Donald Trump is a stable genius, Joe Biden is a lucky idiot. you don't get 2 terms with dumb luck. Biden my son, you get 1 term then you're done!

"The die is cast". Biden had time to negotiate and blew it.

McConnell and the House passed the Bill. The senate and president either pass it or watch the US default on Biden's watch.

Biden negotiated for Obama in 2011. Maybe he should send Kamala to negotiate? I'm sure she'll find a Venn diagram or two <g>
What part of……I do not negotiate over the Debt Limit don’t Republicans understand?
That's exactly what trump said. Now he's facing charges of fraud for collecting millions of dollars when he knew his claims were bullshit. Trump hired 2 different companies to find evidence of fraud. They both said it didn't exist.
LOL. He's innocent and everyone knows it. You just don't want America to be "great again."
You should go tell the judge. I don't have much control of all that.
Lots of corrupt judges out there. They're just people and many of them have an agenda. Especially the ones Bush, Clinton, the other Bush, Obummer, and Pedo Joe have appointed
Nope. Grownups in the Senate will work out a budget that makes sense. The crazy house knew their bill was crap. That's why they kept whining about negotiating. You can't negotiate with MAGA/Q./CRAZIES.
Can the Senate Bill pass without the House? Think hard...
What part of……I do not negotiate over the Debt Limit don’t Republicans understand?
What part of, its the House Bill or nothing don't you understand?

p.s. The House controls the purse...
What part of, its the House Bill or nothing don't you understand?

p.s. The House controls the purse...

The House has to pass a debt limit extension
If they didn’t, it is on them

McCarthy has a budget, why doesn’t he use it to cut debt?
After seeing Biden in action for 4-years, knowing that Biden won by 43,000 votes in AZ, WI, and GA, yes I see Trump winning in 2024.

Who besides democrats would vote for an 86 year old Joe Biden?

Don't be too sure of that.

According to one former Republican turned independent, it will be either Biden or a third-party candidate who will receive her vote even if the former president isn't the GOP nominee.

“The entire Republican Party went so far to the right,” lamented Sheri Schreckengost, 61, before adding, "“Donald Trump changed all that for me. The way things are now, there’s no way I’d vote for a Republican.”

Independent Margot Copeland, stated keeping Trump out of the Oval Office was paramount.

"I’ll get to the polls and get everybody out to the polls too,” the retiree said before warning, “It’s very important that Trump does not get back in.”

The House has to pass a debt limit extension If they didn’t, it is on them
McCarthy has a budget, why doesn’t he use it to cut debt?
The House passed the Debt Limit extension.
The 2024 Budget will be a bloodbath. The House will follow regular order not the last minute "omnibus" bullshit the democrats use.
Buckle-up. The appropriations Bills are starting to come out.
Don't be too sure of that.

According to one former Republican turned independent, it will be either Biden or a third-party candidate who will receive her vote even if the former president isn't the GOP nominee.

“The entire Republican Party went so far to the right,” lamented Sheri Schreckengost, 61, before adding, "“Donald Trump changed all that for me. The way things are now, there’s no way I’d vote for a Republican.”

Independent Margot Copeland, stated keeping Trump out of the Oval Office was paramount.

"I’ll get to the polls and get everybody out to the polls too,” the retiree said before warning, “It’s very important that Trump does not get back in.”

Yeah, okay. If those gals make you feel good about 2024. I'm happy for you.
The House passed the Debt Limit extension.
The 2024 Budget will be a bloodbath. The House will follow regular order not the last minute "omnibus" bullshit the democrats use.
Buckle-up. The appropriations Bills are starting to come out.

McCarthy will never get agreement on a budget, that is why he is using the Debt Limit as extortion

Give me my spending cuts or the Nation gets it!
McCarthy will never get agreement on a budget, that is why he is using the Debt Limit as extortion
Give me my spending cuts or the Nation gets it!
Hate to break it to you, but McCarthy is going to give Biden both barrels.
1. The Debt Limit raise cuts
2. The 2024 Budget cuts by appropriations Bills.

The Nation has to tighten its belt or the dollar "gets it".
Hate to break it to you, but McCarthy is going to give Biden both barrels.
1. The Debt Limit raise cuts
2. The 2024 Budget cuts by appropriations Bills.

The Nation has to tighten its belt or the dollar "gets it".
McCarthy took 15 votes just to get to nominated
He doesn’t have the votes or the political skill to get the budget or debt limit cuts.

McCarthy has made too many promises to to many people
He will drive us off a cliff
The house will go along with the senate, or the MAGAs take the blame for shutting down the government.
The House won't go along with the Senate.

McCarthy doesn't have the votes for any other Bill but the one just passed.

The "blame" won't matter except on election day.
McCarthy took 15 votes just to get to nominated
He doesn’t have the votes or the political skill to get the budget or debt limit cuts.

McCarthy has made too many promises to to many people
He will drive us off a cliff
True, McCarthy has too many radicals to deal with.
He passed the Debt Limit increase and cuts.
The 2024 Appropriations Bills are in-progress. That's the next big hurdle.
Yellen said June 1st we default, so the Senate had better pass the House Bill.
True, McCarthy has too many radicals to deal with.
He passed the Debt Limit increase and cuts.
The 2024 Appropriations Bills are in-progress. That's the next big hurdle.
Yellen said June 1st we default, so the Senate had better pass the House Bill.
Not going to happen

McCarthys bogus attempt at a Bill is Dead on Arrival
Hate to break it to you, but McCarthy is going to give Biden both barrels.
1. The Debt Limit raise cuts
2. The 2024 Budget cuts by appropriations Bills.

The Nation has to tighten its belt or the dollar "gets it".
The house is threatening to reduce border patrol numbers to pass their bill? Really?
The electorate is generally comprised of:
25% Rs
25% Ds
50% Independents

Ds will vote for Biden/Harris
Rs will vote for Trump
Independents will decide the 2024 election. Indys won't vote for an 86-year old Joe Biden.
At the moment Trump is getting just 29% of the independents and he is running to his base...

Biden has the luxury of not having to appease the left in his base and can appeal to the moderates...

Anyone in who shows moderate views in GOP is called a RINO at best or Democrat... So that 29% doesn't look to be going anywhere...

Generally America is sick of Trump, the incompetent fool...

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