Donald Trump is a stable genius, Joe Biden is a lucky idiot. you don't get 2 terms with dumb luck. Biden my son, you get 1 term then you're done!

The house is threatening to reduce border patrol numbers to pass their bill? Really?
Not sure what's in it, but it passed the House.
The “Limit, Save, Grow Act” implements sizable cuts to domestic programs and intends to spare the Pentagon’s budget, returning funding for federal agencies to 2022 levels while aiming to limit the growth in spending to 1% per year. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said that the bill would trim government deficits by $4.8 trillion over 10 years.
The 320-page bill also blocks Biden’s plan to grant student loan forgiveness, repeal green energy tax credits and kill new Internal Revenue Service funding enacted as part of the Inflation Reduction Act.
At the moment Trump is getting just 29% of the independents and he is running to his base...
Biden has the luxury of not having to appease the left in his base and can appeal to the moderates...
Anyone in who shows moderate views in GOP is called a RINO at best or Democrat... So that 29% doesn't look to be going anywhere...
Generally America is sick of Trump, the incompetent fool...
Agreed that Trump is behind Biden in the polls.
There are 19 months until the 2024 election.
I remember when Hillary had a 95% probability of winning

This never gets old...

If Biden and the senate don't pass that House Bill there is none. McCarthy can't pass any other, the votes aren't there.
So pass the House Bill or Biden's economy crashes. Choose wisely.
Sorry but that bill is about paying for stuff already bought...

GOP are threatening America if they don't get their way... It is them that caused this...
Sorry but that bill is about paying for stuff already bought...
GOP are threatening America if they don't get their way... It is them that caused this...
OK. So who is in the WH when the shit starts flying?

Who will have to explain to the press when campaigning in 2024?
Not sure what's in it, but it passed the House.
The “Limit, Save, Grow Act” implements sizable cuts to domestic programs and intends to spare the Pentagon’s budget, returning funding for federal agencies to 2022 levels while aiming to limit the growth in spending to 1% per year. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said that the bill would trim government deficits by $4.8 trillion over 10 years.
The 320-page bill also blocks Biden’s plan to grant student loan forgiveness, repeal green energy tax credits and kill new Internal Revenue Service funding enacted as part of the Inflation Reduction Act.
But it will never pass the Senate
FDR = Bombed the Japanese

Pearl Harbor?

LBJ = Vietnam War

The Soviets owned at this moment of world history more than 50% of the world - also because of the support of the USA. To compare this: The size of the Soviet empire was at this moment twice the size of the biggest expansions of the British Empire and was very fast growing.

Obama = Killed many with drones (including noncombatant, civilians). Obama claims US drones strikes have killed up to 116 civilians

9/11? War on terror? And shit happens - specially also in times of war. A tragedy for sure.

All three men were far left Socialists (a soft way of saying Communists).

"The USA" called our chancellor Angela Merkel a commie and socialist - but she was a right wing conservative Christian politician. Nearly in the same politcal concepts acted Barack Obama. I guess you have absolutelly not any idea what are real socialists and commies and what is the so called "dictartorship of the proletariat". By the way: What is your nationality?
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1. Did Alexander the Great conquer the known world?

Strange question. This drunkard was two times a little sad: One time when he had murdered his best friend - and one time when his horse died.

2. Did Caesar similarly conquer a great empire?

The criminal narcissist Cesar murdered about 50% of all Celts in Gaul and he destroyed the Roman republic.

3. Did Ghengis Khan similarly create a great empire?

Good grief. The mongols came on little fast horsese and murdered everyone who worked in the fields. They were the first who used poisoned gas for mass-murder in war.

4. Napoleon fucked up at Waterloo and underestimating the Russian winter.

What a nonsense. The coward Napoleon fled with his leading officers and many people of his "beloved" army died because of a lack of support. Napoleon was the Russian winter of his own army.

5. Hitler & Stalin were mass murderers, not geniuses.

Exactly. And also Alexander, Cesar, Ghengis Khan, Napoleon and many others had been mass-murderers.

