Donald Trump is a stable genius, Joe Biden is a lucky idiot. you don't get 2 terms with dumb luck. Biden my son, you get 1 term then you're done!

His older brother made Trump promise not to drink. To this day Trump doesn't drink.

The real story is much more complex. Very short: His brother is a loser for him - that's it. The background for his way to think is darwinism. The strong will survive the weak will die. So also everyone who died for the USA is a weakling for him. And I am sure if someone will do him the favor to die for him he will "honor" this guy by calling him a weakling and loser. The strange thing: He is on his own only a candy-ass. Take his money away and he is lost.
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... Germany has been forced to admit it was a terrible mistake to become so dependent on Russian oil and gas. So why did it happen?

What a nonsense. It was no mistake. It is not our problem that Putin is much more mad than we thought. We gave Russia all chances to live in wealth and peace. Putin said "no" to this future for Russia. His decision. I heard this days someone tried to kill him with a drone in the Kremlin. I guess this had been other Russians who are not convinced from his totally stupid, senseless and criminal war against Europe in the Ukraine.

Here by the way a typical way how Donald Trump "thinks" about his ally Putin:
The 75-year-old Republican described on the podcast with conservative host Buck Sexton how he had watched Putin's speech recognizing the self-proclaimed "people's republics" of Luhansk and Donetsk on television the day before. "I said, 'This is brilliant.' Putin is declaring a large part of Ukraine independent. Oh, that's wonderful."

"I said, 'How smart is that?"' Trump elaborated. Referring to Putin's announcement that Russian soldiers would provide "peacekeeping" in eastern Ukraine, the former president said, "That's the strongest peacekeeping force I've ever seen. There were more tanks there than I've ever seen." The U.S. could use such a peacekeeping force on its southern border, Trump added in an aside - a reference to the arrival of large numbers of migrants from Central America at the U.S. border with Mexico.

Source: Trump lobt Putins Vorgehen als "genial"

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OK. Democrats can watch the default happen.
Right so, Democrats will watch the Republicans default...

For the US to default it would be considered dysfunctional.

This is defaulting mainly on the Trump extra spending, the massive increases to spending he incurred during his term.

Now Republicans want to stiff the guys who lent the money...

In sense it is very Trump of ye, default on your loan... This is how you want to handle debt going forward...

BTW Defaulting on US death will drive the cost of borrowing considerably up. This will mean that US will be paying considerably more to service the existing debt...
You type nonsense with no proof.
Trump is a fine man who cares deeply for his family.
Does he know the Tiffany one?
Oh yea, Tiffany doesn't count...
Also having a affair while your wife is minding your 4 month old baby is just how deep he cares... He had that women spank him with a magazine of his familly on the front of it...
That is how much he cares..

There is absolutely no record of any violence committed by Trump, ever.
Except the 17 women that accused him of sexual assault or worse.
His own ex wife claimed he raped her..
And by the way, 'Gabbing them by the pussy' is a violent act...

Here is an article that supports your thesis to a degree, but not as hateful.

I'm a Desantis supporter, but Trump is a talented man who was a much better president than Biden.
OK. So who is in the WH when the shit starts flying?

Who will have to explain to the press when campaigning in 2024?
Increasing the Debt Ceiling is about paying the Credit Card bill after the stuff was bought...

The GOP are trying to not pay the Credit Card bill unless they get there demands delivered...

So GOP won't pay the bill until there demands are met...
The real story is much more complex. Very short: His brother is a loser for him - that's it. The background for his way to think is darwinism. The strong will survive the weak will die. So also everyone who died for the USA is a weakling for him. And I am sure if someone will do him the favor to die for him he will "honor" this guy by calling him a weakling and loser. The strange thing: He is on his own only a candy-ass. Take his money away and he is lost.
We call that wishful thinking, or wistful thinking.
You have a severe case of TDS.
Biden is a disaster as president, Trump was a success as president, see the difference?

Which president made NATO stronger, and which blew up the Nord Stream 2 pipeline?
You type words with no proof.
Biden is a "smooth criminal".

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What a nonsense. It was no mistake. It is not our problem that Putin is much more mad than we thought. We gave Russia all chances to live in wealth and peace. Putin said "no" to this future for Russia. His decision. I heard this days someone tried to kill him with a drone in the Kremlin. I guess this had been other Russians who are not convinced from his totally stupid, senseless and criminal war against Europe in the Ukraine.

Here by the way a typical way how Donald Trump "thinks" about his ally Putin:
The 75-year-old Republican described on the podcast with conservative host Buck Sexton how he had watched Putin's speech recognizing the self-proclaimed "people's republics" of Luhansk and Donetsk on television the day before. "I said, 'This is brilliant.' Putin is declaring a large part of Ukraine independent. Oh, that's wonderful."

