Donald Trump is wooing black voters and killing the Democratic party

The person in this article seems's interesting and Donald Trump is gonna do better than the left thinks......regardless of their propaganda

Donald Trump is wooing black voters and killing the Democratic party

I mean this video is hilarious

Wow!!! Maybe Trump will win 9 percent of the black vote in 2020 instead of the 8 percent he got in 2016!

This is so exciting!

No but 22%....would be huge
Reuters Poll: Black Male Support for Trump Doubles Amid Kanye Mania

79.659% would be huger!

Dude, I put up a Reuters poll....
I mean you mocked us Trump supporters in the election and probably believe Rachel Maddow saying the democrats could get south Carolina, Kanasas and all these other ridiculous ideas........The truth is the truth

22 percent of black MEN.

Does not include women in the poll.

Nor does it match Trump against a Democrat.

So, yeah. 79.659% would be huger!

What's 100 minus 22? 78. Which is much huger!
Kanye and Dennis are both laughingstocks in the black community. If anything having the support of a drug addicted loonatic athlete, and an art student who got rich as a pop star and who makes an ass of himself daily, isn’t going to get Trump far.

Do you have a link?

How about you talk to some black people ?

Gotta love these threads . A bunch of white extremist conservatives lecturing everyone on what black people think .
I do, I live in Memphis, I talk to lots of black folks......
and this argument is retarded.....we are showing people call them anecdotes........we'll see....but you were laughing, before the election. I'm laughing now.
22 percent of black men might support Trump. That does not mean they won't vote for the Democrats.
No one said that......that's why I use conditionals,'s a poll...they're bullshit...but lefties love I'm using their tools and language.
The person in this article seems's interesting and Donald Trump is gonna do better than the left thinks......regardless of their propaganda

Donald Trump is wooing black voters and killing the Democratic party

I mean this video is hilarious

What a racist article.

Assuming 'black' Americans are SOOOO stupid that they will trust el Stupido (Trump) simply for releasing one person - whom he never heard of before - just because a celebrity asked him to. Big fucking deal.
Any loser POTUS can pardon a few people for cheap votes...and again, most 'black' people know this.

They will not forget his almost all-'white' cabinet. They will not forget his white supremacist-supporting remarks after Charlottesville. His clear racism directed at NFL 'kneelers'. His 'shithole' comments. Plus a hundred more examples over the last few years.

The guy is a closet, white supremacist. And most African American's are smart enough to see that.

I guarantee you that Trump will not REMOTELY come close to getting the 'black' vote come 2020. He will miss it be matter who is the Dem candidate.

After "shithole" comments, more Americans strongly believe Trump is biased against black people

Poll Confirms What We Already Know: Most Americans Believe Trump Is Racist

Bloody, (mostly) racist, stupid Trumpbots who believe whatever good news for their messiah they read.

First those places are shit holes

second, you guys always pull this's funny.......go ahead, who you going for in 2020?
And what the left doesn't understand is blacks respected Trump before he ran.....because he was successful, rich, and didn't care what people thought...

these are a few more of his supporters

17 Black Celebrities And Influencers Who Still Support Donald Trump

THEN he started in with his dogwhistle racism so he could pull the far right . That was a game changer for the black (and pretty much all minority) voters .
you guys say that every election.......every election the republican is more racist than before.......
you need to study calculus.....they have the idea of the some point it just doesn't work........
I cant wait to see how you guys say the next republican is even more racist than trump......because you have have nothing else.

Not true . You act as if trump hasn’t said/done racist shit . He has .

like what?

antifa is the new klan........funny how racist Democrat was t party has thugs

when they had white power.....the klan
now they have black power.....BLM and antifa....

old boss same as the new boss

what else you got

You want an example from this week? How about backing that Virginia candidate who is pro confederate flag. ( we know what that is about ).

We do.

States Rights.
And what the left doesn't understand is blacks respected Trump before he ran.....because he was successful, rich, and didn't care what people thought...

these are a few more of his supporters

17 Black Celebrities And Influencers Who Still Support Donald Trump

THEN he started in with his dogwhistle racism so he could pull the far right . That was a game changer for the black (and pretty much all minority) voters .
you guys say that every election.......every election the republican is more racist than before.......
you need to study calculus.....they have the idea of the some point it just doesn't work........
I cant wait to see how you guys say the next republican is even more racist than trump......because you have have nothing else.

