Donald Trump is a stable genius, Joe Biden is a lucky idiot. you don't get 2 terms with dumb luck. Biden my son, you get 1 term then you're done!

Donald Trump is a stable genius ...​

What a strange "myth". ... Oh no - it is not strange. ... The idiot Alexander thought he is a genius, the idiot Cesar thought he is a genius, the idiot Ghengis Khan thought he is a god, the idiot Napoleon thought he is a genius, the idiots Hitler and Stalin thought they are a genius. And what had they really been in the end? Narcissists and mass-murderers. What a luck that Donald Trump is nearly no narcissist ...
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What a strange "myth". ... Oh no - it is not strange. ... The idiot Alexander thought he is a genius, the idiot Cesar thought he is a genius, the idiot Napoleon thought he is a genius, the idiots Hitler and Stalin thought they are a genius. And what had they really been in the end? Narcissists and mass-murderers. What a luck that Donald Trump is nearly no narcissist ...
... and FDR thought he was a genius, and LBJ thought he was a genius, and Obama thought he was a genius, and Obama thinks he's a genius. All of these Communist men have plenty of blood on their hands.
Have you never heard of the Electoral College, you complete imbecile? Probably not and it probably wouldn't matter if you had.

Democrats are complete baboons!

Guess what you moron?

The electoral vote for a state is based on the total votes of the PEOPLE, not the number of COUNTIES a won
Guess what you moron?

The electoral vote for a state is based on the total votes of the PEOPLE, not the number of COUNTIES a won
Howdy you fool. Time for your morning lesson:

"In most states, the electors will cast their vote for the candidate with the majority votes." Most ... not all!!

Joe is what you typed. A vulgar corrupted man who flew under the radar and lasted fpr a half century as he paid off his masters.
No, my post was about Trump, and you know it. You are dishonest.

Please stop lying about me. Thanks in advance.
I am familiar with notion that many people continue to believe the con, even after the conman has been arrested. Many victims refuse to come forward, because they don’t want to admit, they’ve been conned. It’s embarrassing.
This whole sociological disaster will be studied for a long time. Somehow, at the foundation of this, is that this is about far more than politics for them. This is who they are. So admitting that who they are has been manipulated and fooled like this won't happen overnight, if ever.

How’s he going to treat the American people after they voted him out of office?
He's already told us: "I am your retribution". Obviously he doesn't care about the rubes, but it will be retribution time for HIM. This is a child, and for us to think that he'd behave like anything other than a child would be wishful thinking at best.
2. The failure to pass the debt ceiling bill will be entirely on the Republicans. The American people don’t want meals on wheels canceled, nor do they want veterans benefits cut at all.

The Republican Party has no fiscal credibility whatsoever with the American people. Three economic crashes in 40 years have gutted their reputation as the party of fiscal responsibility. Democrats are now the party who have consistently cut spending every time they get into the office and get the economy back on track.

3. I think it’s telling that you’re quoting a Gallup poll from 2022, when inflation was at its highest, and the Inflation Reduction Act had yet to kick in. Current polls on Project538 have Biden at a 43% approval rating and climbing. The positive impacts from the Infrastrure Act, and long-term implications of the Inflation Reduction Act are only starting to kick in now.

4. It’s hard to envision what might happen in the next two years, given the worldwide political and economic instability in the wake of the pandemic. But it’s Donald Trump continues to wallow in self-pity and white grievance, it’s hard to imagine that those who whose lives are being improved by the Biden administration’s policies, will be voting for Trump anytime soon.
2. Its either pass the House Bill or the economy crashes. Here in the US the House controls the purse, not the president.
3. The 80% wrong track is recent. Biden's approval is about 40% +/-. Not good for re-election.
4. Biden is president, not Trump. We'll see how voters choose between candidates in the primaries and general election. Don't count your chickens just yet. You can be a partisan optimist, that's fine. There are 19-months until the 2024 election, a lot can happen.
What a strange "myth". ... Oh no - it is not strange. ... The idiot Alexander thought he is a genius, the idiot Cesar thought he is a genius, the idiot Ghengis Khan thought he is a god, the idiot Napoleon thought he is a genius, the idiots Hitler and Stalin thought they are a genius. And what had they really been in the end? Narcissists and mass-murderers. What a luck that Donald Trump is nearly no narcissist ...
1. Did Alexander the Great conquer the known world?
2. Did Caesar similarly conquer a great empire?
3. Did Ghengis Khan similarly create a great empire?
4. Napoleon fucked up at Waterloo and underestimating the Russian winter.
5. Hitler & Stalin were mass murderers, not geniuses.
6. Trump built a real estate empire, he might be considered a business genius.

