Donald Trump is a stable genius, Joe Biden is a lucky idiot. you don't get 2 terms with dumb luck. Biden my son, you get 1 term then you're done!

I never said US-Americans are not idiots. ¿Wishi washi spades or washi wishi spades?
You never proved Americans are idiots either. We weren't dumb enough to buy gas from Putin to fund his military.
You never proved Americans are idiots either. We weren't dumb enough to buy gas from Putin to fund his military.

Idiots always know what will happen - after it had happened. Germany made the very best peace politics in the whole world. In case of Russia we failed. So what? To fail is one thing - not to try to live in peace another thing. Everything what is a problem around Russia is exclusivelly only a problem of Russia and not a problem of Germany.

Russia has two possible ways now: Putin will lose his stupid, senseless and criminal war in the Ukraine - what means Russia will lose. The other way is Putin will win his stupid, senseless and criminal war in the Ukraine - what means Russia will lose.

If Trump is such a flawed and beatable candidate, why is the retard party so dead set against him being able to run?

The cognitive dissonance of the useful idiots is amazing.
After seeing Biden in action for 4-years, knowing that Biden won by 43,000 votes in AZ, WI, and GA, yes I see Trump winning in 2024.
Because you see what you want to see
Because you see what you want to see
What do you see when you see Biden in action? Competence or Incompetence?

Regarding Trump:
Trump's presidency was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history. Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, aka the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. FBI operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, twice!!

Then during the 2020 election the high-tech oligarchs (Twitter & Facebook), colluded with the FBI to cover-up the Biden crimes and buy the election; google “zuckerbucks” as an example. Not even investigating why 2020 had about 30m more votes than expected. When Elon Musk bought Twitter the truth came out. Now the Soros DA in NYC is going to indict Trump for a non-crime. The US is on the verge of becoming a Fascist state.
Idiots always know what will happen - after it had happened. Germany made the very best peace politics in the whole world. In case of Russia we failed. So what? To fail is one thing - not to try to live in peace another thing. Everything what is a problem around Russia is exclusively only a problem of Russia and not a problem of Germany.

Russia has two possible ways now: Putin will lose his stupid, senseless and criminal war in the Ukraine - what means Russia will lose. The other way is Putin will win his stupid, senseless and criminal war in the Ukraine - what means Russia will lose.
True, we call those people "Monday morning quarterbacks" because the games are played on Sunday, so they know all the right answers after the game is over.
Yet Trump saw the inconsistency of us paying to keep US troops there to protect Germany from Russia, while Germany was buying gas from Russia.

1. Russia loses in Ukraine means that Russia vacates all Ukraine areas and Crimea stays with Ukraine, Ukraine gets rebuilt and joins NATO.
2. Russia wins in Ukraine means that Crimea stays Russian, and the captured Russian regions like Donbas stay Russian, the war basically stops where the battle lines are now.

If Trump is such a flawed and beatable candidate, why is the retard party so dead set against him being able to run?
The cognitive dissonance of the useful idiots is amazing.
LOL!! Democrats have a new strategy of funding the candidate they WANT to run against.
One wonders why the dems are still persecuting Trump?
If Trump drops out I will be doing cartwheels down the interstate.
True, we call those people "Monday morning quarterbacks" because the games are played on Sunday, so they know all the right answers after the game is over.
Yet Trump saw

Absolutelly nothing. This idiot did not even know what really had happened in international politics during his own life.

the inconsistency of us paying to keep US troops there to protect Germany from Russia,

What had been - and still is - a totally stupid nonsense. Since some years I say nothing any longer to this theme. You love this totally stupid clichee much too much. My shortest answer: "Bye bye! Never come back!"

while Germany was buying gas from Russia.

What was always absolutelly not any problem. It was always clear that this is for us a bridge technology to reduce CO2 emissions with conventional technology.

1. Russia loses in Ukraine means that Russia vacates all Ukraine areas and Crimea stays with Ukraine, Ukraine gets rebuilt and joins NATO.

If you think so.

2. Russia wins in Ukraine means that Crimea stays Russian, and the captured Russian regions like Donbas stay Russian, the war basically stops where the battle lines are now.

I only said Russia will lose if Putin will lose his stupid, senseless and criminal war in the Ukraine and Russia will also lose if Putin will win this stupid, senseless and criminal war. You will never know whether I am right or wrong with this statement because only one of this two cases will happen in reality ... except Putin and his system will be "killed" from the Russians on their own. Then Russia has a chance.
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Absolutely nothing. This idiot did not even know what really had happened in international politics during his own life.
What had been - and still is - a totally stupid nonsense. Since some years I say nothing any longer to this theme. You love this totally stupid cliche much too much. My shortest answer: "Bye bye! Never come back!". What was always absolutely not any problem. It was always clear that this is for us a bridge technology to reduce CO2 emissions with conventional technology.

I only said Russia will lose if Putin will lose his stupid, senseless and criminal war in the Ukraine and Russia will also lose if Putin will win this stupid, senseless and criminal war. You will never know whether I am right or wrong with this statement because only one of this two cases will happen in reality ... except Putin will be killed from the Russians on their own. Then Russia has a chance.
1. Biden blew up Nord Stream 2. Why is he any better than Trump? You still can't see that buying gas from anyone but Russia is in Germany's and NATO's best interest, the way Germany is buying gas right now. Thank God this past winter was mild. I think Germany needs to reopen their nuclear powerplants too. Renewables are NOT reliable.

2. Totally agree. Putin is living on borrowed time. The war is going badly and Russia is rapidly declining.
The best option is for Putin to die and Russia to come back into the real world of democracies.
My worry is that Putin would be replaced bay an even more evil oligarch that the army and GRU support.
1. Biden blew up Nord Stream

It's a totally uninteresting question for us Germans who blew up Nordstream 2. If we would know who had done this we would not tell it during the next 100 years.

2. Why is he any better than Trump?

Try to realize that I am really a German and not an US-American. The inner politics of the USA is totally uninteresting for me. Donald Trump is an enemy of the values of the western world. He's a high traitor.

You still can't see that buying gas from anyone but Russia is in Germany's and NATO's best interest,

So what?

the way Germany is buying gas right now.

We buy gas? Aha. Interesting.

Thank God this past winter was mild. I think Germany needs to reopen their nuclear powerplants too. Renewables are NOT reliable.

Our problem - not your problem.

2. Totally agree. Putin is living on borrowed time. The war is going badly and Russia is rapidly declining.
The best option is for Putin to die and Russia to come back into the real world of democracies.
My worry is that Putin would be replaced bay an even more evil oligarch that the army and GRU support.

You are right. The problem is not so simple. I changed my text and replace 'kill Putin' with 'except Putin and his system will be "killed" from the Russians on their own'. Killed in sense of 'forever deactivated'. On the other side I ask myselve how many sorcerer's apprentices the Russian politics will bear before they will finally learn that everyone boils only with water.

By the way: An unbelievable master piece from Walt Disney. One of the best poems of the world 'translated' into all languages of the world.
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