"I said, 'How smart is that?"' Trump elaborated. Referring to Putin's announcement that Russian soldiers would provide "peacekeeping" in eastern Ukraine, the former president said, "That's the strongest peacekeeping force I've ever seen. There were more tanks there than I've ever seen." The U.S. could use such a peacekeeping force on its southern border, Trump added in an aside - a reference to the arrival of large numbers of migrants from Central America at the U.S. border with Mexico.

Source: Trump lobt Putins Vorgehen als "genial"
1. Agreed that Germany trusted Putin and got burned, it was a mistake. Trump warned not to bargain with the devil.

2. This is the Politico version of your Trump interview. It explains that Trump thought that Putin only wanted the eastern region of Ukraine and then NATO would be called in to keep the peace. Trump apparently didn't know that Putin was planning to capture Kyiv and ALL of Ukraine. That's an old article.

3. Here is a recent article regarding Trump and Ukraine. Trump is a "wild card", he has not stated his recommended Ukraine policy, but the EU and NATO are nervous about a Trump presidency.

4. Russian music is soothing, but don't trust Putin, he'd make deals with China and start WW3 if he thought it would help his control on power.
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Still we did not print "dead or alive" wanted posters with his name and picture - but if we would do so I would also not be astonished.
They are for sale here in the US. You still didn't say why Germans hate Trump so much. You hate being proven wrong so often?????

Right so, Democrats will watch the Republicans default...
For the US to default it would be considered dysfunctional.
This is defaulting mainly on the Trump extra spending, the massive increases to spending he incurred during his term.
Now Republicans want to stiff the guys who lent the money...
In sense it is very Trump of ye, default on your loan... This is how you want to handle debt going forward...
BTW Defaulting on US death will drive the cost of borrowing considerably up. This will mean that US will be paying considerably more to service the existing debt...
1. Republicans passed the Bill raising the Debt Limit.
2. Trump is not involved dumbass.
3. If democrats want to pay the bills, pass the Bill, if not bad things happen.

p.s. The House controls the "purse", not the Senate and not the WH. If Biden wants his presidency to be a disaster, let the US default.
We call that wishful thinking, or wistful thinking.
You have a severe case of TDS.
Biden is a disaster as president, Trump was a success as president, see the difference?

Which president made NATO stronger, and which blew up the Nord Stream 2 pipeline?
You type words with no proof.
Biden is a "smooth criminal".

no comment
1. Agreed that Germany trusted Putin and got burned, it was a mistake.

"Trust in Purtin" is then totally wrong expressi9on and "yes": It was no mistake what we did do.

Trump warned not to bargain with the devil.

Trump spoke out many idiocies.

Trump said about everything something and the opposite of something. Continoulsy and very very loud. Nothing made any sense what this man said.
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Does he know the Tiffany one? Oh yea, Tiffany doesn't count...
Also having an affair while your wife is minding your 4 month old baby is just how deep he cares... He had that women spank him with a magazine of his family on the front of it...
That is how much he cares..

Except the 17 women that accused him of sexual assault or worse.
His own ex wife claimed he raped her..
And by the way, 'Gabbing them by the pussy' is a violent act...
Tiffany is doing just fine thank you. Her net worth is about $15m. Trump's kids and ex-wives are all well cared for, unlike Joe Biden's.

Compare that to Hunter Biden who never met his 4-year old daughter, Navy-Joan. Jill Biden doesn't even put up a Christmas stocking for her granddaughter, Navy-Joan.
Hunter is worth about $230m and the coxucker fights to distance himself from his daughter.
Hunter Biden asked a judge to stop his four-year-old daughter, who he had with an Arkansas stripper, from taking his surname, the New York Post reported.
Increasing the Debt Ceiling is about paying the Credit Card bill after the stuff was bought...
The GOP are trying to not pay the Credit Card bill unless they get there demands delivered...
So GOP won't pay the bill until there demands are met...
Correct. The House controls the purse. Reducing spending will help reduce inflation.
"Trust in Putin" is then totally wrong expression and "yes": It was no mistake what we did do.
Trump spoke out many idiocies.
Trump said about everything something and the opposite of something. Continuously and very very loud. Nothing made any sense what this man said.
In the US we have an expression: Trump "calls a spade a spade". Meaning he speaks very bluntly.
Trump tried to destroy the NATO.
I just gave you a direct quote from Stoltenberg, the NATO Secretary saying that Trump made NATO STRONGER.

Don't make me call you a liar. You need to accept the TRUTH about Trump. He made NATO stronger by making deadbeats meet their commitments.

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