he's gay but he's right-wing and a prominent French politician! and he predicts a Trump victory in this video!

And yet there are hundreds of maps showing which Counties were won by your master (and which ones he lost).

Double down on stupid for us
LA County has 10 million people in it
Account for that on your stupid map
Double down on stupid for us
LA County has 10 million people in it
Account for that on your stupid map
Again ... you're showing your complete ignorance. There are as many electors as there are Congressional representatives plus 3 for Washington D.C.

If one district has a high population and is won by a Democrat ... that district gets a single Electoral vote. If the adjoining district has a lower population but the people vote for a Republican ... they also get a single vote. The Framers designed the College this way so that highly populated areas wouldn't automatically command the election results time after time.

I sure wish you weren't so stupid. I feel like I'm talking to a dirt clod.

"The Constitution requires each state to have electors equal to its congressional representation. This means each state gets votes equal to the number of its congressional delegates and senators. The number of electors a state receives depends on its population. California, for example, has 55 electoral votes, while Alaska only has three.

Accordingly, there are 538 electors, 535 congressional districts, and three representing the District of Colombia as outlined in the 23rd amendment. In the end, the presidential candidate needs at least 270 electoral votes to become the president elect."
How Does the Electoral College Work? - FindLaw
Again ... you're showing your complete ignorance. There are as many electors as there are Congressional representatives plus 3 for Washington D.C.

If one district has a high population and is won by a Democrat ... that district gets a single Electoral vote. If the adjoining district has a lower population but the people vote for a Republican ... they also get a single vote. The Framers designed the College this way so that highly populated areas wouldn't automatically command the election results time after time.

I sure wish you weren't so stupid. I feel like I'm talking to a dirt clod.

"The Constitution requires each state to have electors equal to its congressional representation. This means each state gets votes equal to the number of its congressional delegates and senators. The number of electors a state receives depends on its population. California, for example, has 55 electoral votes, while Alaska only has three.

Accordingly, there are 538 electors, 535 congressional districts, and three representing the District of Colombia as outlined in the 23rd amendment. In the end, the presidential candidate needs at least 270 electoral votes to become the president elect."
How Does the Electoral College Work? - FindLaw
Damn you are stupid

You don’t actually watch elections do you?
States with a few minor exceptions are winner take all for electoral vote

Your voting district went for Trump, while the popular vote went to Biden, Biden gets your votes
If Biden and the senate don't pass that House Bill there is none. McCarthy can't pass any other, the votes aren't there.
So pass the House Bill or Biden's economy crashes. Choose wisely.
Republicans have plaid this game before

Accept our spending cuts or default. We mean it this time

Biden won’t blink
After seeing Biden in action for 4-years, knowing that Biden won by 43,000 votes in AZ, WI, and GA, yes I see Trump winning in 2024.

Who besides democrats would vote for an 86 year old Joe Biden?
Final vote in the 2020 Presidential vote is (Drum Roll):

Biden ultimately received the majority in the Electoral College with 306 electoral votes, while Trump received 232. The final vote in total votes are:

Biden ultimately received the majority in the Electoral College with 306 electoral votes, while Trump received 232.

Biden had won about 81.2 million votes, the most votes a candidate has won in US history, and Trump had won about 74.2 million.


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