Not true . You act as if trump hasn’t said/done racist shit . He has .

like what?

antifa is the new klan........funny how racist Democrat was t party has thugs

when they had white power.....the klan
now they have black power.....BLM and antifa....

old boss same as the new boss

what else you got

You want an example from this week? How about backing that Virginia candidate who is pro confederate flag. ( we know what that is about ).
THEN he started in with his dogwhistle racism so he could pull the far right . That was a game changer for the black (and pretty much all minority) voters .
you guys say that every election.......every election the republican is more racist than before.......
you need to study calculus.....they have the idea of the some point it just doesn't work........
I cant wait to see how you guys say the next republican is even more racist than trump......because you have have nothing else.

Not true . You act as if trump hasn’t said/done racist shit . He has .

like what?

antifa is the new klan........funny how racist Democrat was t party has thugs

when they had white power.....the klan
now they have black power.....BLM and antifa....

old boss same as the new boss

what else you got

You want an example from this week? How about backing that Virginia candidate who is pro confederate flag. ( we know what that is about ).

We do.

States Rights.

no it's the racist republican party that votes for black people in congress and the senate......the nerve of people in south Carolina!!!!!!!!!!!! or Utah or Oklahoma.....all those klan members voting for blacks!!!!!!!!!!
The guy is a closet, white supremacist. And most African American's are smart enough to see that.

If that were true, they would be smart enough to realize they're being brainwashed just like you. If that were true, they would see that the Democrat party uses their race to divide this country. If that were true, they would be knowledgable how it was the white Democrats who tried to stop school vouchers that Republicans created to help select black students who were stuck in Democrat schools. If that were true, blacks would realize how Democrats are selling them out to bring in immigrants that take jobs away from blacks.

Maybe they are slowly starting to see all that. Let's just hope so.
School vouchers are a bandaid that removes funding from public schools in urban districts

It doesn't remove anything. That claim is just one of many scare tactics by the left to insure that union money continues moving their way.
The money is finite. If you remove school funds from public schools and give it to private schools the public schools get worse

But the money doesn't come from public schools. And actually, public schools do better when there is competition around.
Oh yeah, Democrats are absolutely fuming over Trump achieving the lowest African American Unemployment in history. They're handling it the only way they know how. By throwing daily Trump-insult hissy-fits. But i think most Americans understand what Democrats are about these days. They could make them pay at the Ballot Box bigtime.
The guy is a closet, white supremacist. And most African American's are smart enough to see that.

If that were true, they would be smart enough to realize they're being brainwashed just like you. If that were true, they would see that the Democrat party uses their race to divide this country. If that were true, they would be knowledgable how it was the white Democrats who tried to stop school vouchers that Republicans created to help select black students who were stuck in Democrat schools. If that were true, blacks would realize how Democrats are selling them out to bring in immigrants that take jobs away from blacks.

Maybe they are slowly starting to see all that. Let's just hope so.
School vouchers are a bandaid that removes funding from public schools in urban districts

It doesn't remove anything. That claim is just one of many scare tactics by the left to insure that union money continues moving their way.
The money is finite. If you remove school funds from public schools and give it to private schools the public schools get worse

But the money doesn't come from public schools. And actually, public schools do better when there is competition around.
It comes from money set for education
No, schools do not do better with less funding
Oh yeah, Democrats are absolutely fuming over Trump achieving the lowest African American Unemployment in history. They're handling it the only way they know how. By throwing daily Trump-insult hissy-fits. But i think most Americans understand what Democrats are about these days. They could make them pay at the Ballot Box bigtime.

As in life, Trumps black unemployment numbers started with him standing on third base
If that were true, they would be smart enough to realize they're being brainwashed just like you. If that were true, they would see that the Democrat party uses their race to divide this country. If that were true, they would be knowledgable how it was the white Democrats who tried to stop school vouchers that Republicans created to help select black students who were stuck in Democrat schools. If that were true, blacks would realize how Democrats are selling them out to bring in immigrants that take jobs away from blacks.