6. Trump ...

has a common element with all this mass-murderers and with a man like for example Anders Behring Breivick who shot children directly into the face. Trump is a narcissist. Narcissism is not a harmless nice attitude. Narcissism is damned dangerous. One problem of narcissists is: they are not able to lose. See 6th of January and the behavior of the high traitor of the USA Donald Trump.
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Without the Electoral College, America would be a Mobacracy. That's like having 3 wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
So you are saying that directly electing a leader is Mobacracy, it is actually called Democracy...

You have seen the numbers, the US people is sick of the GOP robbing the working and middle class and giving it to the Rich... Simple.
They have seen the con game and they want an end to it...

So your only chance to keep power is to say certain people shouldn't count. There vote should not be allowed... The EC has been manipulated today to is basically used to stop a majority of the people have their say.

I think it is funny that it is the right wing that talk about civil war... What they want is the minority to take control of the government by force... When historically it is the majority that rise and topple the unelected government...
Trump has a common element with all these mass-murderers and with a man like for example Anders Behring Breivick who shot children directly into the face. Trump is a narcissist. Narcissism is not a harmless nice attitude. Narcissism is damned dangerous. One problem of narcissists is: they are not able to lose. See 6th of January and the behavior of the high traitor of the USA Donald Trump.
You type nonsense with no proof.
Trump is a fine man who cares deeply for his family.
There is absolutely no record of any violence committed by Trump, ever.
Here is an article that supports your thesis to a degree, but not as hateful.

I'm a Desantis supporter, but Trump is a talented man who was a much better president than Biden.
History is a story of relatively intelligent sociopath/psychopath men who operate cults of death on an efficient scale.
There was an entire book written post-2020 chock-full of Biden's own advisors talking about how they got very lucky he won because of the confluence of historical factors. A successful presidency would have made this moot for 2024, but that didn't happen

Trump got lucky too... had he been up against someone better than Hillary, he'd have been one of those things people forget.
OK. So who is in the WH when the shit starts flying?

Who will have to explain to the press when campaigning in 2024?

Republicans have played this game before.

It’s HIS fault because he won’t do what we demand

Never works
This is another tactic of Republicans trying to rule from a minority

They cannot get their agenda past the current Congress and President. So they hold our nations economy hostage unless they get their way.

A small portion of MAGA Republicans are perfectly willing to crash our economy in order to get their demands
McCarthy is too weak a leader to stop them
Biden is lucky Michael Avenatti did not run. Mike would have crushed the primary and general election and won in a landslide.

there was a time when there was a "mediapalooza" around Beto and Buttigieg was raising money like gangbusters. Biden cut a deal with both to drop out, Buttigieg before Super Tuesday

and Stacey Abrams, Biden offered her a turkey sandwich, that pretty much sealed the deal that she would not run against him

if you're going to respond every time Trump taunts you, you'd be playing on his field, not yours
if you're going to respond every time Trump taunts you, you'd be playing on his field, not yours

Trump can dish it out but not take it.
Letting his childish taunts go unanswered only encourages him

You don’t put him in his place…He wins
So you are saying that directly electing a leader is Mobacracy, it is actually called Democracy...

You have seen the numbers, the US people is sick of the GOP robbing the working and middle class and giving it to the Rich... Simple.
They have seen the con game and they want an end to it...

So your only chance to keep power is to say certain people shouldn't count. There vote should not be allowed... The EC has been manipulated today to is basically used to stop a majority of the people have their say.

I think it is funny that it is the right wing that talk about civil war... What they want is the minority to take control of the government by force... When historically it is the majority that rise and topple the unelected government...
Last time I checked ... the Dems "robbed" the people and sent billions to Ukraine. Last time I checked, Pedo Joe's Dem policies have created very high inflation which is "robbing" the people at the pump; in the grocery store line; rent; and the general cost of living. Last time I checked, Creepy Joe hired thousands of new IRS agents, whose job it is to steal as much tax money from American citizens as possible. Last time I checked ... Sleepy Joe has been letting 10s of thousands of illegal pour over the border, which costs taxpayers millions of dollars.

So stop putting the blame on everyone by your damned selves.

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