Donald Trump is wooing black voters and killing the Democratic party

And what the left doesn't understand is blacks respected Trump before he ran.....because he was successful, rich, and didn't care what people thought...

these are a few more of his supporters

17 Black Celebrities And Influencers Who Still Support Donald Trump

THEN he started in with his dogwhistle racism so he could pull the far right . That was a game changer for the black (and pretty much all minority) voters .
you guys say that every election.......every election the republican is more racist than before.......
you need to study calculus.....they have the idea of the some point it just doesn't work........
I cant wait to see how you guys say the next republican is even more racist than trump......because you have have nothing else.

Not true . You act as if trump hasn’t said/done racist shit . He has .

like what?

antifa is the new klan........funny how racist Democrat was t party has thugs

when they had white power.....the klan
now they have black power.....BLM and antifa....

old boss same as the new boss

what else you got

You want an example from this week? How about backing that Virginia candidate who is pro confederate flag. ( we know what that is about ).
OMG the guy likes the conferderate flag.....the next thing you'll tell me is he likes Dukes of Hazzard and the General Lee

Meanwhile you have your lefties bitching at Kevin Heart for not attacking Trump.....and why should Heart attack Trump? Because he's black.......hmmmmm.....sounds like major racism to me..........the democrats are who we thought they were.
THEN he started in with his dogwhistle racism so he could pull the far right . That was a game changer for the black (and pretty much all minority) voters .
you guys say that every election.......every election the republican is more racist than before.......
you need to study calculus.....they have the idea of the some point it just doesn't work........
I cant wait to see how you guys say the next republican is even more racist than trump......because you have have nothing else.

Not true . You act as if trump hasn’t said/done racist shit . He has .

like what?

antifa is the new klan........funny how racist Democrat was t party has thugs

when they had white power.....the klan
now they have black power.....BLM and antifa....

old boss same as the new boss

what else you got

You want an example from this week? How about backing that Virginia candidate who is pro confederate flag. ( we know what that is about ).
OMG the guy likes the conferderate flag.....the next thing you'll tell me is he likes Dukes of Hazzard and the General Lee

Meanwhile you have your lefties bitching at Kevin Heart for not attacking Trump.....and why should Heart attack Trump? Because he's black.......hmmmmm.....sounds like major racism to me..........the democrats are who we thought they were.

Oh yeah. Big General Lee fan I’m sure.

Blacks know what you cons are all about . For example , THIS THREAD ! A thread about wooing blacks is full of racist posts by our resident righties .
you guys say that every election.......every election the republican is more racist than before.......
you need to study calculus.....they have the idea of the some point it just doesn't work........
I cant wait to see how you guys say the next republican is even more racist than trump......because you have have nothing else.

Not true . You act as if trump hasn’t said/done racist shit . He has .

like what?

antifa is the new klan........funny how racist Democrat was t party has thugs

when they had white power.....the klan
now they have black power.....BLM and antifa....

old boss same as the new boss

what else you got

You want an example from this week? How about backing that Virginia candidate who is pro confederate flag. ( we know what that is about ).
OMG the guy likes the conferderate flag.....the next thing you'll tell me is he likes Dukes of Hazzard and the General Lee

Meanwhile you have your lefties bitching at Kevin Heart for not attacking Trump.....and why should Heart attack Trump? Because he's black.......hmmmmm.....sounds like major racism to me..........the democrats are who we thought they were.

Oh yeah. Big General Lee fan I’m sure.

Blacks know what you cons are all about . For example , THIS THREAD ! A thread about wooing blacks is full of racist posts by our resident righties .
What racist posts?
I think you guys are hilarious........OMG he likes the General Lee.......he's worth 2 klansmen!!!!! (the flag and the name).....You guys really are about 5 years need to get out and be around people who think differently
The person in this article seems's interesting and Donald Trump is gonna do better than the left thinks......regardless of their propaganda

Donald Trump is wooing black voters and killing the Democratic party

I mean this video is hilarious

Steering wheel is on the wrong side of the car.
Not in the USA.

Uh, you do know cameras can make things appear backwards?

The camera would have to be aimed at the mirror for that to happen.
The person in this article seems's interesting and Donald Trump is gonna do better than the left thinks......regardless of their propaganda

Donald Trump is wooing black voters and killing the Democratic party

I mean this video is hilarious

Steering wheel is on the wrong side of the car.
Not in the USA.

Uh, you do know cameras can make things appear backwards?

The camera would have to be aimed at the mirror for that to happen.

No, some camers shoot backwards......I mean the guy has no accent.
The guy is a closet, white supremacist. And most African American's are smart enough to see that.

