over Biden in 2024.

4. The Republicans passed the only Bill that can pass the House. There will be no votes for any other Bill. If Biden and Chuckie want to crash the US economy and default that's on them.

1. Trump added $6.7T / $35T or 19% to the Debt
2. Biden added $35T-$26.9T = $8.1T So Biden's wasteful spending added 23% to the Debt, and will crash the economy if they don't pass the House Bill.
There was an entire book written post-2020 chock-full of Biden's own advisors talking about how they got very lucky he won because of the confluence of historical factors. A successful presidency would have made this moot for 2024, but that didn't happen

There was no "luck" to it.

The election was stolen using the scam of the Pandemic as a cover to create fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts.
I hope Biden ends his first term prematurely (chokes on a chicken bone) but then we'd be stuck with his air-head VP which isn't one iota better. But with Dominion still in business ... we can rest assured that a Dem will "win" the next "election."

Morons still spout Dominion lies
Don’t you watch Fox?
How? Biden still has 19 months to lose voters.

Inflation is falling, wages are still rising. Everyone who wants a job can find one, even the workers being laid off by the tech sector since the world resumed shopping in the real world rather than buying everything online during the lockdown.

By 2024, the infrastructure repairs and improvements will be well under way, creating good paying construction jobs, and improving the lives of everyday citizens, all across the USA, and especially in the MidWest. The lower cost drugs for seniors and $35 a month insulin just kicked in and January and that will have a huge impact for them, especially seniors now voting Republican .

Biden's approval rating has been steadily climbing since inflation started slowing, and the pandemic was sufficiently eased to allow everyday life to resume. Also, as long as Biden continues to deal with real problems that working families face: Healthcare costs, women's reproductive rights, climate change, student debt, and the economy, while Republicans promote the lie of the "stolen election", the "Biden Crime Family" conspiracy theories, and white grievance, they will lose.

People want a positive message, and "I am your retribution" is not what they're looking for.
Inflation is falling, wages are still rising. Everyone who wants a job can find one, even the workers being laid off by the tech sector since the world resumed shopping in the real world rather than buying everything online during the lockdown.

By 2024, the infrastructure repairs and improvements will be well under way, creating good paying construction jobs, and improving the lives of everyday citizens, all across the USA, and especially in the MidWest. The lower cost drugs for seniors and $35 a month insulin just kicked in and January and that will have a huge impact for them, especially seniors now voting Republican .

Biden's approval rating has been steadily climbing since inflation started slowing, and the pandemic was sufficiently eased to allow everyday life to resume. Also, as long as Biden continues to deal with real problems that working families face: Healthcare costs, women's reproductive rights, climate change, student debt, and the economy, while Republicans promote the lie of the "stolen election", the "Biden Crime Family" conspiracy theories, and white grievance, they will lose.

People want a positive message, and "I am your retribution" is not what they're looking for.
And then I pay the bills. People who play by the rules are always screwed over when the phuk ups the political class causes has to have someone pay for.
Inflation is falling, wages are still rising. Everyone who wants a job can find one, even the workers being laid off by the tech sector since the world resumed shopping in the real world rather than buying everything online during the lockdown.

By 2024, the infrastructure repairs and improvements will be well under way, creating good paying construction jobs, and improving the lives of everyday citizens, all across the USA, and especially in the MidWest. The lower cost drugs for seniors and $35 a month insulin just kicked in and January and that will have a huge impact for them, especially seniors now voting Republican .

Biden's approval rating has been steadily climbing since inflation started slowing, and the pandemic was sufficiently eased to allow everyday life to resume. Also, as long as Biden continues to deal with real problems that working families face: Healthcare costs, women's reproductive rights, climate change, student debt, and the economy, while Republicans promote the lie of the "stolen election", the "Biden Crime Family" conspiracy theories, and white grievance, they will lose.

People want a positive message, and "I am your retribution" is not what they're looking for.
1. You may be right if the Fed can manage a "soft landing" with no major recession. We'll see how the economy does later in 2023. That's when the recession is scheduled to hit.

2. All bets are off if Biden and Chuckie don't pass the House's Debt Limit Bill. If they don't, and the economy crashes, Biden and the democrats are toast in 2024.

3. Biden's approval is in the toilet at 37%. No way he wins re-election in 2024.
The poll, conducted by Gallup, found that just 37% of U.S. adults approved of Biden's job performance as president, the lowest since July 2022 when just 38% said they approved. A whopping 59% of adults said they disapproved.

4. 88% of Americans say the US is on the WRONG track. NFW Biden wins in 2024.
Morons still spout Dominion lies
Don’t you watch Fox?
1. You may be right if the Fed can manage a "soft landing" with no major recession. We'll see how the economy does later in 2023. That's when the recession is scheduled to hit.

2. All bets are off if Biden and Chuckie don't pass the House's Debt Limit Bill. If they don't, and the economy crashes, Biden and the democrats are toast in 2024.

3. Biden's approval is in the toilet at 37%. No way he wins re-election in 2024.
The poll, conducted by Gallup, found that just 37% of U.S. adults approved of Biden's job performance as president, the lowest since July 2022 when just 38% said they approved. A whopping 59% of adults said they disapproved.

4. 88% of Americans say the US is on the WRONG track. NFW Biden wins in 2024.

2. The failure to pass the debt ceiling bill will be entirely on the Republicans. The American people don’t want meals on wheels canceled, nor do they want veterans benefits cut at all.

The Republican Party has no fiscal credibility whatsoever with the American people. Three economic crashes in 40 years have gutted their reputation as the party of fiscal responsibility. Democrats are now the party who have consistently cut spending every time they get into the office and get the economy back on track.

3. I think it’s telling that you’re quoting a Gallup poll from 2022, when inflation was at its highest, and the Inflation Reduction Act had yet to kick in. Current polls on Project538 have Biden at a 43% approval rating and climbing.

The positive impacts from the Infrastrure Act, and long-term implications of the Inflation Reduction Act are only starting to kick in now.

It’s hard to envision what might happen in the next two years, given the worldwide political and economic instability in the wake of the pandemic. But it’s Donald Trump continues to wallow in self-pity and white grievance, it’s hard to imagine that those who whose lives are being improved by the Biden administration’s policies, will be voting for Trump anytime soon.
Idiot thinks counties Vote
People vote you moron

Biden won LA County California with 10 million people
Trump won Buttfuk Texas with 12,000 people
Have you never heard of the Electoral College, you complete imbecile? Probably not and it probably wouldn't matter if you had.

Democrats are complete baboons!
Have you never heard of the Electoral College, you complete imbecile? Probably not and it probably wouldn't matter if you had.

Democrats are complete baboons!

Three times in US history, the electoral college has overridden the wishes of the American people and installed an idiot the people didn’t vote for, in the White House. The result has been three of the worst president in American history.

The electoral college was supposed to keep guys like Donald Trump out of office, not give them an opportunity to sleaze their way in.

Since the third time has not been the charm, perhaps it really is time to let the people decide who they want running the country, or give the college proportional representation. 51% of the popular state vote doesn’t get you 100% of the delegates it only gets you 51% of the delegates.
Three times in US history. The electoral college has overridden the wishes of the American people and installed some idiot in the White House. The result has been three of the worst president in American history.

The electoral college was supposed to keep guys like Donald Trump out of office, not give them away to sleaze their way in.

Since the third time has not been the charm, perhaps it really is time to let the people decide who they want running the country, or give the college proportional representation. 51% of the popular state vote doesn’t get you 100% of the delegates it only gets you 51% of the delegates.
Without the Electoral College, America would be a Mobacracy. That's like having 3 wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.

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