Maybe they are slowly starting to see all that. Let's just hope so.
School vouchers are a bandaid that removes funding from public schools in urban districts

It doesn't remove anything. That claim is just one of many scare tactics by the left to insure that union money continues moving their way.
The money is finite. If you remove school funds from public schools and give it to private schools the public schools get worse

But the money doesn't come from public schools. And actually, public schools do better when there is competition around.
It comes from money set for education
No, schools do not do better with less funding

Sure they do. Public school is a damn near monopoly. When private schools open up, they don't have claim to that territory anymore. They have to compete to keep their students. Less students equals less teachers. Less teachers equals less teachers dues to the union. Why do you suppose Democrats fought so hard to stop this opportunity to minorities?
The person in this article seems's interesting and Donald Trump is gonna do better than the left thinks......regardless of their propaganda

Donald Trump is wooing black voters and killing the Democratic party

I mean this video is hilarious

I’d be impressed if he released all the other people in prison for non violent drug charges

He’s trying to buy votes?

Imagine if obama let a sister out. It’s be whites crying racism. I wish obama would have pardoned more people
School vouchers are a bandaid that removes funding from public schools in urban districts

It doesn't remove anything. That claim is just one of many scare tactics by the left to insure that union money continues moving their way.
The money is finite. If you remove school funds from public schools and give it to private schools the public schools get worse

But the money doesn't come from public schools. And actually, public schools do better when there is competition around.
It comes from money set for education
No, schools do not do better with less funding

Sure they do. Public school is a damn near monopoly. When private schools open up, they don't have claim to that territory anymore. They have to compete to keep their students. Less students equals less teachers. Less teachers equals less teachers dues to the union. Why do you suppose Democrats fought so hard to stop this opportunity to minorities?
If you want your child to attend private school

Pay for it
It doesn't remove anything. That claim is just one of many scare tactics by the left to insure that union money continues moving their way.
The money is finite. If you remove school funds from public schools and give it to private schools the public schools get worse

But the money doesn't come from public schools. And actually, public schools do better when there is competition around.
It comes from money set for education
No, schools do not do better with less funding

Sure they do. Public school is a damn near monopoly. When private schools open up, they don't have claim to that territory anymore. They have to compete to keep their students. Less students equals less teachers. Less teachers equals less teachers dues to the union. Why do you suppose Democrats fought so hard to stop this opportunity to minorities?
If you want your child to attend private school

Pay for it

I think it should be the same way for public school. Why am I paying for your kids education?
The money is finite. If you remove school funds from public schools and give it to private schools the public schools get worse

But the money doesn't come from public schools. And actually, public schools do better when there is competition around.
It comes from money set for education
No, schools do not do better with less funding

Sure they do. Public school is a damn near monopoly. When private schools open up, they don't have claim to that territory anymore. They have to compete to keep their students. Less students equals less teachers. Less teachers equals less teachers dues to the union. Why do you suppose Democrats fought so hard to stop this opportunity to minorities?
If you want your child to attend private school

Pay for it

I think it should be the same way for public school. Why am I paying for your kids education?
Same reason I am paying for your War

Not every tax dollar supports your view
Lets talk about how that dipshit Obama killed the Democrat Party.

When he took over there were a great majority of Democrats in both the House and the Senate.

Obama caused the Democrats to lose over a thousand national seats, the House, The Senate and then the Presidency.

Talk about a failure.
Trump, along with all Republicans, has lost the black vote
But the money doesn't come from public schools. And actually, public schools do better when there is competition around.
It comes from money set for education
No, schools do not do better with less funding

Sure they do. Public school is a damn near monopoly. When private schools open up, they don't have claim to that territory anymore. They have to compete to keep their students. Less students equals less teachers. Less teachers equals less teachers dues to the union. Why do you suppose Democrats fought so hard to stop this opportunity to minorities?
If you want your child to attend private school

Pay for it

I think it should be the same way for public school. Why am I paying for your kids education?
Same reason I am paying for your War

Not every tax dollar supports your view

Then maybe take your own advice when it comes to private schooling.

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