If that were true, they would be smart enough to realize they're being brainwashed just like you. If that were true, they would see that the Democrat party uses their race to divide this country. If that were true, they would be knowledgable how it was the white Democrats who tried to stop school vouchers that Republicans created to help select black students who were stuck in Democrat schools. If that were true, blacks would realize how Democrats are selling them out to bring in immigrants that take jobs away from blacks.

Maybe they are slowly starting to see all that. Let's just hope so.
School vouchers are a bandaid that removes funding from public schools in urban districts

It doesn't remove anything. That claim is just one of many scare tactics by the left to insure that union money continues moving their way.
Wow . An Anecdote ! He has one black guy. That settles it.
Typical dismissal of a Black person's opinion because its not Progressive Liberal mandated speech.
Typical conservative overreaction to a small sample
Bullshit every Black Conservative who comes out gets hammered by the left . Democrats act like they still own black people.

Every conservative gets hammered for what they say
Why should blacks be any different?
But the left has some extra nasty things to say to those in the Black community who stray from the approved Liberal dogma for minorities.
The guy is a closet, white supremacist. And most African American's are smart enough to see that.

If that were true, they would be smart enough to realize they're being brainwashed just like you. If that were true, they would see that the Democrat party uses their race to divide this country. If that were true, they would be knowledgable how it was the white Democrats who tried to stop school vouchers that Republicans created to help select black students who were stuck in Democrat schools. If that were true, blacks would realize how Democrats are selling them out to bring in immigrants that take jobs away from blacks.

Maybe they are slowly starting to see all that. Let's just hope so.
School vouchers are a bandaid that removes funding from public schools in urban districts

It doesn't remove anything. That claim is just one of many scare tactics by the left to insure that union money continues moving their way.
The money is finite. If you remove school funds from public schools and give it to private schools the public schools get worse
The person in this article seems's interesting and Donald Trump is gonna do better than the left thinks......regardless of their propaganda

Donald Trump is wooing black voters and killing the Democratic party

I mean this video is hilarious

Wow!!! Maybe Trump will win 9 percent of the black vote in 2020 instead of the 8 percent he got in 2016!

This is so exciting!

No but 22%....would be huge
Reuters Poll: Black Male Support for Trump Doubles Amid Kanye Mania
The person in this article seems's interesting and Donald Trump is gonna do better than the left thinks......regardless of their propaganda

Donald Trump is wooing black voters and killing the Democratic party

I mean this video is hilarious

Wow!!! Maybe Trump will win 9 percent of the black vote in 2020 instead of the 8 percent he got in 2016!

This is so exciting!

No but 22%....would be huge
Reuters Poll: Black Male Support for Trump Doubles Amid Kanye Mania

79.659% would be huger!

By the way, that's 22 percent of black MEN. Read your link.
The guy is a closet, white supremacist. And most African American's are smart enough to see that.

If that were true, they would be smart enough to realize they're being brainwashed just like you. If that were true, they would see that the Democrat party uses their race to divide this country. If that were true, they would be knowledgable how it was the white Democrats who tried to stop school vouchers that Republicans created to help select black students who were stuck in Democrat schools. If that were true, blacks would realize how Democrats are selling them out to bring in immigrants that take jobs away from blacks.

Maybe they are slowly starting to see all that. Let's just hope so.
School vouchers are a bandaid that removes funding from public schools in urban districts

It doesn't remove anything. That claim is just one of many scare tactics by the left to insure that union money continues moving their way.
The money is finite. If you remove school funds from public schools and give it to private schools the public schools get worse

Wait money if finite? A leftist admitting that is a huge breakthrough
so now you know it's not just funding,
it's the plan, how you use the money that's the real secret.
The person in this article seems's interesting and Donald Trump is gonna do better than the left thinks......regardless of their propaganda

Donald Trump is wooing black voters and killing the Democratic party

I mean this video is hilarious

Wow!!! Maybe Trump will win 9 percent of the black vote in 2020 instead of the 8 percent he got in 2016!

This is so exciting!

No but 22%....would be huge
Reuters Poll: Black Male Support for Trump Doubles Amid Kanye Mania

79.659% would be huger!

Dude, I put up a Reuters poll....
I mean you mocked us Trump supporters in the election and probably believe Rachel Maddow saying the democrats could get south Carolina, Kanasas and all these other ridiculous ideas........The truth is the truth
The person in this article seems's interesting and Donald Trump is gonna do better than the left thinks......regardless of their propaganda

Donald Trump is wooing black voters and killing the Democratic party

I mean this video is hilarious

Wow!!! Maybe Trump will win 9 percent of the black vote in 2020 instead of the 8 percent he got in 2016!

This is so exciting!

And maybe he will win 20% Won't the Democrats be scared shitless then?

yes, they would be finished.
22 percent of black men might support Trump. That does not mean they won't vote for the Democrats.

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