Donald Trump is a stable genius, Joe Biden is a lucky idiot. you don't get 2 terms with dumb luck. Biden my son, you get 1 term then you're done!

Last time I checked ... the Dems "robbed" the people and sent billions to Ukraine. Last time I checked, Pedo Joe's Dem policies have created very high inflation which is "robbing" the people at the pump; in the grocery store line; rent; and the general cost of living. Last time I checked, Creepy Joe hired thousands of new IRS agents, whose job it is to steal as much tax money from American citizens as possible. Last time I checked ... Sleepy Joe has been letting 10s of thousands of illegal pour over the border, which costs taxpayers millions of dollars.

So stop putting the blame on everyone by your damned selves.
Amazing what passes for facts on the Crazy Train

Donald Trump is a stable genius...​

His history with stables is news to most of us, certainly. Does he own them?
As for luck, having huge sums from "Daddy" rates right up there.
... There is absolutely no record of any violence committed by Trump, ever. ...
Donald Trump is an enemy of Germany. His friends are in other countries in the world - but for sure not in Germany.

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History is a story of relatively intelligent sociopath/psychopath men who operate cults of death on an efficient scale.

Alexander the Great: "What can I do for you?"
Diogenes: "Get out of my sun!"

Alexander the Great: "What do you fear?"
A Celt: "We are only afraid of one thing: that the sky will fall on our heads."
With trump as his opponent, everybody but hard core MAGAs will vote for Biden.
The only way Biden wins is if the election is stolen, the fact that you admitted it confirms that. How do you look in the mirror and tell yourself this? If you hate this country so much, GTFO!!
The only way Biden wins is if the election is stolen, the fact that you admitted it confirms that. How do you look in the mirror and tell yourself this? If you hate this country so much, GTFO!!
What do you think I'm admitting to?
I hope Biden ends his first term prematurely (chokes on a chicken bone) but then we'd be stuck with his air-head VP which isn't one iota better. But with Dominion still in business ... we can rest assured that a Dem will "win" the next "election."

Hang on to your crackpot conspiracy.
Biden won by 43,000 votes in AZ, WI, and GA.

With help from the FBI and the MSM covering up the Hunter Biden laptop story.
Wait. I thought there was voting fraud and Trump actually won or something.
The only way Biden wins is if the election is stolen ...

This "election was stolen"-nonsense got slowly the character of a dangerous anti-American "Only Trump will be able to save us"-ideology which not likes to accept the results of elections any longer. I fear you are this man your mother and grandmothers warned you never to be.

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Donald Trump is an enemy of Germany. His friends are in other countries in the world - but for sure not in Germany.
Trump was playing Kim Jung Un, trying to show him the benefits of capitalism. No harm was done.

What did Trump do to Germany?
Besides pay ~$24b a year to keep US troops there in the EU to protect Germany and the EU from Russia, while Germany buys gas and oil from Russia to fund Russia's military?

Germany has been forced to admit it was a terrible mistake to become so dependent on Russian oil and gas. So why did it happen?
Wait. I thought there was voting fraud and Trump actually won or something.
There was "election interference" by the FBI in 2020 as proven by Elon Musk when he bought Twitter and released emails and texts and files between the FBI and Twitter.
Do try to keep up.


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